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Posts from December 0

John Holdren on Global Warming (Part II in a series on Obama’s new science advisor)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 31, 2008

Paul Ehrlich founded the neo-Malthusian movement with his 1968 bestseller, The Population Bomb, and John Holdren was an instant convert. In 1971, mentor-and-disciple wrote:

“We are not, of course, optimistic about our chances of success. Some form of ecocatastrophe, if not thermonuclear war, seems almost certain to overtake us before the end of the century. (The inability to forecast exactly which one – whether plague, famine, the poisoning of the oceans, drastic climatic change, or some disaster entirely unforeseen – is hardly grounds for complacency.)”

John Holdren on Global Cooling (Part I in a Series on Obama’s new science advisor, ‘Dr. Doom’)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 30, 2008

Skeptics of climate alarmism have often trotted out the fact that a number of climate scientists sounded the alarm over global cooling before they sounded the alarm over global warming–an argument for humility in the face of complexity, uncertainty, and change.

Global cooling was more than fringe thinking. As Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich wrote in their 1996 book, Betrayal of Science and Reason (p. 34): …

Obama Experiences a Blackout

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 28, 2008

Losing electricity is no fun, whether it is momentary (sensitive equipment can get fried) or for days or weeks, as many of us Houstonians experienced in the wake of Hurricane Ike.

News accounts from Hawaii report that the vacationing President-elect Barack Obama was without power from the early evening until morning due to storms. The Washington Post reported: …

Those Energy Company Advertisements

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 27, 2008

A New Energy Blog

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 26, 2008

The Kochs and Public Policy: A Clarification

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 19, 2001