A Free-Market Energy Blog

“Save NOAA Stop DOGE” Climate Protest

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 28, 2025

Want to know why the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration needs a massive downsizing? Because it is a political organization masquerading as a weather forecast center. And the climate lobby is upset at the clean-up.

Monday between 10:00 am and noon eastern, the Chesapeake Climate Action Network / Action Fund is hosting a “Hands off NOAA!” rally at NOAA’s headquarters in Silver Springs, MD. Here is CCAN’s announcement:

The Trump Administration and Elon Musk continue to recklessly demonize dedicated federal workers who provide critical services everyday. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) who provide critical services from the National Weather Service to seafood safety is not immune from DOGE’s intimidation tactics to fulfill the promise of Project 2025 to eliminate NOAA.

But we are NOT going to sit back and watch.

On Monday, March 3rd at 10am Congressional leaders and advocates will gather at NOAA HQ in Silver Spring, MD (right at the Silver Spring Metro stop) to tell Trump and Musk to keep their hands off of NOAA.

The call-to-action continued:

Firing hundreds of NOAA workers would have severe impacts on day-to-day life for Americans. We depend on NOAA workers everyday to warn us of weather events, protect our commercial fisheries, support first-responders when disasters happen, and much more. We have already seen the damage Trump and Musk have done to other critical agencies. We have seen how families and communities have paid a heavy price for so-called “efficiency.” NOAA must be defended!

On the contrary, NOAA workers with their nice severance package can find employment in the private sector, even if it means a career change. Foundations can take over functions considered vital to human wellbeing to reemploy the displaced. But climate lobbying is over on the taxpayer’s dime.


Sarah Guy, executive director of Ocean Defense Initiative, stated on social media.

💙💙💙 is with NOAA employees who lost their jobs today as DOGE sows chaos across federal agencies. But as Chesapeake Climate Action Network says here, “we are NOT going to sit back and watch.”

I commented:

The private sector can pick up the NOAA ex’s who add value to weather forecasting services, and foundations can underwrite research. Others should alter career paths into teaching or who-knows-what.

Political jobs are risky, and the US is broke! www.usdebtclock.org


That a climate group is leading the protest is exactly why NOAA is being downsized!

In another post regarding NOAA, I noted that this agency’s weather forecast for Texas in the winter of 2020/21 was so wrong that it contributed to the Great Texas Blackout from Storm Uri.

Other voices of despair were heard with the announcement. Jane Lubchenco, Deputy Director for Climate and Environment in Biden’s White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, stated:

The mass firings today at NOAA: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration are a national disaster and a colossal waste of money.  Destroying NOAA’s ability to provide life-saving information, keep our ocean healthy, and strengthen the economy makes no sense—no sense at all. NOAA is a lean agency, with highly skilled, impressively dedicated people –I know because I have worked with them for years. We need them; all of them.

A lean agency? Need every last employee? That’s one bureaucrat protecting another, part of the Climate Deep State in this instance.

Check out this function of NOAA that screams for budget cut for ecological improvement.


  1. John W. Garrett  

    Chesapeake Climate Action Network is— and has always been— a collection of political activists and socialists.

    They long ago hitched their wagon to the evidence deficient “Catastrophic/dangerous, CO2-driven anthropogenic global warming/climate change” CONJECTURE for reasons of political convenience.

    CCAN is a perfect example of watermelons (green on the outside, red on the inside).


  2. John W. Garrett  

    Mike Tidwell, founder and director of Chesapeake Climate Action Network, is a charlatan and a climate crackpot.

    Enabled by the goofy, guilt-ridden Rockefeller heirs, he (like Bill McKibben) has absolutely no science training or background and is a professional malcontent.


  3. John W. Garrett  

    Check out the nutjobs who serve as Directors of Chesapeake Climate Action Network:


    The Board Secretary is Ted Rouse. I’ve known Teddy Rouse my entire life. He’s a son of James Rouse (yes, the developer) who has held tight to his father’s coattails since childhood. Teddy is and has always been a full-blown crackpot.

