A Free-Market Energy Blog


Posts from December 0

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: May 22, 2017

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#john-droz">John Droz, Jr.</a> -- May 22, 2017

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy and environmental policies. Our premise is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science (please consult WiseEnergy.org for more information).

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every three weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and the environment. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.

Some of the more important articles in this issue are:

Wind turbines are not clean or green, and they provide zero global energy

Pitting Wind and Solar Against Nuclear Power

What Happens to an Economy When Forced to Use Renewable Energy?

Call to Action: Let’s Fix EPA (comments due soon)

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#john-droz">John Droz, Jr.</a> -- May 12, 2017

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is under new management. A recent executive order from President Trump instructed all federal agencies (EPA included) to “alleviate unnecessary regulatory burdens” on the American people.

What ideas do you have for EPA that are consistent with the six areas of opportunity (see below)? Comments must be received on or before May 15, 2017. Submit your comments, identified by Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OA-2017-0190 here.

Click on the top “Comment Now” button to make suggestions regarding regulations that need to be changed. (Note that once submitted, comments cannot be edited or removed.)

The EPA may publish any received comment. The EPA will generally not consider comments outside this venue. You do not have to be a US citizen to make comments.


On February 24, 2017, President Trump signed Executive Order 13777, “Enforcing the Regulatory Reform Agenda,” which established a federal policy “to alleviate unnecessary regulatory burdens” on the American people.…

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: May 1, 2017

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#john-droz">John Droz, Jr.</a> -- May 1, 2017

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy and environmental policies. Our premise is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science (please consult WiseEnergy.org for more information).

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every three weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and the environment. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.

Some of the more important articles in this issue are:

US Tax Subsidies For Renewables Now Far Outpaces Fossil Fuels

Wind Industry Titan Soaks Up Billions in Tax Subsidies

Oklahoma ends wind power subsidy

Solar Power: An Environmental Disaster

The Real Threat is ‘Big Environment’

53 year old coal plant generates more electricity that all wind facilities combined

DOE study on electric grid to be done by “renewable skeptic”

We must protect Texas’ military installations from encroaching wind turbines

Failed Economics Of Renewable Energy: The Facts

End of Global Warming Debate — It’s As Easy As 1-2-3

Every green initiative imposed on us by politicians has ended in disaster

Exiting the Paris Climate Agreement

Peer-Reviewed: Paris climate promises will reduce temps in 2100 by 0.05°C

Please: Sign Petition Against Paris Agreement

Real science must guide policy

Major U.S.

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: April 10, 2017

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#john-droz">John Droz, Jr.</a> -- April 10, 2017

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: March 20, 2017

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#john-droz">John Droz, Jr.</a> -- March 20, 2017

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: February 27, 2017

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#john-droz">John Droz, Jr.</a> -- February 27, 2017

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: February 6, 2017

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#john-droz">John Droz, Jr.</a> -- February 6, 2017

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: January 16, 2017

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#john-droz">John Droz, Jr.</a> -- January 16, 2017

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: January 2, 2017

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#john-droz">John Droz, Jr.</a> -- January 2, 2017

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: December 12, 2016

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#john-droz">John Droz, Jr.</a> -- December 12, 2016