GOP Energy Platform (“Make America the Dominant Energy Producer in the World, by Far”)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 16, 2024 No Comments

In the approximately 5,000-word platform of the Republican Party, some 400 (8 percent) explicitly deals with energy. All of the statements (below) are pro-consumer, pro-taxpayer, pro-economy, and pro-environment. Not a mention of the tired, half-century alarm of a ‘climate crisis’. No mention of forced energy transformation to dilute, intermittent, land-intensive wind and solar. No mention (just the opposite) of a new energy tax domestically or at the international border. Free and open markets are implied.

The energy mentions in the Republican Platform follow.


“Unleash American Energy Under President Trump, the U.S. became the Number One Producer of Oil and Natural Gas in the World — and we will soon be again by lifting restrictions on American Energy Production and terminating the Socialist Green New Deal.…

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New US-EU Methane Rules Won’t Affect Temperatures

By Steve Goreham -- July 9, 2024 2 Comments

“Because of greenhouse gas saturation in the atmosphere, methane regulations across the world will have no measurable effect on global temperatures.” 

In March, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published new methane emissions regulations for the oil and gas industry. The European Union enacted new rules to reduce methane emissions from the energy sector in May. Agriculture is also being targeted regarding methane.

But methane regulations, even if established worldwide, won’t have a measurable effect on global temperatures. However, they will raise costs for energy and food, impacting consumers and businesses.

On March 8, EPA finalized its rule on methane emissions for the oil and gas sector. The rule is intended to “reduce wasteful methane emissions that endanger communities and fuel the climate crisis.” The new policy will require companies to pay a penalty of $900 for every ton of methane emitted above limits set by the EPA, starting this year.…

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‘Renewable Energy Still Dominates Energy Subsidies in FY 2022’

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 27, 2024 No Comments

“Federal subsidies to support renewable energy formed nearly half of all federal energy-related support between fiscal years 2016 and 2022. Traditional fuels (coal, natural gas, oil and nuclear) received just 15 percent of all subsidies between FY 2016 and FY 2022, while renewables, conservation and end use received a whopping 85 percent.” (Mary Hutzler, below)

A fallacious argument in the energy/climate debate is that wind and solar are cheaper than fossil fuels in electric generation. It must be wrong because government subsidies are front-and-center for on-grid dilute, intermittent energies. And it is wrong if the federal accounting is examined (below).

Actually, the relatively small subsidies for oil, natural gas, and coal turn negative, dramatically, when the Biden Administration anti-fossil-fuel agenda is added, 225 actions worth.

Mary Hutzler of IER (and former acting head of the DOE’s Energy Information Agency) prepared this analysis less than a year ago for the Institute for Energy Research.…

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‘Skeptical Science’ Gets Comeuppance on Social Media

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 12, 2024 7 Comments

“Let’s see if Skeptical Science makes another appearance on LinkedIn. It is up to 458 follows. And see if this organization will simply prepare an entry on what ‘skeptic’ arguments are the best. With that middle ground, maybe we can have a real debate.”

On LinkedIn, the alarmist Skeptical Science posted:

Somewhat surprisingly for what is regarded as a network of professionals, climate science misinformation is getting shared on LinkedIn as well. Here is a list of some signs to be on the lookout for when reading posts or comments related to human-caused climate change or global warming:

Read the list here, but their pitch is little more than ‘trust us’ and visit the DeSmog database of “deniers” for the bad actors. (Note: DeSmog’s smear-list encyclopedia has backfired!…

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Industrial Wind Power: A Depleting Resource?

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 6, 2024 2 Comments Continue Reading

Permanent Tax Subsidy? Solar’s 15 extensions

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 4, 2024 No Comments Continue Reading

Permanent Subsidy? Industrial Wind’s PTC (14 Extensions)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 2, 2024 2 Comments Continue Reading

PhD “Data/Climate Scientist” Can’t Provide Data on Extreme Weather Events

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 1, 2024 No Comments Continue Reading

AI & Data Center Load Growth: On-Site Generation, Not Government Planning

By Mark Krebs and Tom Tanton -- April 17, 2024 3 Comments Continue Reading

Alaska’s Bad Energy Bill of the Week – Carbon Storage (HB 50/SB 49)

By -- April 16, 2024 2 Comments Continue Reading