Nixing the Mandates in Kansas: Representative Carrie Barth (R-Dist 5) and former House Energy and Environment Chair, Dennis Hedke, reach astounding consensus on Energy Resolution: 180 to 1. There will be no energy “victims” in this state.
I don’t believe I am the typical politician. I don’t care about a political career or political threats. I care about doing the right thing.
I care about people. Period! (- Rep Carrie Barth in an email, October 9 2023)
Carrie Barth (R-Kansas, District 5) and Dennis Hedke, unapologetic supporter of the U.S. Constitution, acclaimed author of The Audacity of Freedom (2011), geophysicist, and former member Kansas House of Representatives (former Chair of the House Energy Committee), have drafted a clean and accurate Resolution for the Republican Party. This passed with overwhelming support. It appears to acknowledge that wind is not a good corporate citizen.
Representative Barth in an email:
Our Constitution of the United States gives the power to the people and states, not a dictator movement to control people. The “Green Agenda” is a joke. What they call green energy of wind and solar is anything but green other than it takes a lot of money to mine, build and construct, maintenance for the units, along with remediation when blades break off and the turbines catch on fire. It takes more green money from there to then build transmission lines that take people’s green land when eminent domain is used. Then people see transmission line tariffs on their energy bills. Oh, and wait, your rates never go down even though the energy industry tells you how cost effective it is.
I would refer to wind and solar as “brown or black energy”. They are unreliable and cause brownouts and blackouts. This hurts people, it hurts businesses, and even the ground under them turns brown.
Dennis Hedke added in an email:
The United States of America, and now by default, the rest of the world, have been seriously misinformed since the SCOTUS made a very serious error in 2009, via Massachusetts v. EPA. They allowed the EPA to falsely transform the innocent, trace atmospheric gas, CO2, into a pollutant. Nothing could possibly be further from the truth. As a result, Trillions of Dollars have been wasted, people in 3rd and 4th World countries have been deprived of the most fundamentally necessary power to turn on the lights, and be released from poverty and join the rest of the civilized world.
Excerpts from the Resolution follow:
Kansas Republican Party Resolves to Support Candidates and Legislative Intent to Protect Kansans from Unreliable and Foreign-Sourced ‘Renewable’ Wind and Solar Energy
For your easy reference:
The resolution concludes:
Whereas irrefutable evidence demonstrates that ill-health effects to mankind and the environment are occurring due to the side effects of industrial scale wind installations. These occurrences are widespread, wherever these installations have been constructed;
Therefore, be it resolved, the Republican Party of Kansas, in view of the preponderance of evidence, will support candidates and legislative intent regarding energy policy that will serve to provide protection to our citizens security, physical health, financial health, access to reliable energy and property rights across all Kansas counties.
Of worthy note is that the CLINTEL declaration is referenced; nearly between 1600 and 2000 professionals and scientists indicate that climate change has always been with us, and the world is NOT on fire, or drowning, or otherwise careening to imminent disaster as some would have us believe. Climate change fear has been the false driver of the wind and solar proliferation, a universal clear economic and environmental disaster.
Some note that renewables policy can be termed Energy Vandalism. We concur: See this link for more detail on the nearly universally accepted articles in Kansas.
Article XIII of the Kansas Republican Party Platform States:
Kansas leaders should not be allowed to arbitrarily deny permits to build new power and energy-producing plants. Carbon dioxide, one of the most common gases on earth, should not be declared a pollutant nor used as an excuse to deny the construction of new power plants. We oppose so-called Cap and Trade legislation. We oppose efforts to force communities to engage in sustainable development under guidance from the federal government or the United Nations.
This is the first time we have seen a legislative body, organize, and nearly 100% agree, that climate change, which it always does and has done, should not be a driver for energy policy. It is the first time we have seen in such a document, a clear rejection of industrial wind and solar profiteers, and references to the irrefutable evidence of harm to the environment, people, and a clear intention to go forward with reliable, responsible, and cost-effective energy policy, while respecting property rights.
