A Free-Market Energy Blog


Posts from December 0

Exchange with a Climate Alarmist at Desmog Blog (unmasking emotion, anger on the other side)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 20, 2019

“The multitude of smoking guns in the Climategate emails made it a war zone. And the ‘missing heat’ raised by Climategater Kevin Trenberth plagues high-sensitivity warmists today.”

“You can be happy and optimistic…. The dense (mineral) energy era (fossil fuels) has been a boom to you, me, and virtually everyone. CO2 is greening the ecosphere while climate-related deaths plummet. And the Paris Climate Accord is failing–a good political outcome for the developing countries in particular.”

A recent post at DesmogUK, titled Why the Climategate Hack was More than an Attack on Science, caught my eye. Funny how the apologists have to defend an event that happened a decade ago! They would love to just ignore it and move on. But in clear words, sentences, and in English, science was tortured in the name of a cause.…

Energy Progress: Trump Remarks at the New York Economic Club (November 12, 2019)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 18, 2019

“My order required that for every one new regulation, two old regulations must be eliminated. But instead of two for one, we have now eliminated nine for one. And we think that, within the next six months, it will be close to twenty for one instead of two for one.”

“[The Paris Climate Accord] is so unfair. It doesn’t kick in for China until 2030. Russia goes back into the 1990s, where the base year was the dirtiest year ever in the world. India, we are supposed to pay them money because they are a developing nation. I said, ‘We’re a developing nation, too.'”

Last week, President Trump delivered a pro-energy speech at the Economic Club of New York in New York City. There was a lot of applause and laughter from the well-heeled, left-of-center audience.…

Paris Climate Accord Withdrawal Underway (Trump, Dense Energy Winning)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 12, 2019

“Getting out of the Paris climate treaty is the single biggest and most important deregulatory action taken by the Trump administration.”

– Myron Ebell, Competitive Enterprise Institute, November 8, 2019

The Trump Administration continues to keep its promises when it comes to climate policy. The focus is on free-market adaptation, not alarmist, government-led mitigation, to deal with the uncertainties of future weather events, whether natural or otherwise.

A 277-word press release from The U.S. Department of State, On the U.S. Withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, is from Secretary Mike Pompeo.

Today the United States began the process to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. Per the terms of the Agreement, the United States submitted formal notification of its withdrawal to the United Nations. The withdrawal will take effect one year from delivery of the notification.

Climate Progress is Defunct (Joe Romm goes general)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 4, 2019

Halloween: Neo-Malthusian Day

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 31, 2019

Judith Curry: One Plus the Truth ….

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 30, 2019

Trump on the American Energy Revolution (9th Annual Shale Insight Conference, Pittsburgh)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 29, 2019

Robert Hunter Biden: Energy Search (request for information)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 23, 2019

CNN Report: China Proudly Going Coal (clean, new generation plants at forefront)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 22, 2019

Isaac Orr: Guilty as Charged (Desmog’s ‘Climate Denier Spotlight’ introduces new talent)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 21, 2019