A Free-Market Energy Blog


Posts from December 0

TPPF’s Tahuahua: Energy Poverty, not Global Lukewarming, the #1 Energy Issue

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 24, 2019

Excellent, just excellent.  Katie Tahuahua, communications manager for the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s  Life:Powered project, penned a recent piece in RealClearEnergy (December 20, 2019) that deserves attention and prioritization for 2020.

A Better Word of the Year for 2019: Energy Poverty

The Oxford English Dictionary selected “climate crisis” as the term that “reflects the ethos, mood, or preoccupations of the passing year.” Striking a similarly dismal note, Dictionary.com’s selection was “existential.”

A better word of the year for 2019? Energy poverty.

While wealthy world leaders take luxurious trips to Madrid for the U.N. Climate Conference, flying across oceans in crisp business suits, one billion human beings are living in abject poverty without access to electricity. Still more lack reliable electricity. 

Environmental protection can and should be a priority—but those clamoring about the supposedly disastrous future effects of a mildly warming climate could better spend their time and attention on the very real, immediate impact of energy

A life without energy is a life of drudgery.…

Tx. Governor Abbott: Beware of Andrew Dessler (science-is-settled climate alarmist requires balance)

By Robert Bradley Jr. --

If Texas A&M scientists calculated that an asteroid was heading our way, we would likely head for the hills with a lot of pills. But when this university’s climatology department warns of dangerous man-induced global warming and calls for government action (think new taxes and regulation), roll your eyes and watch the wallet. [But] we live in a postmodern world where emotion and desire substitute for humility and scholarship. 

 – Robert Bradley, “Political Scientists: Gerald North and Andrew Dessler Double Down on Climate Alarmism,” October 11, 2013.

Andrew Dessler is an alarmist/activist climate scientist. He is very certain of his positions on the hard science questions (what Judith Curry warns is really an uncertainty monster). Dessler also veers outside of his expertise to confidently assess the prospects for (government) forced energy transformation away from fossil fuels, the area of political economy. 

CEI: Energy/Environmental Policy for the New Congress

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 23, 2019

“Increasing the affordability of both U.S. and global energy is an important economic and humanitarian objective. Policy makers heeding the time-honored healer’s maxim, ‘First, do no harm,’ should reject policies to tax and regulate away mankind’s access to affordable energy.”

It is titled Free to Prosper: Energy and Environment: A Pro-Growth Agenda for the 116th Congress. It is the work of the energy and environmental stalwarts at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, the organization long led by Fred L. Smith Jr. and now directed by Kent Lassman. And as always, it is reliable scholarship to inform both sides of the political aisle.

The energy White Paper is part of a broader book, Free to Prosper. The eight areas other than Energy and Environment are Regulatory Reform and Agency OversightTradeBanking and FinancePrivate and Public LandsTechnology and TelecommunicationsLabor and EmploymentFood, Drugs, and Consumer Freedom; and Transportation  That’s a lot of the federal matrix of public policy.…

Samuel Insull and Rural Electrification (it did not start with FDR’s New Deal )

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 16, 2019

‘Roger Donway: A Salute’ (2011 tribute rings truer today)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 15, 2019

FDR’s New Deal with Energy: Part V (Rural Electrification)

By Robert Bradley Jr. --

FDR’s New Deal with Energy: Part IV (Coal Code)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 14, 2019

FDR’s New Deal with Energy: Part III (oil retailing)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 10, 2019

FDR’s New Deal with Energy: Part II (oil refining)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 9, 2019

FDR’s New Deal with Energy: Part I (oil exploration & production)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 8, 2019