A Free-Market Energy Blog


Posts from December 0

“Free Market Solution to Climate Change”: Questions for Bob Inglis at College of Charleston Event

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 22, 2018

“Let it be noted that a Koch organization co-sponsored a pro-carbon-tax event, and may the three other campus organizations reciprocate by bringing in a strong voice against pricing carbon dioxide–even that of the world’s leading energy philosopher, Alex Epstein, who would lambaste Inglis’s talk title as fatally imprecise.”

On August 27, The College of Charleston is hosting a Forum on a Free Enterprise Solution to Climate Change. The speaker is Bob Inglis, a former Congressman (R-SC) who lost a reelection bid in 2010 with 29 percent in the Republican primary, partly due to his alarmist/activist position on climate change, including his advocacy of a carbon tax.

Since his defeat, Inglis founded RepublicEN, a nationwide group “educating the country about free-enterprise solutions to climate change.” Inglis, holding an undergraduate degree in political science from Duke University and a J.D.…

“The Backlash Against Climate Scientists” (2010 Newsweek piece relevant today)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 21, 2018

“Very few scientists dispute a link between man-made CO2 and global warming. Where it gets fuzzy is the extent and time frame of the effect. One crucial point of contention is climate ‘sensitivity’—the mathematical formula that translates changes in CO2 production to changes in temperature. In addition, scientists are not sure how to explain a slowdown in the rise of global temperatures that began about a decade ago.”

– Stefan Theil, “The Backlash Against Climate Scientists,” Newsweek, May 27, 2010.

An article in Newsweek eight years ago, “The Backlash Against Climate Scientists,” rings true today–if not more so.

When seen from today’s perspective, Theil’s 450-word piece underscores how slowly climate science is really moving, where the more you know, the more you find out you don’t know.

More Niskanen Center Misdirection: That Colorado Climate Lawsuit (Bookbinder, like Taylor, defining deviancy down)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 16, 2018

[Editor note: This recent post by Lea Giotto of Energy in Depth expounds on the controversial, sputtering involvement of the Niskanen Center and the Colorado climate lawsuit. Her title: “Contradictions Mount as Lawyer for Colorado Climate Lawsuits Struggles to Defend His Role.” For more on the policy shift of Niskanen founder Jerry Taylor from libertarian to climate/energy statism, see here.]


When David Bookbinder signed up to help Colorado municipalities sue the energy industry for the impacts of global warming, he claimed his purpose was not about climate change. But when he recently attempted to defend his role with those climate lawsuits, the Niskanen Center attorney not only contradicted himself, but may have undermined the broader climate litigation campaign.

Bookbinder – who was previously a climate-focused attorney with the Sierra Club – took an unconventional approach in his latest defense of climate litigation: he penned a guest commentary for the Federalist Society, an organization that has provided a forum for many who express skepticism about the validity of these cases.

RFF in the Trump Era: Assume, Don’t Debate, Climate Alarmism/Forced Energy Transformation (2017 Annual Report more of the same)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 14, 2018

Remembering the Death of Federal Cap-and-Trade (2010 NYT analysis revisited)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 13, 2018

Rebuttal to a Rebuttal: Climate Exaggeration on the Firing Line

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 8, 2018

On Global Lukewarming

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 2, 2018

Minerals as Manufacturing: The Case of Oil and Gas

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 1, 2018

Milton Friedman’s Energy Wisdom (would be 106 today)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 31, 2018

Master of Incorrect: Joe Romm (Part II: ‘Hell and High Water’ book, 2007)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 24, 2018