A Free-Market Energy Blog


Posts from December 0

Ocean Catastrophe Narratives: Something Fishy Going On

By Greg Rehmke -- January 30, 2015

“[A]n analysis of some of the calamities reported in doom and gloom media accounts shows some—at times, severe—disconnect with actual observations. For instance, there is no evidence that ocean acidification has killed jellyfish predators, nor that jellyfish are taking over the ocean, and predictions that the killer algae, Caulerpa taxifolia, was going to devastate the Mediterranean ecosystem have not been realized, despite claims to the contrary from the media.”

Carlos Duarte et al., “Reconsidering Ocean Calamities,” BioScienceDecember 31, 2014.

Ocean Life Faces Mass Extinction, Broad Study Says” stated a recent headline in the New York Times. Is it true? Has a “groundbreaking” analysis “from hundreds of sources” of the world’s oceans unearthed signs of human-caused global catastrophe, as claimed? Or is this just another alarmist narrative that’s all wet?…

Energy and U.S. Middle East Policy: Shaky Foundations

By Greg Rehmke -- June 25, 2014

“Economists have long argued that these [national security] claims are based on economic misunderstandings, yet they are still cited as political justifications for military deployment of U.S. forces in the Middle East. These policies along with past military interventions are at the root of international terrorism directed at the United States.”

Military generals are charged with managing national security, which has included ensuring access to “needed” natural resources. U.S. military goals have been further stretched to securing access to resources “needed” for economic security.

The first U.S. overseas seizure concerned bird guano, a fertilizer like no other at the time. If Peru insisted on getting a lot of money for this valuable product, the only solution was invasion. The U.S. Congress, in response to public opinion, passed the Guano Islands Act of 1856, which authorized Americans to take any guano deposits they discovered.

TexasWorld: Freedom, Room for All (a mental experiment)

By Greg Rehmke -- March 21, 2014

To illustrate that the world is not in any meaningful way overpopulated, Julian Simon noted that if everyone in the world moved to Texas, each person would still have about 1,800 square feet of living space. Enough room for a family of four to live in an average size house with a front and back yard.

Since Simon made these calculations in The Ultimate Resource 2, the world’s population has grown. Recalculating for a world of 6 billion is 1,500 square feet per person, which still leaves 6,000 square feet for a family of four (a still comfortable 60- by-100-foot lot, with plenty of space for multiple story living).

But what about the roads, parks, lakes, shopping malls, my students ask? If I say everyone in the world could live in Texas, they want to know about the amenities.

Offshore Alaska Drilling: Private Effort versus Regulatory Constraints

By Greg Rehmke -- July 17, 2013

Ecological Oil Drilling: Addressing Oil Seepage in California

By Greg Rehmke -- June 13, 2013

Eagle Ford Oil: 'Resources are Not, Resources Become' (and new jobs galore without government subsidy, President Obama)

By Greg Rehmke -- June 16, 2011

Cars, Washing Machines, or Both? (energy is the master resource ….)

By Greg Rehmke -- March 24, 2011