A Free-Market Energy Blog


Posts from June 2014

Risky Argumentation: Henry Paulson (2014) Recycles Ken Lay (1997)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 30, 2014

“The business voices change, the decades change, but the arguments are familiar. Problem is, the global average temperature today is not appreciably higher than when Ken Lay penned his op-ed. The year 1998 would be the temperature peak, in fact, that marked the beginning of ‘the pause‘.”

Henry Paulson began his recent New York Times opinion-page editorial, “The Coming Climate Crash,” as follows:

“There is a time for weighing evidence and a time for acting. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned throughout my work in finance, government and conservation, it is to act before problems become too big to manage.”

Ken Lay ended his Houston Chronicle opinion-page editorial of December 5, 1997, “Let’s Have an Ounce of Global-Warming Prevention,” [1] similarly:

“It’s time to stop debating the issues surrounding climate change initiatives and focus instead on simple, realistic, cost-effective solutions.

$10,000 Bet on Climate Change: Asking the Wrong Question

By E. Calvin Beisner -- June 26, 2014

“[Christopher Keating] rigged the bet. Compare it with the old-West poker player who stacks the deck, marks the cards, seats his opponents so he can see their hands in mirrors, and hides a few aces up his sleeve.”

Physicist offers $10,000 to anyone who can disprove ‘man-made global climate change'”, the headline at Daily Kos (June 22, 2014) proclaimed. “Climate change deniers using same methods as tobacco industry, says physicist.”

Wow! It’s put-up or shut-up time for climate skeptics like us at the Cornwall Alliance, right? Ten grand ripe for the picking!

All we have to do is lay out our proof and collect the dough. And if we don’t? Well, obviously we’re admitting we don’t dare put our arguments to the test.

But there’s a whole lot less here than it appears.…

Energy and U.S. Middle East Policy: Shaky Foundations

By Greg Rehmke -- June 25, 2014

“Economists have long argued that these [national security] claims are based on economic misunderstandings, yet they are still cited as political justifications for military deployment of U.S. forces in the Middle East. These policies along with past military interventions are at the root of international terrorism directed at the United States.”

Military generals are charged with managing national security, which has included ensuring access to “needed” natural resources. U.S. military goals have been further stretched to securing access to resources “needed” for economic security.

The first U.S. overseas seizure concerned bird guano, a fertilizer like no other at the time. If Peru insisted on getting a lot of money for this valuable product, the only solution was invasion. The U.S. Congress, in response to public opinion, passed the Guano Islands Act of 1856, which authorized Americans to take any guano deposits they discovered.

Obama’s Energy Plan to Plug California Leakage (to Texas)

By Wayne Lusvardi and Charles Warren -- June 24, 2014

Heartland Institute: Reality Check for the Climate Debate (Las Vegas conference July 7–9)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 23, 2014

Ohio’s Win, AWEA’s Loss (Rep-Elect Vitale new national hero)

By Thomas Stacy II -- June 19, 2014

Ex-Im Bank Cronyism: Remember Enron’s Bad Investments

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 18, 2014

Fighting Executive Fiat on Climate

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#p_dreissen">Paul Driessen</a> -- June 17, 2014

AWED Energy & Environmental Newsletter: June 16, 2014

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#john-droz">John Droz, Jr.</a> -- June 16, 2014

Turbines on Trial: Animal Miscarriages in Denmark (inconvenient fact for wind cronyists?)

By Mark Duchamp -- June 13, 2014