Kudos and respect to the two co-sponsors. Game changer.
Howard Zinn, author of A People’s History of the United States: “The power of a bold idea uttered publicly in defiance of dominant opinion cannot be easily measured.” (Lange: It most certainly can be documented and appreciated.)
Quotes from Clintel (There is no climate emergency)
Additional excerpts from the Resolution
Article XIII of the Kansas Republican Party Platform States:
We support an energy policy which creates a strong State economy with affordable and reliable energy. Kansas residents must be considered first when developing new, potentially expensive technology.
We encourage the development of alternative energy supplies, while continuing to support the oil and gas industry within the state. Ever increasing energy prices are creating new avenues for entrepreneurs and existing companies to develop new sources of energy. New developments in wind, solar, biofuels, and geothermal energy sources show real promise for clean, inexpensive, renewable energy for future generations. Increasing energy sources will inevitably create a more market-based system which ultimately lowers utility prices for consumers.
Kansas leaders should not be allowed to arbitrarily deny permits to build new power and energy-producing plants. Carbon dioxide, one of the most common gases on earth, should not be declared a pollutant nor used as an excuse to deny the construction of new power plants. We oppose so-called Cap and Trade legislation. We oppose efforts to force communities to engage in sustainable development under guidance from the federal government or the United Nations.
A report on the energy declaration, indicates this is a nonpartisan issue:
…. the energy producer is already allowing ESG rhetoric and the UN Agenda 2030 “Sustainable Development Goals” to guide their investments in Kansas, even rewarding executives and directors with additional bonuses and stock options for implementing the global climate plan.
This is not only a direct violation of the Republican party platform, but an attack on all citizens in the State, as we are seeing with recent reports that the supposed “green” Panasonic plant is actually an energy hog that caused Evergy to request a rate increase on customers in order to supply power to the plant.
The “green energy” project is also responsible for stalling efforts to transition the Lawrence power plant from coal to natural gas, due to the demands of traditional energy sources necessary to power the supposed “renewable” energy plant.
This is not a partisan issue. It’s a money and land grab issue, funding foreign companies with taxpayer-funded grants and tying up valuable Kansas farmland for decades with projects that no company is ultimately held responsible for decommissioning at the end of their useful lives, even violating property rights of farmers affected by the projects.
This resolution will protect Kansas from outside special interest groups by holding all legislators accountable for reliable, affordable energy that stays in our state to benefit our citizens.
A conversation with Kansas Rep Carrie Barth and Former Chair of Energy and Environment House, Dennis Hedke. We asked Barth and Hedke to further explain the resolutions’ evolution, and possible resonances.
Conversations with Rep Carrie Barth (R-Dist 5) and former House Energy and Environment Chair, Dennis Hedke, Kansas: How did the exceptional resolution re mandate sanity and “exit renewables”, evolve?
Kansas, which ranks fourth in the U.S. for wind power, (is) the biggest wind energy-producing state to mandate light mitigation.
Wind turbines haven’t just exploded in numbers, they’ve grown ever taller. Since 2016, 400 new turbines have gone up in Kansas with rotor hubs taller than the Statue of Liberty.
The state now has between 3800 and 4,000 turbines, with hubs between 210 and 400 feet high.
It is clear that the pushback against the tyranny of renewables is accruing and accelerating. In August 2023, Robert Bryce again updates his files on rejected projects in the US. Kansas appears “ready able and willing,” to grab the mandates out of energy policies, leaving the door open to more affordable and reliable power.
(Recently, in the last ten days)….”local governments in Illinois, Ohio, and Iowa have rejected or restricted wind and solar projects. Those moves bring the total number of rejections or restrictions in the Renewable Rejection Database to 574.”
Kansas legislators of the Republican Party have as noted in this blog, created an Energy Resolution of outstanding clarity. The push for reliable and affordable energy is on. No herd mentality here.
