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Category Archives: Oil
U.S. Has 60+ Times the Oil Reserves Claimed by Obama
Energy at the Speed of Thought (Part 4: Free-Market Alternatives in Illumination and Transportation Energy)
Energy at the Speed of Thought (Part 3: How Oil Rose to Prominence)
Energy at the Speed of Thought (Part 2: Individual Planning in the Pre-Petroleum Illumination Market)
Energy at the Speed of Thought (Part I: The Original Alternative Energy Market)
One Person’s Oil Addict is Another’s Intelligent Consumer
Joe (Romm), Where Art Thou? (my peak oil bet deserves an up or down)
The Peak Oil Secret is Revealed!
Energy as the Master Resource: Where Left, Right, and Center Agree
How Much Will Obama’s Oil-and-Gas Tax Policy Cost Us? We Can Stop Guessing Now
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