Gas Furnaces and Big Brother Revisited

By -- November 3, 2022 8 Comments

“The fantasy, the shared narrative, is that replacing natural gas with electricity addresses the ‘climate crisis’ … Coupled with smart meters and digital currency, the home and business are subject to social monitoring and control. This is a high-tech version of F. A. Hayek’s the road to serfdom.”

On October 11, 2022, Gas Furnaces: Big Brother Says No highlighted the joint comments filed by the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) et al. [1] These comments were in opposition to the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE)  and their (severely overreaching) “Notice of Proposed Rulemaking” (NOPR) to ban the manufacturing of gas-fueled residential furnaces: “Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products.”

CEI et al.’s comments primarily highlighted how DOE/EERE is attempting to justify its proposed ban based upon improper use of the Social Cost of Carbon (SCC): “2022-10-05 Joint Comment response to the published NOPR.”

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All-Electric Forcing in the “Inflation Reduction Act” (up to $14,000 per home)

By -- August 9, 2022 14 Comments

“It seems that the only people who could claim a $14,000 [home electrification] rebate have well above average income.  If so, like $7,500 electric vehicles (EV’s) rebates, this is an incentive that primarily will benefit the already well-to-do; except nearly twice as much as EV’s.”

“Without gas utilities to serve heating demand, electric utilities will become winter peaking, requiring massive investments of generating capacity and/or battery storage.”  

Searchable text of Inflation Reduction Act is here.

The American public has been sold out in energy and climate just when the opposite seemed to be at hand. This bill is about bigger government, more spending, greater deficits, and more monetary inflation (federal counterfeiting) to make it all work (see Concerned Economists letter).

Hidden in the Bill are innumerable special-interest government interventions, one of which is very anti-consumer that no one is talking about.…

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Conditioned Air: Let’s Go! (climate politics at war with itself)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 3, 2022 1 Comment

“The have’s are ‘terrified’ that the rest of the world joins in with modern appliances. And no need to check your premises about climate alarmism and wind, solar, and the rest of it. Once an alarmist, always an alarmist.”

How many times can a climate alarmist get nudged by reality? How many defeats will be enough to get the Net Zero crowd to take a fresh look at the science of CO2 benefits and global lukewarming?

Here is yet another example. Manmade global warming = heat waves = more conditioned air = more greenhouse gas emissions = [repeat]. Consider an article by Leslie Hook, Financial Times (July 15, 2022), The Lure of Air Conditioners Ignores the Vicious Climate Cycle, subtitled “more cooling systems may seem the simplest solution to warming houses but it only aggravates the problem.”…

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Epstein’s ‘Fossil Future’

By -- June 22, 2022 4 Comments

“Epstein focuses on the ‘big picture’ facts of how fossil fuels are helping the world’s populations to live longer, better, safer lives, while managing the side-effects of increasing CO2 emissions.”

After his successful book, The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels (2014), philosopher Alex Epstein spent several years speaking at seminars, at corporate meetings, and in webinars to help people understand why the apocalyptical view of future climate and fossil fuels reliance are wrong. At the same time, Epstein zealously asked questions and listened to his “Energy Champions” to better understand how to break through the mainstream narrative with his sound intellectual case.

The result is a reframed energy/climate discussion in his 430-page tome, Fossil Future: Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas – Not Less, which challenges the “expert” opinion of impact of rising carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the atmosphere in light of humanity’s huge gains from carbon-based energy usage.…

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Biden’s Virtue-Signaling: The Costs of Climate Policy

By David Simon -- June 13, 2022 1 Comment Continue Reading

Resourceful Earth Day (celebrate freedom, innovation)

By Pierre Desrochers and Jasmin Guénette -- April 22, 2022 1 Comment Continue Reading

Energy and Environmental Review: November 29, 2021

By -- November 29, 2021 No Comments Continue Reading

Climate Retreat: Thomas Friedman on COP26 (energy density, anyone?)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 17, 2021 1 Comment Continue Reading

Judith Curry: COP26 “Code Red” Misleading (New Jersey data point)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 25, 2021 12 Comments Continue Reading

Energy and Environmental Review: September 20, 2021

By -- September 20, 2021 No Comments Continue Reading