Appreciating the Master Resource (Part II: Energy Foes Agree!)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 3, 2024 No Comments

[Ed. Note: Part I yesterday examined quotations on the primacy of energy for human betterment from friends of conventional energy. Today’s post adds respect from foes of oil, gas, and coal.

Free-market energy proponents gain the high ground when they stress the utilitarian nature of affordable, plentiful, reliable energy. Energy statists must play defense when their opponents stress the need to keep energy affordable for the less financially able and those billion-plus world citizens who do not have access to modern forms of energy.

Increased energy affordability is not bad but good. Yet cheap energy is the enemy to the other side (although the Obama greens will not publicly admit it). Julian Simon noticed as much when he wrote The Cheaper the Energy the Better during the BTU tax debate in 1993:

Some people simply believe that it is ipso facto a good thing to use less energy and have less economic growth.

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“The Earth Is Warming, but Is CO2 the Cause?” (‘Ouch’ for climate alarmism)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 8, 2023 1 Comment

“By now, it’s some people’s job, if not personal vocation, to enact these rituals of denunciation simply because it helps prop up the green corporate welfare….” (Holman Jenkins, below)

Holman W. Jenkins, a columnist at the Wall Street Journal, is a straight-shooter on many things climate, including the blanks fired from alarmist science. Yes, he defends a CO2 tax, which is considered a “moderate” position within the climate-industrial complex. (Even Homer nods.) But his November 3rd column was powerful.

Jenkins latest column coincides with a new book by Javier Vinos, Climate Puzzle: The Sun’s Surprising Role, summarized at Judith Curry’s Climate Etc. [1] And the climate intelligentsia is upset with such upstream distractions when the downstream of their campaign, Net Zero, is on its last legs. Climate science? We are still stuck in 1980s, sorry to say, when it comes to climate sensitivity and the ecological impacts of anthropogenic warming.…

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Energy and Environmental Review: September 25, 2023

By -- September 25, 2023 No Comments

Ed. Note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a free fortnightly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete Newsletter for this post can be found here.

Greed Energy Economics:
*** The “cheap wind power” myth is blown away
Traders in CO2 Credits Saddled With Vast Stranded-Asset Pile
Economic Suicide: Germany Passes Green Heating Law Mandating 65% Renewable Energy

Unreliables (General):
*** Giant utility rejects net zero power, big fight follows
*** ACEEE says heavy industry should become intermittent
*** Growing Maze of State and Local Laws Challenging Biden’s Energy Push
In the Wonderland of Wind and Solar, Down Can Be Up
Devastating risks of transitioning to ‘green’ energy

Wind Energy — Offshore:
*** Endangered Whales Unprotected with Wind Industry in Violation of Sonar Limits, New Research Finds
*** Why won’t Greenpeace admit that wind turbines may be killing whales?

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Wind Fails Texas Again

By -- June 26, 2023 1 Comment

“Texas problem with wind and solar generation has been growing for years. In 2022, wind farms generated 25% of the electricity used in ERCOT. Solar farms generated 5.65%. Ten years earlier, wind’s market share was 12.25% and solar’s 0.03%. This has placed a great strain on the grid because neither of these generation sources can be counted on when needed.

Source: Reuters

Reuters recently ran a story highlighting wind generation’s failure through the early months of 2023:

The Texas power grid operator urged homes and businesses to conserve electricity on Tuesday as the first major heat wave of the season spurs residents to crank power-hungry air conditioners. Power prices for Tuesday topped $2,500 per megawatt hour (MWh) in the state’s day-ahead market on expectations that demand would reach record levels later in the day, according to the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT).

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In Search of the “Greenhouse Signal” in the 1990s (and when did they know?)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 21, 2023 3 Comments Continue Reading

Geoengineering: New Area for the Climate Industrial Complex?

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 28, 2023 3 Comments Continue Reading

“Cognitive Dissonance” and Climate Change: A Takedown

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 7, 2023 3 Comments Continue Reading

Should Nations Stop Using Fossil Fuels? (Part II)

By Julián Salazar Velásquez -- January 25, 2023 3 Comments Continue Reading

“Rare Earths,” Electrification Mandates, and Energy Security (Part I)

By -- January 11, 2023 7 Comments Continue Reading

CLINTEL Message to Public: ‘There is No Climate Emergency”

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 9, 2022 No Comments Continue Reading