A Free-Market Energy Blog

1Q-2010 MasterResource Activity Report: Continued Progress

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 10, 2010

MasterResource’s growth and influence continues. First quarter visits of 115,000 were the highest in our five quarters of existence, and our total visits will exceed a half-million this quarter.

MasterResource is a top 25 “green blog” according to Technorati. We are currently #21 out of 2,172 qualifying blogs as of 4/10/2010, and we have reached as high as #14.

Our one-per-day posts are now regularly picked up by other blogs such as Tom Nelson and Junk Science, but also from time-to-time by the megablogs WattsUpWithThat? and Climate Depot.

MasterResource, the free market energy blog, is now a very top energy blog. Our scholarly and well categorized posts will remain relevant for many years to come. Each of us writes for the day but also for the record.

New Principal: Kent Hawkins

MasterResource is ‘owned’ by its principals, not any individual or organization. All contributions are in-kind, and no one has been paid for their efforts. (We are trying to raise some funds so that we can have the first annual MR retreat where some of the principals can meet face-to-face for the first time.)

Our principals have diverse backgrounds.  Some are salaried by an organization. Others take time from their consulting practice by writing for MasterResource. And others are retired and working on a labor of love.

Effective April 1, Kent Hawkins became the tenth principal of MasterResource. Mr. Hawkins has regularly posted since February on technical issues relating to windpower.

In addition to his posts, Hawkins will oversee MasterResource’s burgeoning analysis of wind power in its economic and environmental dimensions.

Mr. Hawkins most recent article, “Integrating Renewables: Have Policymakers Faced the Realities,” was published by the United States Association for Energy Economics.

Guest Bloggers: Our Worldview

Approximately 30 guest bloggers from across the political spectrum have posted at MasterResource. (We invite inquiries from potential bloggers: email Rob Bradley at rbradley@iertx.org.)

MasterResource blogs share a common grounding: energy realism over alarmism, and a preference for energy markets over energy statism.

Our worldview can be summarized as follows:

  1. Energy, the master resource, is indispensable for modern society. Abundance, affordability, and reliability are necessary for the developed world to advance and paramount for the developing world to develop and prosper.
  2. The master resource depends on the ultimate resource of human ingenuity, which thrives under conditions of economic and political freedom.
  3. Energy freedom is based upon the foundations of private property and the rule of law where buyers, sellers, entrepreneurs, and owners are free to enter into mutually advantageous exchanges and agreements. Government is passive, keeping the peace and working to set rules where reasonably determined harms are avoided.

More specifically, MasterResource posts have explained:

  1. The futility of regulating carbon dioxide and other man-made greenhouse gases. Not only is the science behind claims of catastrophic warming unproven and worse, carbon dioxide (CO2) as the green greenhouse gas has demonstrated benefits for the environment and economy.
  2. Why ethanol is not an effective substitute for or supplement to petroleum in the transportation sector.
  3. Why wind power and solar power are not effective substitutes for or even supplements to oil, gas, and coal in electric generation.
  4. Why in business/economic terms, carbon-based energy is an expanding resource, not a fixed/depleting one.
  5. Why free-market energy is sustainable and can be expected to become less scarce and more affordable for an open-ended future.
  6. Why the major threat to energy sustainability is not depletion, pollution, or climate change. It is government control and rationing of consumer-friendly energy sources.

In short, neo-Malthusianism is wrong and Julian Simon right in the main essentials. But the challenge remains to educate many academics, policymakers, and ‘Left” intellectuals that public policy activism must take into account not only ‘market failure’ but also analytical failure (false claims of market failure) and government failure (political waste in the proffered solution).

Thank You!

Lastly, all of us at MasterResource thank you the reader who have made us a top energy and energy-environmental blog. 

Keep the comments coming, and may the best ideas win in the contentious energy debates of 2010.

Previous MasterResource Reports

Opening post

1st Quarter Report

2nd Quarter Report

3rd Quarter Report

4th Quarter Report


  1. Dan McKay  

    I surfed my way here through the ” wind action ” website. Great Blog! Keep up the good work.


  2. John  

    Some posts have had quite a bit of detail on wind energy or other such subjects. May I suggest a primer on the industrial organization of the electric industry. For instance, tracing through how the average power plant will get power to the producers or detailing how vertically or horizontally integrated most wholesale generators or distributors are would be quite interesting.


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