A Free-Market Energy Blog
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Category Archives: Climate debate issues
Is the Environmental Movement Net CO2 Positive? (James Hansen wants to know)
‘Climate Change’: Unpacking a Political Term (looking through the looking glass)
Cooling Trends in Climate Model Credibility
Climate Desperadoes: The Real ‘Deniers’ (Part I)
Is the Carbon Tax Seance Over? (A reality check for a trumped-up ‘conservative’ cause)
‘The Greening of Planet Earth’ (the 1992 video, updated in 1998, needs another update)
The Free Market Energy Movement: Strong Theory, Rich History, Real-World Momentum
Rex Tillerson (Exxon Mobil) on Climate Change (energy/climate realism trumps alarmism)
Rice’s Baker Institute Climate Embarrassment (Sass’s ad hominem response to Rep. Smith)
Draft National Assessment on Climate Change: Politicization of the Scientific Method (“1,200 horror-studded pages … of pseudoscience”)
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