A Free-Market Energy Blog


Posts from December 0

On the Climate Train to Destruction? Another View (adaptation, not futile mitigation)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 2, 2023

“In business and economic terms, what is physically ‘worse’ [with climate] today is actually better [than in the past]. Thus I would argue that social justice demands affordable A/C for many more or all rather than mitigation policies that make A/C less affordable or unaffordable.”

This exchange was with Susan Krumdieck, “Professor, Author and Leader in Energy Transition Engineering.” While I have criticized her approach to “transition engineering” as uneconomic in a true marketplace and thus government-driven, I appreciate her polite engagement toward mutual learning.

Our latest exchange began with her post comment:

Thanks everyone for sharing the news about the extreme weather. But I feel like we are on a run-away train. Here is a metaphor story. Maybe it will help.

A Speeding Train?

Her article, “We Are All on Board a Speeding Train,” (August 17, 2020) followed.…

Classical Liberalism and Electricity: First Principles Please

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 27, 2023

The separation of government and electricity (six words) or, more precisely, the separation of government and the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity (twelve words) is simple enough…. Why deny this Political Economy 101 definition between free-market reliance and government intervention?”

The separation of government and electricity is a straightforward, time-honored application of classical liberalism (or the free market). It has existed as long as I have been in the debate (the 1990s) and probably since the beginning of the industry. In contrast, restructuring, partial deregulation, or reregulation connotes the mixed-economy alternatives of market here-government there in this sector.

Deregulation as an escape from public utility regulation harks back to the Reason Foundation and Robert Poole Jr. in the early 1980s. In 1985, Poole’s Unnatural Monopolies: The Case for Deregulating Public Utilities (Lexington Books) challenged the “natural monopoly” case for franchise protection and rate-and-service government regulation in the different industries.…

Pool Chillers: Don’t Whine, Adapt! (and get those ‘cheap’ renewable rates)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 26, 2023

Ed Note: Climate alarmists/forced energy transformationists are out in force during the current heat wave, wagging fingers at skeptics and pounding the chest about “low” rates for wind/solar electricity in Texas. With pool companies in the state advertising chillers, here is one adaptation opportunity.

“The most obvious reason for a pool chiller, of course, is comfort: A good chiller can help take your swimming pool water from too hot to just right.”

“While there’s no true ‘magic number’ when it comes to swimming pool water temperature, most pool professionals agree that the ideal temperature is between 78 and 84 degrees.”

Pool Chillers: The Best Way to Keep Your Swimming Pool Cool

When temperatures rise, there’s nothing quite like a dip in your cool, refreshing swimming pool to beat the heat.…

James Hansen on Fire

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 24, 2023

Renewable Tax Credits: Kiesling Ducks Again

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 20, 2023

Shell Knew? No (outlier climate prediction exaggerated)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 19, 2023

Texas Wind Power: The Beginning (1993)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 18, 2023

Tomlinson’s Narrative on the (Wounded) Texas Grid: More Misdirection from the Houston Chronicle

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 13, 2023

Woman of System? Lynne Kiesling as Electricity Planner

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 12, 2023

Free Market Electricity: End the Blackout (Kiesling bobs and weaves)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 11, 2023