“While there are many positives for LEDs, the AMA looked at the light output quality and the potential health impact. The AMA committee that examined the issue and issued the health warning explained in great detail how LED lights operate and how they may impact humans and nocturnal wildlife by increasing glare and disrupting the circadian rhythm of humans.”
US cities that have installed or are considering installing new light emitting diode (LED) highway lights are now dealing with a recent warning from the American Medical Association (AMA) about the health issues from this lighting for drivers and residents. Currently, cities have converted about 10% of their highway lights to LED lights, primarily switching from high pressure sodium (HPS) lights. They were considering accelerating the pace of conversion–until the health warning.…
“The Canadian federal government’s decision about Trans Mountain on December 19th will be an important milestone for the nation’s energy business. There are still numerous other policy decisions that must be addressed before Canada develops a full-scale oil and gas export expansion regime, but the first steps appear to have been taken last week.”
“Despite being the ‘environmental’ prime minister, Mr. Trudeau is recognizing that without more oil and gas export opportunities, his nation’s economy, which depends on a healthy energy economy, will suffer with many social and financial repercussions.”
Canada ranks third in the world in total oil resources due to its oil sands. The country, with 95% of its resources located in its oil sands deposits in Western Canada, trails Venezuela, with its huge heavy oil deposits, and Saudi Arabia, with only conventional oil resources, in the world’s oil resource rankings.…
“The environmental battles over energy infrastructure expansions will continue to ramp up…. The bottom line from these examples is that the risk of energy projects is creeping higher and that will filter into energy company spending – hurting both the nation’s future energy supply and its profitability for the companies.”
Energy availability is often ignored until it isn’t available. Whether that is a grid power outage, such as those in 1965 and 2003 that blacked out the Northeast region of the country, or the loss of power at your home or work, the issue of insuring adequate energy availability isn’t a high priority for most people until you don’t have it. Ask the residents of south Australia who suffered a blackout last week.
Two interesting examples – one on each coast of the U.S.…