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Category Archives: Climate exaggeration
NPR Bungles Sea Level Rise Story (supposed threats to coastal military installations ignore science)
Out of Climate Time … Again (failed Malthusianism rolls on)
The New ‘Mental Health’ Standard: Can We Apply It to Neo-Malthusians? (Romm, Hansen, Ehrlich, etc.)
The Global Warming Mass Movement
“Denier” Charge from Jerry Taylor: How Low Can He Go?
Climate Malthusianism: James Hansen’s Latest
Obama’s Climate Alarmism Tour (contradictory data + tuned-out public = failure)
James Hansen: Revisiting His False Alarms (10-year warning coming due!)
Climate-Change Reductio Ad Absurdum: Rep. Lee (D-CA) Damages Her Cause
Dear Gina (and Jerry): Where’s the Climate Science Behind Your Plan (Carbon Tax)?
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