A Free-Market Energy Blog

DeSmog’s Climate Chart Needs You!

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 7, 2025

“Politicians, donors, think tanks, and media outlets in the UK and U.S. are working increasingly closely to scupper climate policies and promote fossil fuel extraction,” reports the Progressive Left climate group DeSmog. The chart below attempts to capture the players, but far too many are missing from the U.S. side. [1]

Let DeSmog know that you want in Now! Please contact Adam Barnett, the author of the article above, or DeSmog head Brendan DeMelle, at editor@desmog.com.

[1] A live interactive map can be accessed by scrolling down here.


Other DeSmog posts at MasterResource:

One Comment for “DeSmog’s Climate Chart Needs You!”

  1. John W. Garrett  

    On a lark, I looked at the main DeSmog webpage. They may be the most confused bunch of people I’ve ever run into. I’m not sure they know which way is “up.”


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