A Free-Market Energy Blog


Posts from December 0

EV Subsidies vs. Results: Reality Check in Norway

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#a_brooks">Allen Brooks</a> -- July 27, 2017

“The China study highlights that the government’s push to promote EVs may actually create a greater hurdle for it achieving its goal of restricting CO2 growth.”

Yesterday’s post noted That Tesla’s federal tax subsidies, which apply to the first 200,000 vehicles produced, could be reached and exceeded next year. In such an event, what happens to Tesla’s Model 3 backlog when price-sensitive EV buyers, who have ordered the car, realize it may be delivered without the tax subsidy?

The answer might be seen in the EU, where EV tax subsidies have been cut, leading to a sharp fall in sales. This recently occurred in Hong Kong, as I described last week. But other countries have put EV subsidies, and thus EV sales, on the bubble.

Norway’s EV Effort–But Oil Rises

Critics of EV studies such as that of Bloomberg New Energy Finance (NEF) point to the recent history of oil consumption in Norway, one of the leading EV success stories.…

Tesla Stumbles: Bad EV Economics or Something Else?

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#a_brooks">Allen Brooks</a> -- July 26, 2017

“Given Tesla’s multiple business lines – leading edge EVs, auto financing, solar roof tiles, battery storage projects, and tunnel boring – more investors lump the company in with technology companies, meaning investors focus on the ‘dream’ rather than the results.”

“In 2016, the global motor vehicle population of cars and trucks was estimated at 1.4 billion, but just 2 million of them are EVs, or a 0.0014% market share.”

After spending three months as the world’s most valuable auto manufacturer, Tesla Inc.’s (TSLA-Nasdaq) share price has fallen due to perceived problems with its business model. Tesla reported its second quarter shipments at the end of June, results that were not as robust as many investors had hoped (being at the low end of management’s guidance).

As the quarter ended, Tesla CEO Elon Musk tweeted details about the timing of production and delivery for the new Model 3 units, the company’s electric vehicle (EV) targeting the mass market.…

Are Electric Vehicles ‘CO2 Friendly’? (Swedish study raises questions)

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#a_brooks">Allen Brooks</a> -- July 11, 2017

“Based on calculations using the Swedish study’s various battery CO2 emissions estimates, as well as the methodology described by the EPA, I estimate that the carbon emissions sinkhole would equal between three and 5.4 years of driving an ICE car.”

Sweden just released a study that explores the carbon emissions associated with the Life Cycle of electric vehicle (EV) batteries, with a focus on the emissions associated with their manufacture. Its key conclusion: Manufacture of lithium-ion batteries (preferred battery chemistry) emits a significant volume of greenhouse gases, and that volume is directly related to the size of the battery.

A longer term aspect of battery CO2 emissions is how the manufacturing plants are powered – more environmentally friendly power sources would reduce somewhat the emissions from the manufacturing process.…

EV “Range Anxiety”: Real World Issues

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#a_brooks">Allen Brooks</a> -- July 10, 2017

China’s EV Problem: Battery Depletion

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#a_brooks">Allen Brooks</a> -- June 28, 2017

Norway Wrestles with Costly EV Subsidies (world leader at a crossroads)

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#a_brooks">Allen Brooks</a> -- June 27, 2017

‘No Left Turns’ (self-interested conservation at UPS)

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#a_brooks">Allen Brooks</a> -- March 8, 2017

US Offshore Wind: Tax Machines Offset Bad Economics

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#a_brooks">Allen Brooks</a> -- February 28, 2017

What If the World Enters a New Global Cooling Period? (while EPA fights against wood stoves in Alaska)

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#a_brooks">Allen Brooks</a> -- February 22, 2017

LED Highway Lighting: Quality Issues (new AMA warning)

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#a_brooks">Allen Brooks</a> -- December 20, 2016