“Unfortunately, both the news media and many colleges continue to proclaim the myth that acid rain is a dangerous problem. In any case, if you do come in contact with either lemon juice or acid rain, be sure to wash it off as soon as possible.”
For almost a month, the ongoing saga of the eruption of Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano has captured the attention of world media. Fountains of red-orange fire, lava flows, and ash-plume explosions destroyed dozens of homes and forced thousands of residents to flee the area. But media warnings about dangerous acid rain resurrected a long-believed myth of the environmental movement.
CBS and CNN ran with headlines listing acid rain as a danger from the Kilauea eruption. US News said, “Acid rain could be the next threat Hawaii residents face in the coming days…” CNN stated “if you do come in contact with acid rain, wash it off as soon as possible.”…
“Electrification calls for a massive societal transformation from gasoline to electric vehicles, from traditional power plants to wind and solar generators, and from gas heating to electric and heat pump systems. There is no evidence that this transition will have any measurable effect on global temperatures. But electrification will produce substantially higher energy prices.”
“Electrification” is the new buzz word touted by climate fighters and environmental groups. Where electrification once meant providing electricity to people, today it often means elimination of traditional fuels. But the only tangible result of green electrification policies will be higher energy prices.
Proponents of electrification intend to force transportation and heating and cooling systems to run on electricity, and eliminate the use of hydrocarbon fuels. Electric cars, electric furnaces and water heaters, and heat pumps must replace gasoline-powered vehicles and gas-fueled appliances.…
“It’s clear that most Americans don’t want electric cars. In 2016, US car and light vehicle sales rose to 17.6 million units. After eight years of promotion, subsidies, mandates, and tax credits by the Obama Administration and the ZEV states, plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) sales totaled only 159,000 units in 2016, less than one percent of US car and light vehicle sales.”
“If regulators continue to try to force adoption of cars that consumers don’t want to buy, look for declining new car sales and a robust used-car market for traditional gasoline and diesel models.”
The Republican-led tax bill in the House of Representatives proposes to eliminate the $7,500 tax credit for purchases of electric cars. Green advocates of “electrification” are already attacking the bill for the loss of the subsidy.…