Ed. note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a free fortnightly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete Newsletter for this post can be found here.
Greed Energy Economics:
*** The Death of a Wind Project
*** The limitless hidden costs of the “Inflation Reduction Act”
Renewables (General):
*** Seize property to build wind and solar projects, says JP Morgan chief
*** Renewables and Fossil Fuels Are Not Comparable for Their Support of Humanity
*** The great renewables rip-off continues
*** This Is Why ‘Green Solutions’ Are a Gigantic Scam
Communities with renewable energy projects could lose out under NY Gov’s budget
Renewable Energy Crisis Coming and It’s Home Grown!
Wind Energy — Offshore:
*** Dem senators from 4 states ask NOAA to address whale deaths
*** Will Offshore Wind Lower Energy Bills?…
Ed. note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a free fortnightly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete Newsletter for this post can be found here.
Greed Energy Economics:
*** Subsidized Green Jobs Killing 6x as many Real Jobs
Renewables cost to explode as Brussels plans to curb imports of Chinese green tech
Sticker shock awaits New Yorkers’ utility bills to fund renewables
Renewables (General):
*** Communities must have a say in local energy projects
*** California is Binging on Renewables — but Emissions Aren’t Falling
*** Renewables are not Sustainable
*** New Book: The Unpopular Truth about Electricity and the Future of Energy
NY’s Build Public Renewables Act Could Cut the Power
Greens refuse to discuss recycling renewables and restoring mining locations to pristine condition
Wind Energy — Offshore:
*** Critically Thinking about Offshore Wind
*** As Whales Wash Up Dead, Feds Push Forward With “Green” Energy
*** Exploding the Cheap Offshore Wind Fantasy
*** ‘Take’ authorizations prove NOAA is lying about whale deaths
*** Video of NJ Hearing 3-16-23: An Examination Into Offshore Wind Industrialization
The Latest Casualties of the Climate Change Industry in Denial
As turbines rise, small-scale fishermen have the most to lose
NOAA and Green Activists Condone Whale Sacrifice By Offshore Wind Industry
8 Dolphins Died in One Day Off NJ Coast, Potentially Linked to Offshore Wind
Another Dead Whale Washes Up – This Time In Ocean City, N.J.…
Ed. note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a free fortnightly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete Newsletter for this post can be found here.
Renewables (General):
*** Illinois Put a Stop to Local Governments’ Ability to Kill Solar and Wind Projects. Will Other Midwestern States Follow? (This is a shameful violation of Home Rule)
*** Renewables: the more you have, the more you pay for backups
*** American Towns Don’t Want To Be Big Cities’ ‘Green Energy’ Graveyards
Wind Energy — Offshore:
*** NOAA and BOEM; Ignorance is Bliss
*** Anti Offshore Wind Project Petition Takes Off, Nearing 300K Signatures
Biden admin scientist raised alarm on offshore wind harming whales months ago
Whale death confusion abounds and some is deliberate
Greenpeace Betrays Founders to Peddle Junk Science
Wind Energy — Other:
NY’s CLCPA Hits First Cost Overrun, with More to Follow
Solar Energy:
How solar development incentives will cost Maine’s poorest the most
Big solar in NYS
Nuclear Energy:
Reactor building internal structures completed at Chinese SMR
Georgia Nuclear facility reaches first criticality
Fossil Fuel Energy:
*** Unstoppable
Biden, White House cited inaccurate ‘9,000 unused permits’ figure numerous times
Biden expected to approve Alaska oil drilling project in blow to climate activists
Delaware Voters Overwhelmingly Opposes Gas-powered Car Ban
Germany to Build 30 New Gas Plants
Electric Vehicles (EVs):
The Troubling Future of the Green Electric Revolution
Clean Car Rule for New York A Messy Case of California Envy
Miscellaneous Energy News:
*** The New Normal?…