A Free-Market Energy Blog

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: September 12, 2016

By -- September 12, 2016

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy and environmental policies. Our premise is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science (please consult WiseEnergy.org for more information)

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every three weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and the environment. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.

Some of the more important articles in this issue are:

How Intermittent Renewables Are Harming the Grid

A Technical Expert’s Superior Wind Energy Critique

World Health Organization Investigating Industrial Wind Energy

Superior: ABC letter re Turbines, Birds and Bats

Excellent collection of short videos about energy and climate change

Study: US Cost To Cut Emissions = $5± Trillion

In New Book Scholar Peels Back Layers of Deception in Climate Change

Climate Alarmism: Probably the Greatest Hoax in History

How the World was Deceived about Global Warming and Climate Change

Worthwhile Climate Change Debate

Ocean Acidification: This Scam Exposed

25 New Papers Confirm A Remarkably Stable Modern Climate

The Polarization of Climate Debate — the Solution They All Miss

The Psychopolitics of Climate Change and Population Control


Greed Energy Economics:

How Intermittent Renewables Are Harming the Grid

A Technical Expert’s Superior Wind Energy Critique

UK Wind Constraint Payments

Study: US Cost To Cut Emissions = $5± Trillion

The More the Wind Blows, the Higher the Cost to Consumers

Wind Turbines Suck Money and Electricity in South Australia

Ontario’s Present & Future: Lashed by Electricity Bills

The outrageous cost of replacing some coal facilities in Ontario

Save Ontario $500 Million by Cancelling Wind Contract

Renewable Consultant: How Liberals Have Bungled Green Energy

Audit finds “suspicious behavior” in dozens of energy projects getting credits

Solar Project Consultant Charged With Forgery


Turbine Health Matters:

World Health Organization Investigating Industrial Wind Energy


Renewable Energy Destroying Ecosystems:

Superior: ABC letter re Turbines, Birds and Bats

Study: Wind Turbines Cause Chronic Stress to Badgers

Bat-ageddon: Turbines Slaughter Millions of Bats – all to ‘Save’ the Planet

Archive: Wind Turbine Fires are 10X what the industry admits

German Wind Turbine Burns

Canadian Wind Turbine Collapses


Miscellaneous Energy News:

Despoiling the Environment to Save the Climate

Confused by Renewable Energy Studies? Use your Common Sense.

Wind Energy Seems Like a Nice Idea, Until You Get to the Details

Answers to Questions about Wind Energy

Could SMRs Be The Future? [Yes]

What if Energy Production Was Banned on Federal Lands and Waters?

Replacing Coal in Ontario — What Really Happened

Bob Murray Sounds Off About Clinton’s Energy Policies

Germany Scraps Coal Exit, etc.

$200 Million Scientific Fraud Case at Duke

Complaint Against Professors for Breach of Code of Ethics

Saving Science


Ethanol—Another Poster Child For Unscientific Energy Solutions:

The EPA and Ethanol: Something Smells

Now is the Right Time To Talk about Ethanol. Really

Ethanol is the Wrong Solution

University Study: Biofuels Worse for Climate Change than Gas


Manmade Global Warming Articles:

In New Book Scholar Peels Back Layers of Deception in Climate Change

Excellent collection of short videos about energy and climate change

Climate Alarmism: Probably the Greatest Hoax in History

How the world was deceived about global warming and climate change

Worthwhile Climate Change Debate

Ocean Acidification: This Scam Exposed

25 New Papers Confirm A Remarkably Stable Modern Climate

The polarization of climate debate — the solution they all miss

The Psychopolitics of Climate Change and Population Control

An Open Letter to an Alarmist Shill

Climate Change: Debating Myself

IPCC Special Report to Analyze Feasibility of 1.5C Climate Goal

Editorial: What’s Safe to Say About Climate Change?

NASA Climate Fraud At A Pace Unprecedented In 1,000 Years

How the Exxon Case Unraveled

To Fight Climate Change Attorney General Deputizes Thought Police

Evaluating the Integrity of Official Climate Records

Solar activity has a direct impact on Earth’s cloud cover

University Wants Answers re Indoctrination of Students

Study: Children as Change Agents for Sustainability

China and US Ratify Non-binding Agreement

New Papers Confirm Sea Levels Aren’t Rising Fast Enough

20th Century Sources of Methane in the Atmosphere

Greatest Hits of the Science Deniers


See Prior AWED Newsletters

One Comment for “Energy & Environmental Newsletter: September 12, 2016”

  1. PA Pundits - International  

    Recent Energy And Environmental News – September 12th 2016

    By John Droz, Jr ~ This is the latest Energy Related newsletter from John Droz. Greed Energy Economics: How Intermittent Renewables Are Harming the Grid A Technical Expert’s Superior Wind Energy Critique UK Wind Constraint Payments Study: US Cost To Cu…


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