A Free-Market Energy Blog


Posts from December 0

On the Origins of IER (for the record)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 2, 2020

As founder and CEO of The Institute for Energy Research (IER) since its inception (1989), the new year offers an opportunity to add to the historical record regarding the free-market think tank’s origins and purpose. This is also necessary given some misunderstandings and misreporting in the public domain.

In Kochland: The Secret History of Koch Industries and Corporate Power in America (2019), for example, Christopher Leonard states the following:

The IER was an outgrowth of the Institute for Humane Studies, the libertarian think tank cofounded by Charles Koch. Fn

Fn The connection between IER and the Institute for Humane Studies was first revealed by the journalist Lee Fang. He reported in 2014 that the IHS temporarily lost its charter, and then reformed as the IER.

The Real Story

The Institute for Humane Studies – Texas (IHS–Texas) was formed as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in 1984 and shared the same board directors as IHS.…

The Climate Agenda Off the Rails: Sarah Myhre at the American Geophysical Union

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 18, 2019

The lecture reprinted below, “Mediocre Careerism, Respectability Politics, and Bad Behavior by Senior Scientists Erode Global Climate Leadership,” was given last week at the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union. Sarah Myhre‘s session title was titled Is environmental science serving or failing society?” Her remarks follow without comment.

“… effective action on climate change has been impeded for 30 years because of the political assassination and anti-democratic campaigns (a form of extortion, lies, intimidation, bribery, and toadery) waged by ExxonMobil, Shell, British Petroleum and other fossil fuel companies…. Their transactions of power are so damaging and genocidal….”

“Here we find the genocidal systems of white supremacy, fascism, nationalism, colonialism, neoliberalism, and capitalism. Here we find the billionaires, the oligarchs, the war mongers, the predators, the enablers.

Trump + Climate = Krugman Going Crazy

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 17, 2019

“Do you remember the days when Bush administration officials claimed that terrorism posed an ‘existential threat’ to America, a threat in whose face normal rules no longer applied? That was hyperbole — but the existential threat from climate change is all too real…. And as I watched the deniers make their arguments [against Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade], I couldn’t help thinking that I was watching a form of treason — treason against the planet.” (Paul Krugman, New York Times, 2009)

“Republican climate denial is even scarier than Trumpism.” (Paul Krugman, New York Times, 2019)

A full decade apart, Paul Krugman is all-in with climate hyperbole and angst. Joe Romm might have thrown in the towel at Climate Progress, but Krugman is flaming in the New York Times.

Talk about riding the wrong horse.…

Mineral Privatization for the Masses: Remembering Guillermo Yeatts (1937–2018)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 12, 2019

Morano Climate Testimony before the Pennsylvania House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee (October 28, 2019)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 11, 2019

Climate Futility at COP 25: The China Syndrome

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 5, 2019

“Green Groups at COP 25 Warn Against Market-Driven Solutions to Climate Emergency”

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 4, 2019

Climate Conundrum: Revisiting a 2016 Discussion (when Hillary was going to win)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 3, 2019

Some Climategate Recollections

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 2, 2019

“ExxonMobil and Climate Change: Do Look at the Science” (2016 article for today)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 21, 2019