A Free-Market Energy Blog


Posts from December 0

Authoritarian Andrew Dessler:”What the next president should say” (2008 for 2020)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 29, 2020

“The truth is that there is no way to avoid the pain of high energy prices. There are no easy solutions, and no way for us to continue living as we have in the past. Changes are on the way. Deal with it.”

At MasterResource, we occasionally re-post old pieces by classical liberals on energy and the environment to show how timeless our insights are. And oppositely, we document the extremist statements (gaffes?) and falsified predictions of the Malthusians, particularly climate alarmists.

Back in June 2008, Texas A&M climate scientist/activist Andrew Dessler (the subject of numerous critical analyses here at MasterResource), published a short piece in Grist, “What the Next President Should Say.” That next president would be Barack Obama, who did say “electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket” from his cap-and-trade plan.…

Greens vs. Green Party: Politics Trump Principle

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 28, 2020

“In his 36-year Senate career, Biden was an enlightened voice on nearly every issue, despite well-known mistakes…. Sure, he isn’t perfect. Which of us is?” (Letter below from 170 environmental activists)

Joe Biden is pro-fracking on private land. Joe Biden is against the Green New Deal. Joe Biden is not for “transitioning away from fossil fuels.”

Is Big Green on board with all this? Evidently so! And it is a stunning victory for the oil, gas, and coal industries.

And even worse, Big Green–DC Green–wants its power so much that it is rejecting its purest backers, the Green Party, “the birthplace of the Green New Deal.”

Over 170 Environmental Leaders Urge Supporters Not to Vote for Green Party says it all:

More than 170 of the world’s most esteemed environmental activists signed on to an open letter on Monday urging their supporters to vote for Joe Biden rather than vote for the Green Party or sit out the election, The Daily Beast reports.…

Green Party Bucks Biden (but ignored by MSM)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 27, 2020

“‘Trump says that climate change is a hoax, but Biden acts like climate change is a hoax,’ [Green Party nominee Howie] Hawkins said. ‘I wonder if he really understands the issue,’ he mused.”

“‘We’ve been pretty much blanked out of the media,’ he said. ‘We’re not part of the conversation.’ … ‘I’ve got nothing, pretty much nothing, certainly from cable, the big three cable networks.'”

If Green Party Presidential nominee Howie Hawkins did not like Joe Biden’s energy and climate platform months ago, Hawkins has a lot more complaining to do this time around. In search of electoral votes in swing states, Shifty Joe has endorsed fracking on private land, rejected the Green New Deal, and apologized to the oil industry for his sin of talking about an energy transition.

In Green Party Presidential Candidate Says Progressives Are Going Too Easy on Biden (September 10, 2020), Chantal Da Silva documented the bridge-too-far between Biden’s camouflaged energy program and the Green Party’s open proposals.…

Wind PTC: Enough!

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 26, 2020

Malthusianism Reconsidered: Desrochers on Smil

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 22, 2020

‘Democrats Run from Green New Deal, Fracking Bans’ (E&E News reports, you decide)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 21, 2020

Shifty Joe on Energy (Fracking? Green New Deal?)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 20, 2020

Trump on Energy: the Latest

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 19, 2020

David Simon: “Let’s Be Serious, More C02 Isn’t Making the Earth ‘Uninhabitable'”

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 12, 2020

Libertarian Party Energy Platform (‘the party of principle’)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 8, 2020