A Free-Market Energy Blog


Posts from December 0

Bummed Joe Romm on Failed Climate Policy

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 29, 2024

“So, it seems the [COP 28] agreement establishes that we can ‘abate’ fossil fuel plant emissions to produce more fossil fuels. Does anything capture the Orwellian nature of this agreement better?”

“After eight years, not one of the top 10 greenhouse gas emitting countries has adopted ‘policies and action’ capable of meeting the Paris climate targets.” (Joe Romm, 12-20-2024)

Yes, Joe. The international crusade against carbon dioxide (CO2)–really affordable, reliable, storable, convenient energies–has been a failure. The futile crusade is now in its 36th year with 28 annual COP meetings come-and-gone. Fossil fuels are presently in a tripartite boom with no end in sight.

This reality is an open secret that the Climate PR Complex does not want people to know. Meanwhile, every day of fossil fuel dominance makes a reversal of atmospheric CO2 less and less feasible.…

EV Proponents in Hiding? David Cooke (Union of Concerned Scientists) Declines AEI

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 23, 2024

“Cooke as EV apologist is tied to an economic lemon. Hunkering down in a hole of unreality is not very impressive. But this is the Industrial Climate Complex in action, a data point for a movement that is power-driven, not intellectually curious. And anti-environmental to boot.” (RLB)

Yes, defending electric cars and trucks is pretty hard, with the national media simply reporting that consumers do not like to own or rent battery vehicles, and Mother Nature presenting freeze issues regarding battery performance.

This situation was magnified by a recent snub to a polite invitation to an EV proponent from Benjamin Zycher, senior fellow of the American Enterprise Institute, to discuss the pros and cons of EVs at a virtual AEI event. Zycher emailed Dave Cooke, senior vehicles analyst at the Union of Concerned Scientists asking him to participate.…

Sheridan Shakes the Texas/ERCOT Narrative (fossil fuels did rescue wind/solar)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 19, 2024

“All summed, thermal generation accounted for 66.1 GW (90.8%) and 66.7 GW (86.6%) of systemwide demand during these [conservation alert] periods on Monday and Tuesday. Yet, if one were to read the analyses of many industry analysts/consultants and the media outlets that parrot them, it’s wind and battery assets… like manna from heaven…. that kept the lights on when things got tight.”

Doug Sheridan speaks truth to power. He is one of many “non-experts” who has become expert in climate and energy out of a basic sense of right-and-wrong versus the politically correct narrative.

In a recent post criticizing the mainstream view of wind and solar versus the reliables regarding the avoided blackouts in Texas by ERCOT, he provides “his take.” The entire 480-word post follows:

Having exhausted all efforts to find good-faith analyses by competent power-industry professionals or media experts focused on the condition of the Texas grid at critical points during severe cold spells, we’ve resorted to doing the analyses ourselves.…

Severe Cold from Global Warming? NOPE (Doug Lewin in error)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 18, 2024

Pile Driving: Offshore Wind’s Ecological Problem (Popper interview in Phys.Org)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 17, 2024

CO2 International Tariffs: Just Say NO

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 16, 2024

Industrial Wind vs. Deep Ecology: Surface Impacts

By Robert Bradley Jr. --

Icebreaker Demise: Win for Lake Erie, Ratepayers, Taxpayers (crony loss only)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 15, 2024

Political Realism from a Climate Alarmist (the beginning of the end?)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 9, 2024

Appreciating the Master Resource (Part II: Energy Foes Agree!)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 3, 2024