“City leaders should stop pretending Houston will, or should, transition away from oil and gas anytime soon…. Houston should embrace its role in sustaining and improving the lives of literally billions of people globally each day. It’s a legacy worth standing up for… and even celebrating.” (Doug Sheridan, below)
Hyperbole and government subsidies (bribes, to critics) is the lifeline for inferior energies (think dilute, intermittent, resource-intensive wind and solar). Such as been the case since the 1990s in Houston, Texas when Ken Lay of Enron Corp. empowered executive Robert Kelly to create a new renewables business, a story told here.
And shame-on-shame that some Houston business leaders that should know better have embraced low-density, political energies. I am thinking of Bobby Tutor, chair of the Houston Energy Transition Initiative, and Steve Kean of the Greater Houston Partnership.…
“Personally, when I take mushrooms, the last thing I want to do is think about climate change. But that’s apparently what I should be doing, according to … Psychedelics for Climate Action.” (Emily Atkin, Heated)
At the anti-fossil-fuel Substack Heated, Emily Atkin outdid herself. “I fell down the rabbit hole of Psychedelics for Climate Action,” she confessed. “Then I came back to reality.” She continued:
…Personally, when I take mushrooms, the last thing I want to do is think about climate change.
But that’s apparently what I should be doing, according to a new advocacy group. Psychedelics for Climate Action, or PSYCA, argues that the use of mind-altering substances and Indigenous plant medicines—like ayahuasca, psilocybin, ibogaine, ketamine, and LSD—can inspire people to help solve the climate crisis.
Are you profiled in the DeSmog database? Please consider nominating yourself with a message (per their invitation). Please provide quotations about your views about climate alarmism and forced energy transformation. Describe the anti-economic, anti-ecological features of wind, solar, and batteries. And explain why your views are part of the great debate. (DeSmog’s categories are Stance on Climate Change, Key Quotes, and Key Deeds.)
Their database is nearing one thousand (!). With hundreds more profiles, what began as a “disinformer” expose becomes an impressive listing of go-to professionals for the open-minded. So much for the “science is settled” and “the experts tell us” arguments.
The economy and the environment need your voice to help save both from Big Environmentalism and the Climate Industrial Complex. Submit your nomination, proudly, here.…