    Also check out Director Reverend Lennox Yearwood:

    ” Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr., President and CEO of the Hip Hop Caucus, is a minister, community activist and one of the most influential people in Hip Hop political life. He works tirelessly to encourage the Hip Hop generation to utilize its political and social voice.

    A national leader and pacemaker within the green movement, Rev Yearwood has been successfully bridging the gap between communities of color and environmental issue advocacy for the past decade. With a diverse set of celebrity allies, Rev Yearwood raises awareness and action in communities that are often overlooked by traditional environmental campaigns. Rev Yearwood’s innovative climate and clean energy work has garnered the Hip Hop Caucus support from several environmental leaders including former Vice President Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project, National Wildlife Federation, Earthjustice, Sierra Club and Bill McKibben’s 350.org.

    Rolling Stone deemed Rev Yearwood one of our country’s “New Green Heroes” and Huffington Post named him one of the top ten change makers in the green movement. He was also named one of the 100 most powerful African Americans by Ebony Magazine in 2010, and was also named to the Source Magazine’s Power 30, Utne Magazine’s 50 Visionaries changing the world, and the Root 100 Young Achievers and Pacesetters…”


  4. Richard Greene  

    This is a worthless article designed to slam NOAA

    There are no facts and details to justify the staff reductions or any knowledge of what the fired people had been doing. The logical way to reduce spending is for Congress to lower the budget for NOAA, which they never do, with continuing resolutions. Then Congre can go through the lists of NOAA tasks (see below) and decide which tasks should be eliminated. If any.

    The it is the executive branch’s role to decide how many people are required for the role and funding of NOAA as defined by Congress. It seems that many Republicans, including King Musk, prefer to character attack an agency, as in this article, and then falsely claim fraud. Then they arbitrary fire people with no regard to their job performance. Or whether they are needed to do the mission Congress defined for NOAA and funded. Firing without cause is also illegal because it violates union agreements. Like many Republicans these days, I suspect the author wants a dictator president who ignores Congress and courts.

    The author only wants to attack NOAA ad smear the people who oppose staff cuts. He does not provide the details of what work will not be done if NOAA is eliminated or severely downsized.
    It’ not obvious the author has any idea what NOAA does. Only mentioned was one task about offshore windmills that is obviously a minor role for NOAA. This one task was data mined to smear NOAA. I challenge the author to go through the list of NOAA tasks and tell us which ones should be recommended to Congress as unnecessary and should be deleted from the next budget to save money. That is how our Constitutionally limited Republic is supposed to work. The author does not seem to know that.

    NOAA’s Tasks:

    Key Areas of Responsibility: Weather and Climate: Weather Forecasts and Warnings: Providing daily weather forecasts, severe storm warnings, and other weather-related information.

    Climate Monitoring: Monitoring climate patterns and trends. Climate Predictions and Projections: Developing climate predictions and projections to help communities plan for the future.

    National Weather Service (NWS): The NWS provides weather, water, and climate forecasts and warnings for the United States, its territories, adjacent waters, and ocean areas.

    Oceans and Coasts:

    Mapping and Charting: Mapping and charting oceans and coasts for navigation, ocean exploration, coastal and living resource management, and other purposes. Ocean Exploration: Conducting research to improve our understanding of the ocean.

    Coastal and Marine Ecosystems: Protecting and managing coastal and marine ecosystems. Marine Resource Management: Managing fisheries, marine sanctuaries, and other marine resources.

    Coastal Hazards: Providing information and tools to help communities prepare for and respond to coastal hazards, such as hurricanes, tsunamis, and storm surges.
    Research and Development: Conducting Research: Conducting research to improve our understanding of the Earth’s environment. Developing New Technologies: Developing and deploying new technologies to improve weather forecasting, ocean monitoring, and other areas. Sharing Information: Sharing scientific data and information with other federal and academic scientists.