Question: Lang to Rep Carrie Barth: How did you become enlightened re climate misinformation? Was this gradual, and is there a single source that sped your learning? (See Barth’s two page submission to the Senate Local Government Committee.)
Answer: When door knocking last summer as a new candidate running for Kansas House of Representatives District 5, I met a constituent on her fourth-generation farm porch. She shared with me about what is going on in Southwest Douglas County, Kansas, that was affecting her and her neighbors with the Florida based energy company signing leases in the area for wind turbines.
Keep in mind, I live in SW Douglas County and this was the first time I was hearing about it. She shared with me concerns about her property rights, concerns about health, concerns about crops and livestock, concerns about wildlife, concerns about noise, and how she wants to keep this land for her kids and their kids. She spoke through tears as her way of life her family has worked hard for could permanently change if an industrial Commercial wind complex were approved in Douglas County.
I listened intently to her. She had done her research, she had been talking with her neighbors, and she shared with me highly unethical business practices the energy company was using where multiple individuals have completed affidavits that have already been filed with Douglas County and the Kansas Attorney General’s office. We ended the conversation with a hug and she asked me to help save our county and to do something about it. I left there knowing I had to help.
Through my education I’ve learned growing up, climate change has been around since the beginning of time regardless of the size of population as about every 100 years our climate shifts. So I started to dig in to learn more on why people decided to think differently. And I started to follow the money as the science and history is already there.
Not only is there wind trying to come into my county, we also have a 3,000 acre solar industrial complex trying to plop right in the middle of our agriculture zoned county that also bleeds into Johnson County, KS. I started reading a lot and talking with anyone that had experience in wind and solar energy. After I was elected where I beat an incumbent and took office January 2023, I started asking questions, reading our House Rules, and talking with anyone who would listen to me about the problem we have not only in Douglas County, but across our state.
I proposed a budget proviso during session that was an independent third-party study on the health and environmental effects of wind turbines, solar arrays, hydrogen hubs, and transmission lines. It would be the first study of its kind that I am aware of. It passed the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Budget Committee but failed the House Appropriations Committee with only eight votes in support of it.
When they say follow the money, it’s true! There were energy lobbyists everywhere during this time. I was told by a fellow legislator they believe 50-75 lobbyist were hired to combat my budget proviso. People from all over Kansas, Republicans and Democrats showed up at the Capitol for the Appropriation Committee Budget meeting in support of the proviso wearing red shirts filling the room to observe what was happening and hear what was said.
You might be wondering, why would the energy industry be so afraid of people finding out the results of an independent study? Doesn’t everyone want to know the truth? The energy lobbyist and their attorney, along with their hired expert, like to tell me and others that they don’t understand why we are worried about our health and environment. They say wind and solar are safe and effective and are low cost. Because of my budget proviso, I received emails and calls from people all over the state of Kansas telling me the issues they have.
Other states learned of my proviso and they reached out to me. I even connected with people from Canada and the issues are ALL THE SAME! The evidence and data is clear! This is why I believe the resolution passed by the GOP delegates 180-1 votes.
Question to Rep. Barth: “To what extent do you think this Kansas Republican decision can impact other US legislators?”
Answer: The Resolution states the GOP party will support candidates that support legislative intent aligned with this resolution. Which means our Federal Republican candidates and elected positions will be held to this same standard as our state elected officials at all levels, including county elected Republicans. I have even shared our Kansas GOP Energy Resolution with other states so that they can do the same.
Question to Dennis Hedke (Geophysicist and former House Chair of Energy and Environment)
What is your background so we can understand the evolution that led to this remarkable achievement for the Republicans in KS?
Answer: I have been studying the issues surrounding the blatant misguided policymaking related to Energy, then Climate, since the Carter presidency, just after graduating from the University of Virginia, School of Engineering & Applied Science, M.S. Diploma in Materials Science. I wrote Carter a letter, and of course got no response. I had graduated from Kansas State University with a B.S. in Geophysics before leaving for Charlottesville. I was born and raised in Manhattan, KS, and moved to Miami, FL, to take my first job out of college in the spring of 1979.
