Energy & Environmental Newsletter: January 21, 2019

By -- January 21, 2019 3 Comments

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy and environmental policies. Our premise is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science (please consult for more information).

 A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every three weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and the environment. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.

 Some of the more important articles in this issue are:

Schumer’s Green Energy Subsidies Cost Much More Than Trump’s Wall

This May Be the Greatest Renewables Story Ever Told

The carbon tax – a wolf in green clothing

Superior video: Infrasound caused by Industrial Wind Turbines

Study: Acoustics and Biological Structures

Report: Concerns about Wind Turbines and Human Health

US Supreme Court Decides Against Wind Developer

President Trump Signs Bipartisan Law to Boost Advanced Nuclear

A Cheaper, Cleaner Electric Grid

An actual letter from a grandfather to his grandkids at school

The Growing Absurdities of the German Energiewende

More Than 1000 Citizen Wind Energy Protest Groups

The drive to make New York ‘zero carbon’ is insane

The Green New Deal Is a Trojan Horse for Socialism

Millennial Socialism 101

Millennials Are Clueless About Communism.

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FDR’s New Deal with Energy: Part V (Rural Electrification)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 15, 2019 1 Comment

“The private sector’s push for rural electrification would be forgotten as electrifying the countryside became a political issue during the New Deal, specifically with the creation of the Rural Electrification Administration in 1935.”

– Robert Bradley, Edison to Enron: Energy Markets and Political Strategies (2011), p. 165.

“Next to their ability to pump water mechanistically, small wind turbines are best known for their ability to generate power at remote homesteads…. During the 1930s, when only 10% of U.S. farms were served by central-station power, literally hundreds of thousands of [“home light plants”] were in use on the Great Plains…. [This industry] collapsed quickly after the introduction of electricity by the Rural Electrification Administration during the 1930s.”

– Paul Gipe. Wind Energy Comes of Age (1995), pp. 125, 131.

The New Deal’s policies toward oil and coal in the 1933–39 era were hardly succeeded from anyone’s perspective.

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FDR’s New Deal with Energy: Part I (oil exploration & production)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 8, 2019 4 Comments

“What was FDR’s New Deal (1933–35) pertaining to energy? The real New Deal was centered on petroleum and coal. Second, it was an alliance of special business interests and power-hungry bureaucrats working against common consumers and taxpayers. Third, it was about a police state to try to enforce command-and-control edicts.”

What exactly is the ‘Green New Deal’? E&E News (

In a Democratic clash on Capitol Hill, progressives are pushing an ambitious plan to wean the U.S. off fossil fuels, boost renewables and build a ‘smart’ grid,” states Hannah Northey. The proposal, drawing inspiration from President Franklin Roosevelt’s Depression-era New Deal, is one that progressives — led by Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), a rising star on the left — want Democratic leaders to embrace.”

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Energy & Environmental Newsletter: January 7, 2019

By -- January 7, 2019 3 Comments

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy and environmental policies. Our premise is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science (please consult for more information).

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every three weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and the environment. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.

Some of the more important articles in this issue are:

Follow the (Climate Change) Money

Study: Wind turbine radio/electromagnetic energy – the risk to human health

41 Reasons why wind power can not replace fossil fuels

Wind Power Installation INCREASES The Growth Of Fossil Fuels

“Green New Deal” Is Neither New, Nor A Deal — It’s A Fraud

Nuclear wins big in clean energy competition

Nuclear activity: UK, Russia, Japan, China and US all increasing capacity

There is no Holy Grail of Energy

Another report reluctantly admits that ‘green’ energy is a disastrous flop

NJ Board of Public Utilities Rejects Offshore Wind Application

Another Look At Fuel Mix

The 2018 Year-End Energy Quiz

New Study Spells Trouble for Wind Energy

Roadmap to nowhere: the myth of powering with 100% renewable energy

500+ 2018 Scientific Papers Support A Skeptical Position On Climate Alarm

Climate Doom Ahead?

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Holiday Lighting Humbug

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 20, 2018 3 Comments Continue Reading

Energy & Modernity: Three Industrial Revolutions (Heartland Institute treatise excerpt)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 19, 2018 3 Comments Continue Reading

Paris Climate Accord Death Spiral Underway (FT article begins the autopsy)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 18, 2018 9 Comments Continue Reading

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: December 17, 2018

By -- December 17, 2018 1 Comment Continue Reading

“Why Greens are Turning Away from a Carbon Tax” (POLITICO documents a turning point)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 12, 2018 7 Comments Continue Reading

‘Climate Alarmism and Corporate Responsibility’ (2000 essay for today’s debate)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 5, 2018 1 Comment Continue Reading