A Free-Market Energy Blog

Energy & Environmental Review: March 3, 2025

By -- March 3, 2025

This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a free fortnightly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete Newsletter for this post can be found here.

Greed Energy Economics:
*** The full cost of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) subsidies

Unreliables Energy Health and Ecosystem Consequences:
Another Study Shows Low-Frequency Vibrations From Wind Turbines Can Harm Human Health
Archive: Is Enough Attention Paid to the Health Effects of Low-Frequency Noise in Today’s Society?
Effects of Sound Frequencies Below the Threshold of Hearing on Brain Health and Cognition
Inaudible Infrasound Disturbs Human Health

Unreliables (General):
*** A simple way to save the grid from more wind and solar
*** Cautionary Tales
Coalition to Congress: End “Inflation Reduction Act” “Green New Deal subsidies” now

Wind Energy — Offshore:
*** Coalition to Burgum: “Stop offshore wind!”
*** Trump Doesn’t Have to Inherit the Wind
*** Sec Burgum: Reviewing legitimacy of Offshore Wind Project approvals
NH House Approves New Energy Policy Without Offshore Wind
Cost of offshore wind – reality versus predictions

Wind Energy — Other:
*** Report: Where the wind blows…
Upstate NY Residents outraged at battery storage proposal
Australian Government statement re wind turbine decommissioning

Nuclear Energy:
*** Duke Energy collaborations to power pursuit of advanced nuclear technologies
China discovers ‘limitless’ energy source that could ‘power the country for 60,000 years’

Fossil Fuel Energy:
Gov Hochul does about-face on natural gas as NYC utility signals major rate hikes

Miscellaneous Energy News:
*** ‘Miracle’ of Green Hydrogen Becomes Fading Mirage
*** Enhanced geothermal systems for clean firm energy generation

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions:
*** Short video: Climate and Censorship
Net Zero: All Goal and No Plan
Bigger benefits of carbon dioxide
The Greatest Scientific Fraud Of All Time — Part XXXIII

Manmade Global Warming — The Endangerment Finding:
*** Trump set a deadline on the endangerment finding. Here’s what might happen.
*** The Process Of Rescinding The Endangerment Finding Has Begun
CO2 Endangerment Finding on the Chopping Block—At Last!

Manmade Global Warming — The Science:
*** Study: No, warming will not cause losses in future agricultural yields
Cloud cover decline may be driving Earth’s record temperatures
Ned Nikolov: The Ill-defined “Greenhouse Effect”
Scientists match Earth’s ice age cycles with orbital shifts

Manmade Global Warming — Miscellaneous
*** The Paris Agreement is a House of Cards Ready for the Toppling
Paris Climate Treaty Is Going Down
The net-zero transition: What it would cost, what it could bring
Trump Is Demolishing USAID, the Deep State’s Vehicle for Funding Climate Nonsense and Rewarding NGOs

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