Ronald Reagan moved the needle in the Right direction for 8 years, but then we got Bill Clinton, and of course Al Gore, one of the biggest liars in world history. We have been paying for his misguided malfeasance ever since.
We moved to Texas for a job change for me, as Exploration Manager for a small independent oil and gas exploration company in 1999. I was seething while seeing the very bad things in the making regarding ‘Global Warming’. We returned to Kansas in 2003/4, where I joined another small independent, as Geophysical Manager.
Fast forward to 2009, and I found myself inside the Kansas Capitol, as an unpaid lobbyist, fighting to resist the Legislature’s temptation to foist upon Kansan’s, Renewable Energy Mandates. I (we) lost that fight, and I knew it was going to be a disaster for all kinds of reasons, policy-wise and every-otherwise. I had run for a seat on the State Board of Education in 2008, and narrowly lost because the outgoing Republican seat holder endorsed my Democrat opponent. I ran a very clean race, and people in the party noticed.
In 2010, Sam Brownback won the Governor’s race, and the District 99 Representative was called to be Brownback’s Insurance Commissioner, this creating a vacancy in the Kansas House, which I was appointed to fill on January 24th, 2011. I became the Chairman of the House Energy & Environment Committee January 2013, and held that position until I left office, after 3 terms, ostensibly June 2016.
I and many allies forged a battle against the mandates, and moved Kansas into ‘Voluntary’ discretion in creation of power delivery to Kansan’s, in April, 2015.
That’s my answer as to how some things got into motion between myself and Carrie. Six years after I left office, she was elected to her seat. She is a real Firebrand and is dedicated to helping Kansas get back on track with Energy Policy. She is a tireless worker, and I deeply appreciate what she has done already in her first year as a legislator.
She had heard about me, and she reached out to me for some advice and guidance.….which brings us to today.
Question: I think you mentioned a serious “error” that allowed the EPA to falsely label the innocent, trace atmospheric gas, CO2, into a pollutant. You are adamant that this decision resulted in the fact that:
(Hedke) Trillions of Dollars have been wasted, people in 3rd and 4th World countries have been deprived of the most fundamentally necessary power to turn on the lights and be released from poverty and join the rest of the civilized world.
Also: The Kansas Legislature, ruled by Republicans in the 2009 Session, made a serious error in forcing Power Companies to deliver Mandated Renewable Energy. This happened under the purported agreement to allow a single coal-fired power plant in Holcomb, KS to justifiably expand its deliverability of Electric Power to the Grid. Only, it didn’t happen. It didn’t happen because the Secretary of the Kansas Department of Health & Environment, Rod Bremby, denied a Permit to expand the plant, due solely to politics related to ‘Global Warming’.”
The Resolution passed by the Republican Party of Kansas contains very specific language and intent to right the multitude of wrongs that Kansas Legislators conducted in 2009, and which served to spread the Mandate Mentality across America. It remains to be seen if the current body of Legislators will have the political will to hold the line, and in fact push back, where necessary and appropriate.
Question: A lot of readers will be wondering how you and Rep Barth achieved a 180-1 vote for this very clear resolution. Given that KS has a pro wind record of placing wind factories in the State, even with a Republican House and Senate, is there a catalyst for this resolution at this time and at this place? Was a lot of lobbying needed, or was this more evolutionary, organic in nature due to the fast paced media pieces on changing perspectives of “renewables and climate”?
Answer: Former Chair, Dennis Hedke:
I perceive much of the reason for the success was due to the fact that the Committee reviewing the Resolution is heavily conservative. They had to present it to the Republican Party Delegates, which are probably also more conservative leaning.
The Legislators, Carrie excluded, are a lot more squishy, caring more about holding on to their seats, than acting with resolve and principle.
There may be some renewed pressure on Legislators to resist the absolutely ridiculous reasons for being ‘green’. That remains to be seen. Many of them simply forget that “The Truth Will Set You Free”.
