A Free-Market Energy Blog


Posts from December 0

Oil & Gas In History: Some September Remembrances (from Civil War tax to OPEC founding)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 22, 2020

MasterResource focuses on the political economy of the energy industries. But there is also the unheralded, underappreciated progress of market entrepreneurship in free societies to make modern energies affordable and available for myriad uses.

The American Oil & Gas Historical Society (AOGHS), under the direction of Bruce Wells, is dedicated to the preservation of such history. With permission, a number of data points for September are reproduced below (see here, here, and here).

September 1, 1862: Union Taxes Manufactured Gas

To help fund the Civil War, a new federal tax was placed on manufactured gas, a popular fuel for street and residential lighting. Manufactured gas companies provided street and residential lighting.

Manufactured gas (produced by heating coal) was taxed up to 15 cents per thousand cubic feet. The Brooklyn Daily Eagle quickly accused the local gas company of passing on the tax, which “shifts from its shoulders its share of the burdens the war imposes and places it directly on their customers.”…

Bravo EU/UK Climate Realism Groups (DesmogUK pays its respects)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 21, 2020

“Despite the relatively small size of the … Global Warming Policy Foundation, Institute of Economic Affairs and the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS), as well as the German Europäisches Institut für Klima und Energie (EIKE), the Austrian Economics Centre (AEC), Institut Économique Molinari (IEM) in France, Instituto Juan de Mariana (IJM) in Spain and the Liberales Institut (LI) in Switzerland…. [they] nevertheless have a ‘remarkable’ level of political influence.”

“The study found that groups on both sides of the Atlantic consistently use the same rhetoric, drawing heavily on libertarian, free-market ideology… and their influence is ‘still growing’.”

Desmog blog has a peculiar methodology of stating a number of facts about disliked individuals and organizations as if this record is prima facie evidence of wrongness and duplicity.

In fact, the same record can be (and is by me) used to make just the opposite point–guilty as charged and proud of it.…

Jimmy Carter Was Right?

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 17, 2020

“Jimmy Carter was right in exhorting Americans to turn down their thermostats, even if he did look nerdy in a cardigan while urging us to do so.”

“An energy crisis is again upon us. Soaring gasoline prices and oil imports are daggers aimed at the heart of our stumbling economy.”

– Joseph Wheelan, “Is it Safe Now to Admit Jimmy Carter Was Right?” (July 2008).

It’s back to Jimmy Carter with the Biden/Harris (or Harris/Biden) ticket. The Democrats might not admit as much, but the “soft energy path” of the 1970s is back in vogue with climate change replacing fears of oil and gas depletion and of oil imports.

Consider this piece by Joseph Wheelan, “Is it Safe Now to Admit Jimmy Carter Was Right?” (July 2008) that with some updating on the villains could pass for an op-ed today.…

Climate Campaigners’ Pushback on Biden’s pro-Fracking Stance: A Summary

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 11, 2020

“The Dismal Economics of Offshore Wind” (onshore is bad enough)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 10, 2020

Andrew Dessler: Leave Fracking Alone! (Joe Biden splits the climate alarmists)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 9, 2020

Shell’s van Beurden Shames Oil and Gas

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 8, 2020

American Crony Power Association (Hunter Biden as CEO?)

By Robert Bradley Jr. --

Happy Labor-Saving Day (as in modern energy)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 5, 2020

Trump RNC Speech: Energy Excerpts

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 3, 2020