Industrial Wind Siting: Getting Tough (Part 2: Ohio)

By Sherri Lange -- February 3, 2016 8 Comments

“As you can see, with larger turbines coming on line, we now have understandings of the effects over distances longer than previously assumed, and that requires us to rethink setbacks. The Shirley Wind Project [in Wisconsin] has engendered such severe health problems that the Public Health Unit declared the wind project a “human health hazard.”

The Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB) has consulted with interested parties to update requirements for industrial wind turbines in the state regarding siting, wildlife impacts, health and safety, construction impacts, decommissioning, shadow flicker, ice throw, and noise (including infrasound).

Governor Kasich has instituted five year re-evaluations of the regulations and statutes under the Common Sense Initiative (Executive Order 2011-OlK). The consultation described here is carried out under the OPSB’s second finding and order in case number 12-1981-EL-BRO, finding 17, which welcomes further consideration of concerns expressed by the Stakeholders.…

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Industrial Wind Siting: Getting Tough (Part 1: New York)

By Sherri Lange -- February 2, 2016 4 Comments

Abstract: Governor Andrew Cuomo, who supports an energy quota forcing New York to buy half of its energy from qualifying renewables by 2030, does not see the problems that would be caused by coating Upstate, Central and Western New York with sprawling, low-output, intrusive, bird-unfriendly wind turbines. All would be paying for the high upfront costs of the unneeded investment, including additional power lines that will be necessary to run the intermittent, unreliable wind energy from rural New York to New York City. Fortunately, the people are fighting back with proposed ordinances against wind turbines. This is not only good for residents and the environment, it is good for ratepayers across the state and taxpayers across the nation. (Part II tomorrow will overview Ohio’s wind turbine siting debate.)

The New York towns of Yates and Somerset are faced with the prospect of up to 70 massive turbines, 600–630 feet tall, which would tower over everything else.…

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Heath Effects from Industrial Wind: Australian Testimony (Part II: Dr. Sarah Laurie)

By Sherri Lange -- August 6, 2015 6 Comments

“There has been pretence that there is no evidence of harm at the levels of infrasound and low-frequency noise being emitted. This is untrue. There is an extensive body of research conducted by NASA and the US Department of Energy 30 years ago, which: established direct causation of sleep disturbance and a range of physiological effects euphemistically called ‘annoyance’,”

Dr. Sarah Laurie CEO, Waubra Foundation. Testimony before the Australian Senate Select Committee on Wind Turbines, June 29, 2015.

Considerable evidence of negative effects to health was recorded during the Australian Senate’s call for testimonies and evidence to its Select Committee on Wind Turbines.

The following testimony of Dr. Sarah Laurie, complementing the testimony reproduced yesterday by Robert McMurtry at MasterResource, contradicts that of Australian Wind Alliance national co-ordinator Andrew Bray who testified that people living near wind facilities experience no health problems.

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Heath Effects from Industrial Wind: Australian Testimony (Part I: Robert McMurtry)

By Sherri Lange -- August 5, 2015 1 Comment

“I have no kind words for people who attempt to trivialise what my family and I have tolerated since a large wind farm started operating near us. We don’t see them from our home (trees), and we rarely hear them but the infrasonic emissions incite a repeating, subtle noise and vibration in our home. Used to live across from a truck yard and it did not bother me, but I cannot ignore ringing ears, severe dizziness, pressure in head, difficulty concentrating and hypertension…. We need protection just the same as any person deserves.”

– Wind victim, Mike Jankowski, in response to an article summarizing the Senate Hearings in Austalia.

Considerable evidence of negative effects to health was recorded during the Australian Senate’s call for testimonies and evidence to its Select Committee on Wind Turbines which has accumulated 471 submissions from individuals and organizations around the world, many with lengthy additions, and attachments.…

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Industrial Wind: A Net Loser, Economically, Environmentally, Technically, Civilly

By Mary Kay Barton -- May 7, 2015 3 Comments Continue Reading

Not In Their Minds: Denial in the Wind/Health Debate

By Sherri Lange -- February 18, 2015 8 Comments Continue Reading

Health Canada Windpower Study: Playing Politics (Grubered up North)

By -- November 18, 2014 1 Comment Continue Reading

Editorializing for Wind in Ohio: A Rebuttal

By Thomas Stacy II -- July 22, 2014 1 Comment Continue Reading

Wind Setbacks: Safety First (unless you’re a wind developer)

By -- July 1, 2014 3 Comments Continue Reading

Turbines on Trial: Animal Miscarriages in Denmark (inconvenient fact for wind cronyists?)

By Mark Duchamp -- June 13, 2014 4 Comments Continue Reading