Milton Friedman’s Energy Wisdom (would be 106 today)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 31, 2018 2 Comments

“Milton Friedman’s timeless energy insights should be appreciated for all time.”

Born on this day 106 years ago, free-market economist Milton Friedman (1912–2006) was one of a kind. Even the dyspeptic Paul Krugman called his rival “the economist’s economist…a very great man indeed—a man of intellectual courage who was one of the most important economic thinkers of all time and possibly the most brilliant communicator of economic ideas to the general public that ever lived.” The Economist (November 23, 2006) called him “the most influential economist of the second half of the twentieth century… and possibly all of it.”

Milton Friedman’s major professional mark was in monetary economics. But as a public intellectual, writing popular books and a biweekly Newsweek column, he became conversant in different fields, including energy.

Friedman understood how, for much of US history, major energy regulation was sponsored by some segment of the industry.…

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Rhode Island’s Climate Lawsuit: On Thin Ice

By -- July 12, 2018 5 Comments

“While assessing the details of the Rhode Island lawsuit, we went back and read the prospectus for the state’s latest bond offering, dated April 3, 2018. Nowhere in the 25-page section on the economics of Rhode Island was there mention of economic risk from the climate damages the state alleges.”

“‘Send money’ seems to be the message. We wondered how the Defendants could stop from committing the acts they are accused of without stopping their sales of oil and gas products in the state. That would send the state back to an economy and society when Roger Williams founded Rhode Island.”

From sea to shining sea, the climate change movement is cranking up its legal actions against oil companies. The latest comes from the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantation.

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“An Orchestrated Campaign” (behind those climate lawsuits)

By Spencer Walrath -- July 5, 2018 3 Comments

“If you think that [the strategy of #ExxonKnew] sounds like a threat to free speech, you’re right … [as] activists have admitted ….”

“Their goal from the beginning: use litigation to link energy producers and tobacco companies, according to a summary report that the workshop attendees published.”

“Emails obtained under Freedom of Information requests have also shown that many of the state AGs invited to the March 29, 2016, press conference with Schneiderman and Al Gore actually refused to join the #ExxonKnew campaign, over concerns about its scope and intent.”

“From the very beginning, the #ExxonKnew campaign was orchestrated by the Rockefellers and anti-fossil fuel activists who want oil and natural gas companies to ‘pay’ for climate change.”

Well-devised and generously funded environmental campaigns are nothing new. But from the very beginning, the #ExxonKnew campaign has been different.

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Carbon Tax: Political Poison for Conservatives, Libertarians

By -- May 8, 2018 No Comments

[Editor note: This is a repost from Marlo Lewis, Jr.’s piece from last year, published at the CEI blogsite. It is particularly relevant given the increasing isolation of R Street and the Niskanen Center in the climate-change debate.]

“… it is untrue that conservatives have been trying to beat something with nothing. Our “something” is climate realism and an energy sector free to power a growing economy because government eschews all forms of market favoritism.”

“The 2016 elections have given conservatives and free marketers an unexpected and rare opportunity to help a bold president change the direction of national policy. We squander that opportunity if we instead legitimize the progressive movement’s anti-fossil fuel crusade and promote an economically-destructive tax that would actually grow government under the pretense of streamlining it.”

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Amy Myers Jaffe: Anger at Fossil Fuel Dominance (remembering Jeffrey Sachs too)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 1, 2018 5 Comments Continue Reading

Attack on Tom Stacy: “No Good Deed Goes Unpunished” (anti-wind effort smeared by crony environmentalist)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 11, 2018 4 Comments Continue Reading

ALEC on Climate Science: Where’s the Beef?

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 14, 2018 1 Comment Continue Reading

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: March 12, 2018

By -- March 12, 2018 2 Comments Continue Reading

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: February 19, 2018

By -- February 19, 2018 1 Comment Continue Reading

Mexico’s Energy Reform: Don’t Backslide (a la Venezuela)

By Richard Sigman -- February 9, 2018 1 Comment Continue Reading