GOP Energy Platform (“Make America the Dominant Energy Producer in the World, by Far”)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 16, 2024 No Comments

In the approximately 5,000-word platform of the Republican Party, some 400 (8 percent) explicitly deals with energy. All of the statements (below) are pro-consumer, pro-taxpayer, pro-economy, and pro-environment. Not a mention of the tired, half-century alarm of a ‘climate crisis’. No mention of forced energy transformation to dilute, intermittent, land-intensive wind and solar. No mention (just the opposite) of a new energy tax domestically or at the international border. Free and open markets are implied.

The energy mentions in the Republican Platform follow.


“Unleash American Energy Under President Trump, the U.S. became the Number One Producer of Oil and Natural Gas in the World — and we will soon be again by lifting restrictions on American Energy Production and terminating the Socialist Green New Deal.…

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Alaska Energy Future Needs Informed Voters (gas, hydro under political assault)

By -- May 8, 2024 1 Comment

“We do not have a gas shortage problem; we have a gas contract renewal ‘problem’ that the incumbents on the board refuse to address.”

“How can a board member do both: support green unreliable energy and meet their fiduciary responsibilities of lowest cost, highest reliability, best service, and safety?”

Chugach Electric Association members face politicized, expensive, and unreliable power options that are certainly not the fault of rich, local resources that have proven their worth for many decades. Only inaction in the face of nefarious “green” can make it happen. Will Chugach members wake up to what economists call the concentrated benefit/diffuse cost problem?

Radical green politicization of electric co-op boards has been a long time in the making, specifically for the 90,000 members of Anchorage-area Chugach Electric Association (CEA).…

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Alaska’s Bad Energy Bill of the Week – Carbon Storage (HB 50/SB 49)

By -- April 16, 2024 2 Comments

Ed. Note: Yesterday, ten amendments limiting HB 50 – Carbon Storage were defeated in the Alaska legislature, indicating a path to passage. See the comment section for more information.

“To summarize, Alaska’s Carbon Storage bill ranks among the worst of the worst. When was the last time you as an Alaskan were asked if you wanted to participate in a carbon reduction strategy at all, especially considering our limited footprint on the global scale?”

Governor Mike Dunleavy’s “Carbon Management and Monetization Bill Package” is double trouble for Alaska. HB 50/SB 49 – Carbon Storage, introduced by Dunleavy at the beginning of the 33rd session (2023–2024), is coupled with a carbon offset bill, HB 49/SB 48. “The package consists of two pieces of legislation focusing on a carbon offset program; and carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) program”

The carbon offset legislation (“tree bill”) passed last session despite unanimous public testimony in opposition. The…

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Alaska Bad Bill 2: Electric Utility Regulation (SB 257)

By -- April 4, 2024 No Comments

“Our utilities are working in collusion with NGOs and ENGOs that promote decarbonization over affordability and reliability. Compromised utility board members will waste no time using this change in statute to gaslight everyone around them into believing this is what is best for them.”

The short title of Alaska’s SB 257 – Electric Utility Regulation refers to a monstrous process of government-on-government:

“An Act relating to the Regulatory Commission of Alaska; relating to public utilities; relating to electric reliability organizations; relating to the Alaska Energy Authority; relating to the Railbelt Transmission Organization; and providing for an effective date.”

This bill was introduced by the Alaska Senate Resources Committee on March 1, 2024. Per the sponsor statement, “Senate Bill 257 lays the groundwork for an electric system that is more affordable, more sustainable, more equitable, a grid that can power a prosperous future for generations of Alaskans to come.”…

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Alaska Bad Bill 1: Clean Energy Standards (HB 368)

By -- April 3, 2024 1 Comment Continue Reading

Alaska’s “Green” Plan B: Political Energy is Back

By -- March 5, 2024 2 Comments Continue Reading

Alaska ‘Green New Deal’ Lurks (RPS danger)

By -- January 31, 2024 No Comments Continue Reading

Alaska Alert! “Green” Rate Case Trouble (Chugach Electric vs. ratepayers, taxpayers)

By -- January 10, 2024 3 Comments Continue Reading

More SMR Woes: Oklo/Air-Force Cancellation

By Kennedy Maize -- December 12, 2023 No Comments Continue Reading

Arctic Grift: Alaska Energy Policy Goes Biden

By -- October 30, 2023 No Comments Continue Reading