‘The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels’ Revisited (book review)

By Ari Armstrong -- March 3, 2015 No Comments

[Editor Note: MasterResource has reviewed Alex Epstein’s The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels before, but new reviews are welcomed to better appreciate and promote one of the most important books of its genre (energy realism) since Julian Simon’s The Ultimate Resource (1981). For futher information about this review and its author, see below.]

Who would argue that producing and using fossil fuels is not only not shameful, but also positively virtuous? Alex Epstein would. And he has done so eloquently and thoroughly in his book, The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels.

Epstein aptly summarizes his book with its final sentence (p. 209): “Mankind’s use of fossil fuels is supremely virtuous—because human life is the standard of value, and because using fossil fuels transforms our environment to make it wonderful for human life.”…

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Divestment? How About Hydrocarbon Appreciation Day!

By Roger Bezdek and Paul Driessen -- February 5, 2015 No Comments

“To colleges, universities and pension funds, we say: Please demand and ensure open, robust debate on all these issues, before you vote on divestment. Allow no noisy disruption, walk-outs or false claims of consensus. Compel divestment advocates to defend their position, factually and respectfully. Protect the rights and aspirations of people everywhere to reliable, affordable electricity, better living standards and, improved health.” 

“Social responsibility” activists have designated February 13/14 as Global Divestment Day. They want universities and other institutions to eliminate fossil fuel companies from their investment holdings. Their demand is not just unrealistic and misguided. It is irresponsible and immoral, potentially lethal–and racist in result.

Having grown up in developed countries, these activists seem to have forgotten how nasty and short life was throughout human history, until quite recently.…

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Holiday Bummer! Neo-Malthusianism (consumption, climate-free conversation decried)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 4, 2014 1 Comment

Life must be melancholy at best the neo-Malthusian closed-minded pessimists at such anti-liberty/pro-state organizations as Sierra Club, NRDC, 350.org, and Center for American Progress. No Julian Simon or Bjorn Lomborg or Judith Curry or Alex Epstein or Matt Ridley allowed at these shops!

Thankfully, most people–and certainly voters through demonstrated preference–are pessimistic about government and optimistic about life in a free society. And so it must be hard for the chronically discontent to interact on a personal, family level, particularly during the holiday season.

Consider the following quotations of Messing With The Holidays.

Heed the Warnings: Why We’re on the Brink of Mass Extinction (The Daily Beast, November 30, 2014)

“Evolutionary biologist Sean B. Carroll, executive producer of the doc Mass Extinction: Life At the Brink, on why mankind’s days are numbered….”

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Halloween Thoughts from Obama’s Science Advisor

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 31, 2014 3 Comments

 “Some form of ecocatastrophe, if not thermonuclear war, seems almost certain to overtake us before the end of the [twentieth] century.”

– John Holdren and Paul Ehrlich[1]

Doom and gloom—and falsity—hallmarks the long career of John P. Holdren, neo-Malthusian and President Obama’s initial and still science advisor. Halloween Holdren has been quiet with the outlandish in recent years–he does not want to embarrass his boss–but his many quotations beginning in the 1970s, never disowned, remain for the record.

Today is a good time to refresh memories of the man who just might be the scariest presidential advisor in U.S. history!

Read—but don’t be frightened. The sky-is-falling gloom of Holdren, his mentor Paul Ehrlich, and others is in intellectual and empirical trouble. From Julian Simon to Bjorn Lomborg to Indur Goklany to Matt Ridley to Marlo Lewis to Alex Epstein, the technological optimists have the upper hand in a debate that continues to rage.…

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“Population: The Ultimate Resource” (2000): Introduction by Barun Mitra

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 8, 2014 No Comments Continue Reading

HumanProgress.org (Julian Simon Lives! at the Cato Institute)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 5, 2014 1 Comment Continue Reading

Desrochers on Food: Politically Incorrect, Economically and Environmentally Correct

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 25, 2014 No Comments Continue Reading

Bill Gates on “The Bet” (Julian Simon’s continued march into the mainstream)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 7, 2014 8 Comments Continue Reading

“More People, Greater Wealth, More Resources, Healthier Environment” (Part II: Julian Simon 1994 essay)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 25, 2014 No Comments Continue Reading

“More People, Greater Wealth, More Resources, Healthier Environment” (Part I: 1994 Julian Simon essay reprinted)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 24, 2014 No Comments Continue Reading