A Free-Market Energy Blog


Posts from December 0

Ken Green on the New ‘Denialists’ (circling the wagons on Climategate)

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#r_donway">Roger Donway</a> -- January 2, 2010

 [Editor Note: This piece originally appeared in the Calgary Herald on December 28th. It should be noted that a new website is devoted to Climategate.]

Responses to “Climategate”–the leaked e-mails from Britain’s University of East Anglia and its Climatic Research Unit — remind me of the line “Are your feet wet? Can you see the pyramids? That’s because you’re in denial.”

Climate catastrophists like Al Gore and the UN’s Rajendra Pachauri are downplaying Climategate: it’s only a few intemperate scientists; there’s no real evidence of wrongdoing; now let’s persecute the whistleblower. In Calgary, the latest fellow trying to use the Monty Python “nothing to see here, move along” routine is David Mayne Reid, who penned a column last week denying the importance of Climategate.

Unfortunately for Professor Reid, old saws won’t work in the Internet age: Climategate has blazed across the Internet, blogosphere, and social networking sites.…

MasterResource’s 1st Anniversary: 300,000 Views; A Top ‘Green Blog’

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#r_donway">Roger Donway</a> -- December 28, 2009

Master Resource turned one year old on December 26th. We have gone from a few hundred daily views to more than a thousand per day on average, and the quality and variety of our energy-related fare continues to improve.

Of the 4,100 ‘green blogs’ listed by Technorati, MasterResource consistently ranks in the top 50 and has broken into the top twenty. MasterResource is the top free-market energy blog with an All-Star list of nine principals and distinguished guest bloggers, including Robert Bryce, Indur Goklany, Mary Hutzler, Jim Manzi, Randall O’Toole, and Vaclav Smil.

Suffice it to say that we have exceeded expectations, and 2010 should see continued high quality and expanded reach and influence. We hope to increase our international presence and invite new voices into the energy and energy-related climate debates.…

Energy Reality: The Stock Beats the Flow from the Sun (why technology struggles to save ‘renewables’)

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#r_donway">Roger Donway</a> -- November 7, 2009

This article, “Energy to Spare” by David Warren, published in the Ottawa Citizen on November 4, 2009, says much in few words. Energy reality is that the sun’s work over the ages has produced energy sources (oil, gas, and coal) that far exceed the dilute energy from the sun. The stock beats the flow–by a country mile.

This article is reproduced below as a Weekend reading feature:

Will technology solve our energy problems? This seemingly fatuous question is actually stupider than first appears. For we already have the technology to power anything within reason, with minimal if any environmental fallout.

Yet under the inspiration of the Green Zeitgeist, I cannot go into a magazine shop without finding some science-lite cover story on new prospects for harnessing solar, thermal, wind, tidal, or whatever “renewable” forces.

IER’s Danish Wind Study: Response to Critics

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#r_donway">Roger Donway</a> -- September 19, 2009

Worth Re-reading Weekend (MasterResource works for lazy summer days too)

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#r_donway">Roger Donway</a> -- August 1, 2009

“The Cheaper the Energy the Better” (Julian Simon in 1993 speaks to us today)

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#r_donway">Roger Donway</a> -- July 13, 2009

“Happy Earth Day”: Julian Simon’s Silver Anniversary (1995) Earth Day Letter

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#r_donway">Roger Donway</a> -- April 22, 2009

“New York’s Thousand Islands Are Being Ruined” (Letter to Sen. Schumer on the blight of government-dependent windpower)

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#r_donway">Roger Donway</a> -- April 19, 2009