The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy and environmental policies. Our premise is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science (please consult for more information).
A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. To this end, every three weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and the environment. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.
Some of the more insightful articles in this issue are:
New US federal rule would permit thousands of eagle deaths
Archive: Prove This Wrong — Wind Makes Zero Sense
150% Renewable Energy Required to be Fossil Free
CO2 Emissions from Gas Balancing Wind Energy
Video: German Pastoral Landscapes converted to Industrial Zones
Video: Fossil Fuels: The Greenest Energy
Video: What Do Scientists Say
After 10 Years, an Inconvenient Truth is Alarmingly Inaccurate
NASA: Doubling SLR by Data Tampering
US General’s Senate Testimony: Climate Change and War
Climate Crisis and Political Power
CEI Strikes Back At Unlawful Subpoena
Greed Energy Economics:
Norway to End Renewable Energy Scheme by 2021
German Wind Projects Paid $500M to Stand Idle
Archive: Prove This Wrong — Wind Makes Zero Sense
Archive: The Real Cost of Electricity
Research: State Renewable Energy Policies
Why Renewable Energy Can’t Exist Without the Government
Turbines Result in Negative 99% Return on Investment
Poster Child for Clean Energy Files for Bankruptcy
Net Metering and the Death of US Rooftop Solar
Support for Green Power Has Been Shrinking
Denmark’s Electricity Subsidies Increase by 1000%
Renewable Energy Destroying Ecosystems:
New US federal rule would permit thousands of eagle deaths
Wind Project results in Less Breeding Birds
Wind Developers Don’t Have to Make Their Bird & Bat Kills Public
Miscellaneous Energy News:
150% Renewable Energy Required to be Fossil Free
CO2 Emissions from Gas Balancing Wind Energy
Video: German Pastoral Landscapes converted to Industrial Zones
Video: Fossil Fuels: The Greenest Energy
Video: Turbines Jeopardize Ontario Airspace
David MacKay video: The Final Cut
Navy & Air Force Share Concerns Regarding Wind Energy
The Good, Bad and Ugly on Maine Energy
Education Pushback to Children Getting Energy Propaganda
Illegal Turbine Puts Speculator in Jail
Obama Targets Electric Grid for Power Grab
Small Turbines Can Outperform Conventional Wind Turbines
Local legislators excluded from wind energy technical meeting
NYS Town Likely to Pass a Restrictive Wind Law
Why Wind Turbines Have Three Blades
Decarbonising Power Generation — the Nuclear Option
US operator seeks swift SMR licensing to optimize low-carbon output
Wind turbine and tornado, after a lightning strike
Wind Industry is a Threat in your Backyard
NY Gov’s Loyalty to Greens Takes Precedence over State Welfare
See Wind Turbine Infrasound, inside a home
Manmade Global Warming Articles:
Video: What Do Scientists Say
After 10 Years, an Inconvenient Truth is Alarmingly Inaccurate
NASA: Doubling SLR by Data Tampering
US General’s Senate Testimony: Climate Change and War
Climate Crisis and Political Power
CEI Strikes Back At Unlawful Subpoena
Video: Sin, Deception and the Corruption of Science
Climate Change Lobby Wants to Kill Free Speech
CEI Wins Against RICO Ringleader in FOIA Lawsuit
Scientific silencers on the left are trying to shut down climate skepticism
Shining Light on ‘Settled’ Science: There Is No ‘Climate Crisis’
The Inconvenient Truth About the Environment
Seven Enviro Predictions in 1970 That Were Wrong
Are These Politicians Lying or Just Stupid?
Poor Americans Pay $44 Billion for Climate Policy
Study:Parched Earth Policy
Study: Rise in CO2 has Greened the Planet
A Few Facts about Astrophysicist Willie Soon
The Real Reason Behind the Climate Change Scare
Islamist Infiltration into Environmental Organization
Inside Climate Excels in Propaganda
Germany’s CO2 Emissions Rise in 2015
Climate Models are “Hardly Trustworthy”
Attachments Area
Preview YouTube video Windkraft zerstört unsere Natur
Windkraft zerstört unsere Natur
Preview YouTube video Fossil Fuels: The Greenest Energy
Fossil Fuels: The Greenest Energy
Preview YouTube video VIDEO – MPP Ji m Wilson press conference regarding wind turbines
VIDEO – MPP Ji m Wilson press conference regarding wind turbines
Recent Energy And Environmental News – May 9th 2016
By John Droz, Jr ~ This is the latest Energy Related newsletter from John Droz. Greed Energy Economics: Norway to End Renewable Energy Scheme by 2021 German Wind Projects Paid $500M to Stand Idle Archive: Prove This Wrong — Wind Makes Zero Sense Archiv…
Firstly my background. I too believe in real science. Not IPCC science. Very few IPCC papers are peer reviewed. IPCC is a political body with a political agenda. Carbon is helping to grow plants and produces zero effect on the planet’s warming. Climate change is natural and there is very little man can do to effect it. I’m a pragmatist.
I’ve read and perused some of these articles. Australia’s renewable energy is higher than the US. 13.47 per cent of Australia’s electricity came from renewable sources in 2014. Hydro (6.2 per cent of Australia’s total power generation) still produced the most clean energy of any source, while wind power (4.2 per cent) and solar power (2.1 per cent).
There is a lot of discussion about wind and solar vs fossil and hydrocarbon fuels. The consensus seems to be that fossil and hydrocarbon fuels are good. These fuels are all finite. In 100 years they will all be gone. There is no discussion in this forum on what we are gong to use to replace them. At this stage the only replacement fuels we have are criticized in this forum. Even nuclear (fission) is finite. There is a finite amount of uranium in the world. Obviously we are all hanging our hats out for nuclear fusion. Solar and wind are useful but they are no good for base load. What is our replacement fuel for base load?
It doesn’t make a lot of sense to pump up fossil and hydrocarbons when we won’t have them in 100 years. At the same time it doesn’t make much sense to criticize wind and solar without discussing what the alternatives will be for fossil and hydrocarbons. The discussion needs to be broader and more pragmatic.