A Free-Market Energy Blog


Posts from December 0

Does CAP Support Ecoterrorism? (Corporate donors should know)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 29, 2017

“If the Center for American Progress endorses blanket ecoterrorism, their many corporate donors need to know. At the very least, these very public enterprises should ask CAP to clearly define what is legitimate protest, what is civil disobedience, and what is ecoterrorism.” (post below)


In a racketeering case that could result in nearly a billion dollars in fines, the developer behind the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline has accused a handful of environmental groups of engaging in eco-terrorism during protests of the pipeline’s construction. The suit could have profound impacts on the future of environmental activism in the Trump-era and beyond.”

– Natasha Geiling, “Dakota Access Developer Calls Environmentalists ‘Terrorists’, Sues for at Least $300 Million,” Think Progress (Center for American Progress), August 23, 2017.

Yes, a very serious and factual case is now in court regarding blatant ecoterrorism in which 761 persons were arrested and charged with crimes against person and property.…

“Wind Energy Isn’t a Breeze” (Slate looks critically at industrial wind)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 28, 2017

“When they try to express concerns [about wind turbines], farmers often face an accusation from those living far away: that they are climate change deniers….. [Q]uestioning wind energy means that ‘people will associate you with Republicans or with the Trump campaign, anti-environment, [but] nothing could be further from the truth.'”

– Leah McBride Mensching, “Wind Energy Isn’t a Breeze.” Slate, August 24, 2017.

“If this Slate article is followed by more such pieces, there will be no way to contain the civil war within the environmental movement between the grass roots and Washington, DC. One can only hope that what should have happened years ago can happen now.” (post below)

Many in the free-market movement, as well as at the environmental grassroots, have been all but amazed at the ability of Washington’s, “green” establishment to smooth over the problems of an energy source that is very land-intensive, remote, and hard-material heavy compared to the energy dense alternatives—from natural gas to nuclear power.…

Ecoterrorism vs. Affordable Energy: Greenpeace’s Hate and Destruction on Trial

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 24, 2017

“The damage to Plaintiffs’ relationships with the capital markets has been substantial, impairing access to financing and increasing their cost of capital and ability to fund future projects at economical rates. Moreover, Plaintiffs incurred substantial expenditures to mitigate the direct impact of the opposition’s slander campaign and the violent protests. These damages — which the Enterprise has widely and proudly reported has cost Plaintiffs “many hundreds of millions of dollars” — were intentionally and maliciously inflicted based upon a relentless campaign of lies and outright mob thuggery. Defendants must be held accountable for these damages, and for substantial punitive damages to deter this illegal means of doing business.” (Case 1:17-cv-00173-CSM Document 1 Filed 08/22/17 Page 10 of 187)

“The Enterprise also launched cyber-attacks against Plaintiffs, and intentionally incited the most violent and unstable actors at their disposal to target company executives, inundating them with death threats, physically menacing the Company’s directors and officers, and publishing personal information about them that put them at imminent risk of harm.

Common Sense on Climate Change: It’s Official Federal Policy

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 23, 2017

New York Times: From Bad to Worse (intellectual polarization in the Age of Trump)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 21, 2017

Taking a Week Off with Your Kind Permission (back August 21st)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 15, 2017

RFF Goes NRDC (“Social Cost of Carbon” Study Ahead)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 11, 2017

When Obama and Gore Went Oily (politicians like to deceive)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 8, 2017

Electric Vehicles: “A New Technology”?

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 7, 2017

“Secret Back of Anti-Trust Law” (on the origins of the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 3, 2017