    Other Responsibilities:

    Supporting Marine Commerce: Supporting marine commerce and navigation. Protecting Life and Property: Protecting life and property from severe weather and other hazards.
    Enhancing the National Economy: Enhancing the national economy through sustainable management of ocean and coastal resources.

    Regulatory and Stewardship Authority: NOAA has regulatory and stewardship authority for fisheries, marine sanctuaries, marine mammals, threatened and endangered species, and habitat conservation.

    Law Enforcement: NOAA has an Office of Law Enforcement that handles seafood fraud, marine mammal protection, and fisheries-related incidents. International Scientific Collaboration: NOAA collaborates with other nations to advance our ability to predict and respond to changes in climate and other environmental challenges.


  5. rbradley  

    Richard: The NYT today called NOAA ‘… one of the world’s leading centers of climate research….’ That’s mission creep and politics–and reason enough to shut down the whole agency. Podesta-Biden-Harris ‘whole of government’ climate policy is reversed.

    The other functions can be done in the private sector (for-profit, non-profit) agencies or not at all, right? Privatizing the water areas would help in this regard.

    P.S. NOAA’s costly bad forecasts end with its demise, too. http://www.masterresource.org/climate-models-climate-change/us-winter-noaa-warm/


  6. Tommy Young  

    Isn’t the point Elon wants the business to go private, meaning his Starlink and other biz? Screaming conflict of interest.


  7. Richard Greene  

    Shut down NOAA?
    How extreme of you!

    Do you support a dictator President who ignores the responsibilities of Congress? They set up NOAA and funded it. But you would prefer a dictator president to bypass Congress and make his own budgets? No need for Congress anymore?

    If you think everything NOAA does is not necessary and will somehow be replaced by a for profit organization, you are living in a fantasyland.

    For just one example: NOAA operates and maintains 27 tide gauge stations globally, and analyzes data from over 240 other stations. NOAA has been tracking coastal water levels for over 150 years. What private organization would do that task, which is very unlikely to be a profitable enterprise?

    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) owns facilities, aircraft, and intellectual property. NOAA also uses satellites, radar, and other systems to gather environmental data.
    NOAA owns and leases properties across the United States, including laboratories and warehouses
    NOAA’s facilities are spread across 626 properties and 160 markets
    NOAA’s owned facilities include 407 properties that total 3,451,489 square feet
    NOAA owns and operates aircraft, including manned aircraft and unmanned aerial systems (UAS)
    NOAA’s UAS are classified as corporate assets and are allocated through the Fleet Council

    Intellectual property
    NOAA owns intellectual property created by its researchers and staff
    NOAA’s intellectual property includes artistic works, designs, and symbols
    NOAA must protect federally-funded intellectual property
    Environmental data
    NOAA uses satellites, radar, surface systems, and other systems to gather environmental data
    NOAA uses this data to monitor and forecast weather, ocean conditions, and climate


    • rbradley  

      Richard, when I say that NOAA needs to be privatized, that not only means for-profit takeovers (accurate weather forecasts are very lucrative in many activities, such as futures markets). It also means that private foundations and universities therein can take over NOAA activities. Some international bodies (nongovernmental please, and with total transparency) could be part of this.

      The facilities you list are sales items that should be on DOGE’s list to pay down the national debt and even share with a dividend check. The intellectual property can allocated and otherwise sold.

      The immediate benefits post-NOAA are 1) the end of climate advocacy and 2) the end of bad, costly forecasts based on non-scientific climate models (Texas example).


  8. Sam Maruca  

    That’s for Congress to decide, not the know-nothing scumbags who have illegally usurped Congress’ role.


  9. rbradley  

    Sam: Congress got us into the $36 trillion hole. The point is that the US is bankrupt, and cuts must be made–and everywhere. (Easy on the emotionalism …)


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