A Free-Market Energy Blog


Posts from December 0

A Compliment Indeed! Countering Climate Alarmism

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 31, 2023

I will take a bow when those in the climate alarm/forced energy transformation camp state that my efforts are making a difference for energy freedom against Big Brother. And such a compliment came from a Matt Serafa who noted “how effective the fossil future/think tank marketing has been…. People like Alex Epstein and Rob Bradley have done some heavy lifting to promote a different perspective.”

The exchange began with this post from Sasja Beslik, on LinkedIn:

One climate disaster after another, yet three-quarters of Republicans (72%) said the economy should be given priority.

The level of denial has got to astronomic proportions. From Hawaii to Canada, searing heat and deadly wildfires are raising the alarm about global warming.

The disasters have fuelled debate about global warming across the US, with climate scientists increasingly stressing the links between climate change and extreme weather events, even as most Republican voters consider it a “minor threat”, or no threat, according to polling.

‘Green’ Energy vs. the Environment (Enron to BP to PG&E to Hawaiian Electric)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 30, 2023

“Looking back with hindsight, the business opportunities were on the generation side, and the utility was going out for bid with all these big renewable-energy projects. But in retrospect, it seems clear, we weren’t as focused on these fire risks as we should have been.”

– Doug McLeod, former Maui county energy commissioner (quoted in WSJ, below)

Opportunity cost is a central concept in economics. Economics is about the unseen versus the seen. Resources spent in one direction are not spent in another. The same goes for corporations as politically correct, economically incorrect priorities crowd out good. Climate change policy is a premier example.

Government-forced substitution of dilute, intermittent energies for reliable incumbents has not only cost taxpayers and ratepayers. It has also cost the environment–dearly. The recent saga of Hawaiian Electric’s preoccupation with “the energy transition” at the expense of grid safety and reliability is the latest example of this.…

The Wounded Texas Grid: Who’s On First?

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 29, 2023

“It is time to do now what was not done in 1999 in Texas. First, deregulate the electricity market, do not re-regulate it under a new regime. That means removing public utility regulation of rates and other terms of service, as well as end the franchise protection over geographical territory.”

The Texas Electric Utility Restructuring Act of 1999 is approaching a quarter-century. And what a mess has resulted from the misnomer “electricity deregulation.” A monopoly wholesale market under mandatory open-access rules is central planning pure and simple. The idea that a ‘competitive’ retail market rescues a governmental wholesale market from the knowledge problem and politicization (per Lynne Kiesling, Michael Giberson, etc.) has been turned upside down in Texas and elsewhere.

I was reminded of this upon reading a 500-word commentary from Doug Sheridan on LinkedIn.…

The Unserious Case for CO2 Taxation Domestically and at the Border (Zycher in 2017 for today)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 24, 2023

Energy Density is the Answer (Amy Westervelt, DRILLED vs. the public)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 23, 2023

Dismantle the Inflation Reduction Act! (CEI letter to Congress)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 17, 2023

Climate Crazy? Andrew Griffiths’ “Ecocide” Threat

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 10, 2023

Notes: 1998 Enron Meeting on Climate Change

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 9, 2023

Call to Action: Rod Guice to the Society of Petroleum Engineers

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 7, 2023

EVs in the 1990s

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 6, 2023