I forgot to answer your question about cost of electricity. My bills range from about .13/kwh to .14/kwh.
Prices have increased by about 55% since wind power has been replacing coal and natural gas, commencing around 2011.
Thank you for your interest. Dennis.
Thank you again Former Energy Chair Hedke, and Rep Carrie Barth.
Wow, what great news from Kansas. Let’s hope other legislators put on their big boy pants and adopt similar energy platforms. “No energy victims in Kansas” is a great slogan that should resonate in many other jurisdictions. Thanks for posting this.
This is indeed very good news!
This decision is based on the sort of information cost/benefit analysis and health studies would have provided.
What will be done about the projects that are currently running? Surely with all of this understanding that brought this resolution, they can’t continue.
This ethical crisis must be resolved as soon as possible….everywhere.
Thank you for this article. One very brave politician spoke the truth and acknowledged the human harm of industrial wind turbines, and her Party listened. If only that would happen other places.
Beautiful stuff.
The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Posted a synopsis on this Kansas breakthrough:
We thank Rep Carrie Barth and Former Chair House Energy and Environment KS, again, for their comments that add so much to the texture of their accomplishments. Dennis Hedke points out a correction in Addendum 3, which originally states:
“Wind turbines haven’t just exploded in numbers, they’ve grown ever taller. Since 2016, 400 new turbines have gone up in Kansas with rotor hubs taller than the Statue of Liberty.
The state now has between 3800 and 4,000 turbines, with hubs between 210 and 400 feet high.” From a quoted article.
Hedke’s comment: I do not know the exact number, but I am just going to guess it is many more than 400…..
The acceleration could well be an end game now. Thanks, Mr. Hedke.
Thanks Ruby, Ron Clutz, for reposting, or synthesizing, both of you. Much appreciated. Sommer, you are one of the lights in the fight and easy to see why you resonate with the resolution.
Mr. Garrett, yes! I absolutely love the simplicity of the Resolution: no fussing around, no milking, no watering, just the truth. You said it so well.
Hoping the news of KS breakthrough, reaches other legislators. Am sure it will.
I agree with the above comments but I’m having trouble with some of the hyperlink references. For example, variations of this paragraph are repeated:
….the energy producer is already allowing ESG rhetoric and the UN Agenda 2030 “Sustainable Development Goals” to guide their investments in Kansas, even rewarding executives and directors with additional bonuses and stock options for implementing the global climate plan.
It wouldn’t surprise me that Agenda 2030 is trying to harness utility executive greed to implement its global climate plan. However, none of the links document where Agenda 2030 discusses utility executive perks for implementing renewables. Perhaps I overlooked something. Regardless, it would be a powerful argument against Agenda 2030 to have such language if it exists. Please advise.
Thanks, Mark. I’ve messaged Rep Barth and Former House Chair, Hedke, to comment back to us. A very important question and I’d also like the answer.
It wouldn’t surprise me to find a large pocket of funding, via fancy names perhaps, tricky names, perhaps, to augment the Agenda.
Would be interesting to have replies from various States on this.
Thanks, and stay tuned.
Mark Krebs, there is a link that works for me:
Author Jennifer Williams poses How Much is Too Much. A series.
A quote:
As Evergy is continuing to request increases in rates, is the public aware of how their current budget is being spent? Do they know that the Evergy CEO was compensated over $6.8 MILLION in 2022, Board of Director salaries averaged over $333,000, and stockholders received over $534 MILLION in total dividends paid? Are they aware that executives are rewarded for implementing the global ESG plan, including Evergy’s adherence to the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, or that Evergy spends countless hours and dollars in lobbying and campaign donations?
You’ll also find other climate reports, metrics, and board committee composition (discussed later under salaries.)
If one still believes that the United Nations Agenda 2030 is a conspiracy theory, Evergy further validates its existence under #7 UN Sustainable Development Goals, where you’ll find the following chart that addresses 10 of the UN’s goals and how Evergy prioritizes and works to implement those goals.
