A Free-Market Energy Blog


Posts from December 0

Dear Emma Marris: Check Your Premises (self-righteous anger at ‘fossil-fuel capitalism’ is self-deprecating)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 18, 2022

” … climate action has stalled…. I am burned out. For some people, this might manifest as fatigue, or disengagement. For me, it’s anger. On a near-daily basis, I can feel my blood sizzling in my veins.”

– Emma Marris, The Atlantic, January 25, 2022

Members of the Church of Climate need to reconsider their deep-ecology religion. They are at war with energy density in a world that desperately needs affordable, reliable energies for daily life. Blinded by their biases, and confirmation bias, the climate alarmists/activists have ‘climate anxiety’ because they are stuck in a bad place–intellectually, politically, morally.

I recently profiled Emily Aiken, an angry cuss who went into self-rehab over the climate issue. Today, I evaluate Emma Marris, an environmental writer associated with UCLA’s Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, who professes concern about “human’s influence [on] every centimeter of Earth, from where species live to its very climate.”…

Build Back Bad: Wounded Climate Agenda Seeks Traction

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 17, 2022

“The ‘climate crisis’ is greatly exaggerated. The 1.5C will be here soon enough–a welcomed warmth coming out of a Little Ice Age in the mid-19th century. With CO2 fertilization, look forward to more global greening–and milder winters and a reduced diurnal cycle from the enhanced greenhouse effect.”

“There is some fiscal sanity to not throw good money after bad. Wind’s Production Tax Credit (PTC) does not need to be increased for the 14th time. Neither does solar’s Investment Tax Credit need another extension. If these energies are really cheaper, then they do not need the subsidies. Ditto for electric vehicles.”

The U.S. and global climate agenda is in big trouble. Climate data is refuting the high-warming model scenarios (“the pause” continues into its eighth year); consumers prefer carbon-based energies; and wind, solar, and batteries are encountering their own economic and ecological problems.…

A Free-Market Energy Letter to Biden (Americans for Prosperity)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 16, 2022

“As our grassroots activists would attest, the current energy crisis demands a radical rethinking of the administration’s current energy policy. Higher energy costs will soon ripple through the economy and increase the price of nearly everything Americans buy.” (AFP)

“The government should burn its ‘club in the closet.’ It is disingenuous to believe that smiling Biden, Kerry, Granholm, Regan, Haaland, et al. have any intention but harming the fossil-fuel industries they are pretending to like in a desperate political hour.” (RLB)

People want affordable, reliable, accessible energy now and in the future. They do not want expensive, unreliable, government-chosen energies.

This simple energy-for-the-masses message was reiterated in a recent letter from Brent Gardner, Chief Government Affairs Officer, Americans for Prosperity, to President Biden.

AFP is a 50-state multi-issue grassroot organization composed of “millions of voices across the country united by the principles articulated in the Declaration of Independence, who are committed to empowering every American to realize their American Dream and move our country forward together.”…

Pro-Production Energy Politics: Check Your Premises

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 15, 2022

‘Climate Alarmism and Corporate Responsibility’ (2000 essay for today)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 11, 2022

Flat Warming vs. Joe Romm’s September 2017 Alarm

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 10, 2022

Biden Wars Against Domestic LNG (gas-by-rail)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 9, 2022

Solar Power Noise and Dust: For the Record

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 8, 2022

NYT Tiptoes Toward Energy Reality (“this debate is changing”)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 4, 2022

Republican Letter to Biden: Free Market Energy Ready to Rescue!

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 3, 2022