A Free-Market Energy Blog


Posts from December 0

Temperature Alarmism: WSJ Fail (Doug Sheridan corrects)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 2, 2024

“It’s an election year. The mainstream media (including the news side of the WSJ) is in the tank for climate alarmism, forced energy transformation, and a Biden reelection. Reader Beware!”

“Millions of Americans Brace for Dangerous Heat Wave, Record-Breaking Temperatures,” wrote Gareth Vipers for the Wall Street Journal (June 18, 2024). “Triple-digit temperatures are expected across much of the Midwest, mid-Atlantic and New England.”

Doug Sheridan graded the news article:

Last week, after a  news article warned of almost 70 MM people coming under threat of extreme heat in the US Midwest and Northeast, we posted our intention to audit the accuracy of the article and forecast by examinating the actual temps recorded after the fact. Here’s a link to that June 18th post. 

Well, last week has come and gone, and we’ve completed the audit.…

Products Made from Oil and Gas

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 1, 2024

“Petrochemicals derived from oil and natural gas make the manufacturing of over 6,000 everyday products and high-tech devices possible.” — U.S. DOE

According to the U.S. Department of Energy,

When you think about oil there is probably one thing that immediately comes to mind: motor oil for your car or lawn mower. And, when you hear about natural gas, you may think about heating your home, cooking, or even electric power generation.

But, there are many other uses for these hydrocarbons than what meets the eye. Petrochemicals derived from oil and natural gas make the manufacturing of over 6,000 everyday products and high-tech devices possible.

Major petrochemicals—including ethylene, propylene, acetylene, benzene, and toluene, as well as natural gas constituents like methane, propane, and ethane—are the feedstock chemicals for the production of many of the items we use and depend on every day.

‘Renewable Energy Still Dominates Energy Subsidies in FY 2022’

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 27, 2024

“Federal subsidies to support renewable energy formed nearly half of all federal energy-related support between fiscal years 2016 and 2022. Traditional fuels (coal, natural gas, oil and nuclear) received just 15 percent of all subsidies between FY 2016 and FY 2022, while renewables, conservation and end use received a whopping 85 percent.” (Mary Hutzler, below)

A fallacious argument in the energy/climate debate is that wind and solar are cheaper than fossil fuels in electric generation. It must be wrong because government subsidies are front-and-center for on-grid dilute, intermittent energies. And it is wrong if the federal accounting is examined (below).

Actually, the relatively small subsidies for oil, natural gas, and coal turn negative, dramatically, when the Biden Administration anti-fossil-fuel agenda is added, 225 actions worth.

Mary Hutzler of IER (and former acting head of the DOE’s Energy Information Agency) prepared this analysis less than a year ago for the Institute for Energy Research.…

The Politicized Texas Grid: Sheridan Calls for Transparency (and Mea Culpas)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 26, 2024

Electricity Statism Conference: Kiesling Rides High

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 25, 2024

Will “Green New Deal” Failures Elect Trump?

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 19, 2024

Renewables vs. Environment: Hans Wolkers humbles Climate Reality Project, Kahli Burke

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 18, 2024

EDF Loves Political Capitalism (an exchange)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 17, 2024

UK Climate Thug Gets 10 Months (breaking windows at JPMorgan Chase)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 14, 2024

‘Skeptical Science’ Gets Comeuppance on Social Media

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 12, 2024