How did the UN get influence in Evergy’s business plan? Evergy claims here that “the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared plan for peace and prosperity for people and planet, now and into the future.”
There is much more in this five part series by Jennifer Williams. Evergy seems to have driven the bus right into the Agenda prescriptions. It’s compelling info.
Hi Mark, the other comment hasn’t registered yet, and it referenced the link I was referring to above. At this point in time, it may yet appear, but here is the link.
QUOTE: As Evergy is continuing to request increases in rates, is the public aware of how their current budget is being spent? Do they know that the Evergy CEO was compensated over $6.8 MILLION in 2022, Board of Director salaries averaged over $333,000, and stockholders received over $534 MILLION in total dividends paid? Are they aware that executives are rewarded for implementing the global ESG plan, including Evergy’s adherence to the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, or that Evergy spends countless hours and dollars in lobbying and campaign donations?”
Under Ms Williams’ next section: ESG – Environmental, Social, and Governance
“Many Kansas State legislators are rightfully proud of their work during the 2023 session with SB291, which focused on restricting state agencies from adopting ESG criteria or requiring any person or business to operate in accordance with such criteria.”
You raised such an important question, Mark. Here is Canada’s embedding of “Agenda 30” and a very willing political federal force, putting pressure on jurisdictions.
Described as mandatory federal processes, the lingo, very layered, goes on to explain how:
QUOTE: The Government of Canada regularly engages with Canadians, stakeholders and partners on their experience in implementing the SDGs. This is done through:
high-level outreach
leveraging federal-provincial-territorial for
bilateral engagements with provinces and territories
outreach to municipalities and local levels of government
Since its launch in 2019, the SDG Funding Program has supported 130 projects for approximately $22 million, including projects that aim to:
increase public awareness of the SDGs
support new partnerships to advance action
identify and implement innovative initiatives to drive progress on the SDGs
Am not sure how this filters to utilities that are somehow bound to the Agenda. Lots of propaganda. Lots.
I suspect that utilities such as Evergy in KS use the peddling by the UN, to promote those objectives, and bend the finances. Are nearly mandated to, or are.
Shirley Koehn of KS writes in a submission to the KS House Federal and State Affairs Committee HR 6032: UN Agenda (at that time 21), is soft law. Potent questions she lists: see the link here.
She notes that those compliant, will receive positive incentives: read FINANCIAL incentives.
Let me know if you find anything more concrete.
Again, in reference to our KS leaders, Ms. Barth and Mr. Hedke, all the more potent in their absolutely clear energy directions.
Unwittingly or otherwise, electric utility executives are clearly and greedily dancing to the tune of Agenda 2030. “Beneficial electrification” through the “transition” to an electric energy monoculture are a prime example. However, the lyrics of the song don’t seem to target electric utility executives to do their bidding. If it did, and we could document it, then we could forcefully rub their noses in it. and it would give me considerable satisfaction to do so. And that’s why I’m asking.
Yes, I see. Thanks so much. True. Is it also a trickle down economic theory, from the UN Mandates to the Federal Mandates, to the States, to the producers and Utilities….? Perhaps the opportunities are too vast and tasty.
I sure like your idea of documenting any implied or real instructions to utilities!
Thanks. Keep us posted.
Comment to be posted from Terry Collister Johnson.
FINALLY! Placing the blame where it should be. CO2 is NOT a pollutant, and it is “greed” energy, not “green” energy. Many thanks for this and God bless KS.
This resolution is wonderful news for the people of Kansas and a great example for other states on what should and can be done — without delay. We have a lot of work to do to get to this point in Alaska… if it is not already too late.
The issue of climate as enemy has emerged from a faction that wants total power exercised by one world government. Because energy is the universal entity upon which modern civilization exists the faction has demonized the molecular combination of carbon and oxygen released by combustion in order that fear of it will cause a majority to surrender national self government to mono government as the only polity with the global reach required to confront the alleged looming world disaster. Kansas Republicans know the faction for the latest strain of tyranny and reject their movement on both scientific and humanistic grounds.
