A Free-Market Energy Blog

Energy & Environmental Review: May 28, 2024

By -- May 28, 2024

Ed. Note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a free fortnightly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete Newsletter for this post can be found here.

Greed Energy Economics:
*** Why ‘Cheap’ Wind & Solar Power Claims Never Stack Up
*** Wind Subsidies are Rising, but wind power production isn’t rising with them

Unreliables (General):
*** Two New Studies Shed Light On Biden’s Green Energy Money Pit
*** The Green Energy Wall Can’t Arrive Quickly Enough

Wind Energy — Offshore:
*** Study: How Offshore Wind Drives Up Global Carbon Emissions
Offshore wind cumulative impact issue analysis
Short video: Save the Whales, Stop Turbines
Save the Whales: Kill Offshore Wind

Wind Energy — Other:
*** Taking the Wind Out of Climate Change (referencing 60± studies)

Solar Energy:
*** UK Government warns against solar projects on farmland

Nuclear Energy:
*** New York policymakers thaw on nuclear energy
*** Nuclear power takes off: meeting the growth in global electricity demand (Part 1)
*** Nuclear power takes off: the ongoing evolution of reactors (Part 2)
Nuclear power takes off: Back to Euratom? (Part 3)
Zero-emissions nuclear energy as part of a balanced mix of technologies

Fossil Fuel Energy:
*** Energy Sobriety In The Canadian Rockies: Natural Gas Is Here To Stay
*** Another Day, Another Mindless Attack on Fossil Energy Producers
Earth’s reserves of fossil fuel resources may start to dry up in the next 50 to 100 years
Winter Without Your Gasoline Car?
Down with Coal?

Electric Vehicles (EVs):
Biden’s plan to mandate electric vehicles in combat will greatly weaken and undermine the US military
Pedestrians may be twice as likely to be hit by electric/hybrid cars as gas vehicles

Miscellaneous Energy News:
*** “All of the Above” — a VERY Bad Idea
*** What the media won’t tell you about the energy transition
*** Epstein: How EPA’s power plant rule will destroy our grid
*** Generating electricity from CO
*** Why Primary Energy is Still King!
The “All-the-Above” Energy Policy Reverses Human and Environmental Progress
A trillion here, a trillion there and soon you’re talking about real money
The Cashless Catastrophe
Questions the debate moderators need to ask Presidential Candidates about America’s energy plans

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions:
*** Science Doesn’t Support Climate Activists’ Extreme Weather Claims
*** ‘Consumer Reports’ Jettisons Objectivity on Climate Change
*** Debunking the climate change hoax
The Glory of God vs the Folly of Man in Climate
Carbon Capture and Sequestration
Carbon Capture Doesn’t Work, So Why Are They Doing It?
Biden says US spending billions to make military vehicles ‘climate friendly’
Drowning in Sewage but Dumping Money into a Climate Rathole
Professor Slams Climate ‘Scientists’ Peddling Catastrophism
German Minister admits ruinous home heating ordinances were merely a “test” to determine “how far society is prepared to go in terms of climate protection”

Manmade Global Warming — Miscellaneous:
*** Climate Panic May Finally Be Post-Peak
*** The Netherland’s U-Turn to Climate Sanity
*** How China Exploits America’s Climate Agenda
Vermont Passes Law Requiring Fossil Fuel Companies to Pay for Climate Doo
7 Reasons Why Christians Have No Reason to Worry About the Climate
How El Nino La Nina And The Sun Drive Climate Change!

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