California Plays with Cap-and-Trade Monies (Steyerland redistributionism)

By -- September 2, 2015 4 Comments

“Over the past year, the cost of electricity for California residents increased by 5.2% versus a national average that rose 0.8%. If you are a business or industrial user of electricity in California, your May power bill was 42% or 64%, respectively, above the national average. We suspect power costs in California are going nowhere but up given the mandates in this clean energy plan.”

A recently completed study by the Associated Press (AP) into the performance of California’s Clean Energy Jobs Act showed that the money earmarked for the state’s coffers well below projections. More than half the money spent by the program has gone to consultants and auditors.

There’s more. The board created to oversee the plan has yet to meet after three years. And only 15% of the annual job creation target has been achieved over the three-year period the law has been in effect.…

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Speech to the Australian Senate on Wind Power (Sen. Brown raises major issues)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 1, 2015 No Comments

“The committee had evidence … from … a very credible witness, that about 16 years of the use of a wind turbine would be necessary before you would actually get back to the cost-benefit of the greenhouse gases forgiven as a result of the construction.”

“People say that [wind-turbine residents] are not really sick at all, that it is just in their heads. It is in their heads. You are quite right. Nausea, anxiety, annoyance, and sleeplessness are sure as hell in your head.

Let me put on the record that I am very much in favor of aspects of renewable energy…. I also want to place on the record my strong support for hydroelectricity in your state, Senator Anne Urquhart, and in the Snowy Mountains. When you can generate in the high peak periods and when you can use off-peak periods to pump water back up to generate again the next time it is needed surely has to be the ultimate value of renewable energy….…

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AWEA’s Eagle Mortality Defense: A Response

By Jim Wiegand -- August 31, 2015 22 Comments

“Wind projects are the number one source of golden eagle fatalities, mortally wounded eagles, and eagle carcasses found in the regions of wind farms. It is very telling that Mr. Anderson would compare this regional slaughter to every other source of human-related eagle mortality on a planet occupied by 7 billion people.”

In the weekend Wall Street Journal, John Anderson of the American Wind Energy Association wrote a deceitful rebuttal to Robert Bryce’s August 19th opinion-page editorial, “Obama’s Wind-Energy Lobby Gets Blown Away: California Judge Rules in Favor of Bald Eagles and Against 30-year Permits to Shred Them.”

“Chalk one up for the bald eagle,” Bryce began. “The avian symbol of American freedom has beaten the Obama administration and the wind industry in court, though the majestic birds still don’t stand a chance when flying near the subsidy-fueled blades of green-energy production.”…

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ABC’s ‘Victory’ over FWS & Big Wind: Much More Must Be Done

By Jim Wiegand -- August 27, 2015 No Comments

“For this case the Fish & Wildlife Service stated that the rapidly expanding wind industry will ‘not affect endangered or threatened species or designated critical habitat.’ This is a complete fabrication or is delusional at best.”

On August 11, 2015, a decision was handed down in a Federal Court setting aside the 30-year Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) killing permits. The suit to stop these permits was filed on behalf of three parties all connected to the conservation group American Bird Conservancy (ABC). The defendants in this case were none other than the FWS and representatives of the wind industry.

In the aftermath of this decision ABC is claiming a major victory for our eagles. Though it is a comfort to know that the corrupt wind energy bullies had their 30 permits set aside, there is no comfort in knowing that this ruling will not stop the wind industry’s hidden slaughter of eagles.…

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The Brave Judith Curry (Part II)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 25, 2015 10 Comments Continue Reading

AWED Energy & Environmental Newsletter: August 24, 2015

By -- August 24, 2015 2 Comments Continue Reading

The Fruitful Earth and CO2 Fertilization: A Biblical Defense (Part I: Essential Questions)

By -- August 19, 2015 2 Comments Continue Reading

Refrack Resourceship: Why the Carbon-based Energy Era Is Still Young

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 17, 2015 2 Comments Continue Reading

Bald and Golden Eagles Victorious: Court Invalidates 30-Year “Eagle Take” Rule (feds vs. federal law)

By Robert Johns -- August 13, 2015 11 Comments Continue Reading

Industrial Wind vs. Rural America, Electricity Markets

By Mary Kay Barton -- August 12, 2015 8 Comments Continue Reading