Thank you.
Thanks, Kassie A. Indeed. Without delay. Get this rolling across the US and Canada, and beyond. Alaska….Slovenia, Scotland, Spain, well, the list goes on.
I often remember Mother Theresa:
“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” —
Rep Carrie Barth and Former Energy Chair Dennis Hedke are game changers. And many ripples to be seen, shortly and even now.
John Joyce, thanks so much. Perfectly said. Since when is CARBON a life killer, when we all KNOW it is a life giver. So much has been expressed and yet our kids are taught to fear CO2.
David Seigel writes about trying to be “less wrong.”
Quote: The way we are all working now, I am worried that we’re easily drowned out by people who don’t care at all about the environment but care only about their preferred view of the world. They really are willing to sacrifice the environment to save it, because it isn’t about the environment, it’s about power. Unquote
Thanks as ever, Jack, John Joyce.
Barmby, Ron Stein, and so many others are clearly teaching us the planet is not “boiling” or burning, or drowning….hype translated into profits.
Thanks for the comment!
What a wonderful testament to indepent critical thinking. How refreshing to have a brave and articulate member of the House of Representatives spearhead this initiative. “I don’t believe I am the typical politician. I don’t care about a political career or political threats. I care about doing the right thing. I care about people. Period! (- Rep Carrie Barth in an email, October 9 2023)
Kansas Rep Carrie Barth and Former Chair of Energy and Environment House, Dennis Hedke are to be congratulated on their clarity of mind and coordinated efforts to slay the “Trojan wind dragon”. The Republican party should follow their lead across the country.
Cudos to Sherri Lange for a very powerful and cogent article and to Master Resource for covering this critical energy subject.
Thanks, Michael Spencley. Nicely said. I don’t think this is a small media event. I think it is like a master key to other initiatives that are sure to follow. I also congratulate the independence of spirit and intellectual honesty of Barth and Hedke. I know how much fortitude this must have taken, and to assume the mantle and get 180 Republicans on board, is truly remarkable. Let’s watch the evolving story, and watch this morph into even more positive energy “clean outs,” especially in the light of the crushing world stories of how wind (and solar) are no longer the darlings, and are taking a beating financially. Thanks again for the comment.
Thank you again Sherri,
I was in a luncheon meeting yesterday, where the guest speaker, KS Sen. Mike Thompson (KS-10) stated that the latest count of wind turbines in Kansas is somehere near 4500…all thanks to those 2009 Mandates, and the ever increasing reach of Evergy, which is controlled by the international conglomerate, Elliott Group, and others such as the famous Next Era.
Thanks Mr. Hedke. Useful to know “closer to fact” numbers! It’s a staggering number. And as you noted, larger and larger all the time. Bigger sweep to kill more living things. Birds, bats, insects…
Fingers in many pies here. And the mandates apply pressure, with unrelenting regularity. Nice to see you and Ms. Barth and international bodies indicating that they cannot possibly keep the mandates they committed to. They can’t reach Net Zero by such and such. They can’t keep relying on renewables to keep people warm and fed. As you both pointed out:
Quote: (Hedke) “Trillions of Dollars have been wasted, people in 3rd and 4th World countries have been deprived of the most fundamentally necessary power to turn on the lights and be released from poverty and join the rest of the civilized world.”
Ah, reality. Such a cold dump of ice water.
Thanks for the comment, and your contribution to MR.
Comment by Oskar in Thailand. Wishes us to know this is his personal opinion.
Commenting on the ultimate harms of “renewables.”
Quote: We have not even seen the worst of it yet. Not being an expert on any of these technologies I would imagine that just like with EVs the real big problems will arise when many of these things get to the end of their “life”cycle during their costly and environmentally onerous decommissioning stage. Considering the present downhill spiral of this woke world I would not be surprised that instead of disassembling these wind monsters they will just be left standing there rotting away forever as permanent witnesses of these crazy times we are living in. Unquote.