TONIGHT. Celebrate civilization and human progress.
Help counter the Greens’ anti-civilization “Earth Hour” tonight, which would have mankind return to the caves and huts of antiquity, where life was poor, nasty, brutish, and short. Instead, celebrate the myriad achievements of freedom and liberty, free markets, technological advances, and the wonders of abundant inexpensive energy!
Turn on your lights tonight from 8:30 – 9:30 p.m. local time.
Would you help us promote Human Achievement Hour to your contacts? As you know, the celebration is this Saturday, March 25, from 8:30-9:30 p.m. (local time). Simply ask your contacts to tweet or post about how they are celebrating – or just retweet or repost us on Twitter/ Facebook. Here also is a Ryan Young blog post you can retweet/share/forward:
Human Achievement of the Day: The Written Word
Much appreciated, everyone! Below is some language you can forward:
Would you help the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) celebrate Human Achievement Hour on Saturday, March 25, from 8:30-9:30 p.m. (local time) by sharing this event on Twitter and Facebook? Human Achievement Hour is a time to celebrate innovations that help us all live better, fuller lives.
Human Achievement Hour is also an alternative to “Earth Hour,” where participants symbolically renounce modern technology by turning off their lights for an hour. Rather than sitting in the dark, CEI believes it’s better to celebrate how modern technology and access to affordable energy improve the lives of people around the world.
Learn more about the event here. Use the hashtag #HAH2017 to tweet the ways you are celebrating Human Achievement Hour to @ceidotorg – celebratory photos especially appreciated!
Ways to Celebrate:
WHAT: Human Achievement Hour WHEN: Saturday, March 25, 8:30-9:30 p.m. local time WHERE: Everywhere! RSVP: on Facebook TWEET: @CEIdotorg and use #HAH2017
Another way to WASTE resources, to justify the need for more ? More destruction or covering of land for wind and solar. Let’s see them grow food and reside in the clouds.
Burning rubber with my Hummer and wastinggas at the beach!
What a farce from green a-hoes.
How silly! If you can’t spend an hour not using energy you are just a sad soul. This is simply an act of arrogance towards global issues…everyone gets affected by this…
I politely disagree. The idea of self-sacrifice for a problem that is exaggerated and misconstrued should be challenged. Modern carbon-based energy technologies are sustainable and moral and should be celebrated, not apologized for.