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Carter on Smaller Government: Words for Trump

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 11, 2025

In his February 1977 address, President Carter stated:

I also said many times during the Campaign that we must reform and reorganize the Federal Government.

I have often used the phrase “competent and compassionate” to describe what our Government should be. When the Government must perform a function, it should do it efficiently. Wherever free competition would do a better job of serving the public, the Government should stay out. Ordinary people should be able to understand how our Government works and to get satisfactory answers to questions.

Our confused and wasteful system that took so long to grow will take a long time to change. The place to start is at the top—in the White House.

I am reducing the size of the White House staff by nearly one third, and have asked the members of the Cabinet to do the same at the top staff level. Soon I will put a ceiling on the number of people employed by Federal Government agencies, so we can bring the growth of Government under control.

We are now reviewing the Government’s 1,250 advisory committees and commissions to see how many could be abolished without harm to the public.

We have eliminated expensive and unnecessary luxuries, such as door‐to-door limousine service for many top officials, including all members of the White House staff. Government officials can’t be sensitive to your problems if we are living like royalty here in Washington. While I am deeply grateful for the many good wishes that lie behind them, I would like to ask that people not send gifts to me or my family, or anyone else who serves in my Administration.

We will cut down on Government regulations and make sure. that those that are written are in, plain English for a change. Whenever a regulation is issued, it will carry its author’s name, and I will also request the Cabinet members to read all regulations personally before they are released.

This week, I will ask the Congress for enabling legislation to let me reorganize the Government. The passage of this legislation, which will give me the same authority extended to every President from Franklin Roosevelt through Richard Nixon and used by many governors across the country, is absolutely crucial to a successful reorganization effort. So far, news from the Congress, because of their support, is very encouraging.

The Office of Management and Budget is now working on this plan, which will include zero‐based budgeting, removal of unnecessary Government regulations, sunset laws to cancel programs that have outlived their purpose and elimination of overlap and duplication among Government services.

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