AWED Energy & Environmental Newsletter: May 31, 2016

By -- May 31, 2016 2 Comments

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy and environmental policies. Our premise is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science (please consult for more information).

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every three weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and the environment. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.

Some of the more insightful articles in this issue are:

MIT Report: Germany Runs Up Against the Limits of Renewables

Peer Reviewed Study: much of the effort to combat global warming is actually making it worse

The Assault on Science

New Discovery May Scale Back Climate Alarm

Climate Science Obsessively Focused on Computer Modeling

Green Indoctrination at School

Serious Problems with Science Journalism

Real Science vs Catastophism [See section below on Free Speech]

Danish Government: Cost of Wind Energy is Too Expensive

The Energy Return of Solar PV

3 Ways Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) Overcome Existing Barriers to Nuclear

ERoEI for Beginners

US Energy Manifesto

Wind Project Decimates 80% of a Protected Species

Wind Energy Results in Animal Deaths and Deformities

Greed Energy Economics:

Danish Government: Cost of Wind Energy is Too Expensive

Nordic Alternative Energy Turns Stagnant

The Energy Return of Solar PV

Solar Power Investments Don’t Pay Off

IRS Over-reach on Wind Energy: Likely Illegal

Renewable Energy Destroying Ecosystems:

Wind Project Decimates 80% of a Protected Species

Wind Energy Results in Animal Deaths and Deformities

Make Comments on Proposed USF&W Raptor Rules

Fire at World’s Largest Solar Facility

Miscellaneous Energy news:

MIT Report: Germany Runs Up Against the Limits of Renewables

3 Ways Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) Overcome Existing Barriers to Nuclear

ERoEI for Beginners

US Energy Manifesto

Down Wind movie exposes wind energy deception

Oklahoma landowners register private airstrips to keep wind farms at bay

Wind turbines do not reduce pollution or the carbon footprint

Colorado Supreme Court embraces the rule of law, not fear mongering

Battle Over Fracking Causing Green Civil War

Killing US Coal Also Means Burying US Steel Industry

Energy suppliers must hang together, or they will all hang separately

Wind developer colluding with resident to influence decision

A new NC Solar & Wind Energy Bill

Two NYS Energy Agencies Receive Subpoenas in Federal Investigation

Wind & Solar Nearly Fry Germany’s Electric Grid

Letter – Energy Sense

Inexpensive way to Shield a Smart Utility Meter

Major Military Facility Expresses Concerns about Nearby Wind Development

Manmade Global Warming Articles:

Peer Reviewed Study: much of the effort to combat global warming is actually making it worse

The Assault on Science

New Discovery May Scale Back Climate Alarm

Climate Science Obsessively Focused on Computer Modeling

Green Indoctrination at School

Serious Problems with Science Journalism

Real Science vs Catastophism [See section below on Free Speech]

Latest NOAA SLR Numbers Show No Acceleration

Study: The Paris Agreement, A Critical Assessment

Is the Era of Great Famines Over?

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Climate: The Real ‘Worrisome Trend’ (Part I: Faulty Science)

By Joe D'Aleo -- May 11, 2016 18 Comments

“Government reports, writers of opinion pieces, and bloggers posting graphs purporting to show rising or record air temperatures or ocean heat, are misleading you. This is not actual raw data. It is plots of data that have been “adjusted” or “homogenized” (i.e., manipulated) by scientists – or it is output from models that are based on assumptions, many of them incorrect.”

My philosophy when I taught college was to show my students how to think – not what to think. As Socrates said, “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.”

Data is king, I told my students, and models are only useful tools. Any model’s output or any theory needed to be examined and validated using data–and even then used with caution.

The great Nobel Laureate Physicist Richard Feynman taught students that if a theory or educated guess or hypothesis disagrees with experiment or data or experience,

it’s wrong.

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AWED Energy & Environmental Newsletter: May 9, 2016

By -- May 9, 2016 2 Comments

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy and environmental policies. Our premise is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science (please consult for more information).

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. To this end, every three weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and the environment. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.

Some of the more insightful articles in this issue are:

New US federal rule would permit thousands of eagle deaths

Archive: Prove This Wrong — Wind Makes Zero Sense

150% Renewable Energy Required to be Fossil Free

CO2 Emissions from Gas Balancing Wind Energy

Video: German Pastoral Landscapes converted to Industrial Zones

Video: Fossil Fuels: The Greenest Energy

The Nuclear Reaction

Video: What Do Scientists Say

After 10 Years, an Inconvenient Truth is Alarmingly Inaccurate

NASA: Doubling SLR by Data Tampering

US General’s Senate Testimony: Climate Change and War

Climate Crisis and Political Power

CEI Strikes Back At Unlawful Subpoena

Greed Energy Economics:

Norway to End Renewable Energy Scheme by 2021

German Wind Projects Paid $500M to Stand Idle

Archive: Prove This Wrong — Wind Makes Zero Sense

Archive: The Real Cost of Electricity

Research: State Renewable Energy Policies

Why Renewable Energy Can’t Exist Without the Government

Turbines Result in Negative 99% Return on Investment

Poster Child for Clean Energy Files for Bankruptcy

Net Metering and the Death of US Rooftop Solar

Support for Green Power Has Been Shrinking

Denmark’s Electricity Subsidies Increase by 1000%

Renewable Energy Destroying Ecosystems:

New US federal rule would permit thousands of eagle deaths

Wind Project results in Less Breeding Birds

Wind Developers Don’t Have to Make Their Bird & Bat Kills Public

Miscellaneous Energy News:

150% Renewable Energy Required to be Fossil Free

CO2 Emissions from Gas Balancing Wind Energy

Video: German Pastoral Landscapes converted to Industrial Zones

Video: Fossil Fuels: The Greenest Energy

Video: Turbines Jeopardize Ontario Airspace

David MacKay video: The Final Cut

Navy & Air Force Share Concerns Regarding Wind Energy

The Good, Bad and Ugly on Maine Energy

Education Pushback to Children Getting Energy Propaganda

Illegal Turbine Puts Speculator in Jail

Obama Targets Electric Grid for Power Grab

Small Turbines Can Outperform Conventional Wind Turbines

Local legislators excluded from wind energy technical meeting

NYS Town Likely to Pass a Restrictive Wind Law

Why Wind Turbines Have Three Blades

The Nuclear Reaction

Decarbonising Power Generation — the Nuclear Option

US operator seeks swift SMR licensing to optimize low-carbon output

Wind turbine and tornado, after a lightning strike

Wind Industry is a Threat in your Backyard

NY Gov’s Loyalty to Greens Takes Precedence over State Welfare

See Wind Turbine Infrasound, inside a home

Manmade Global Warming Articles:

Video: What Do Scientists Say

After 10 Years, an Inconvenient Truth is Alarmingly Inaccurate

NASA: Doubling SLR by Data Tampering

US General’s Senate Testimony: Climate Change and War

Climate Crisis and Political Power

CEI Strikes Back At Unlawful Subpoena

Video: Sin, Deception and the Corruption of Science

Climate Change Lobby Wants to Kill Free Speech

CEI Wins Against RICO Ringleader in FOIA Lawsuit

Scientific silencers on the left are trying to shut down climate skepticism

Shining Light on ‘Settled’ Science: There Is No ‘Climate Crisis’

The Inconvenient Truth About the Environment

Seven Enviro Predictions in 1970 That Were Wrong

Elon Musk – Crony King

The Green Unreality Show

Are These Politicians Lying or Just Stupid?

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The Morality of Market Energy (Testimony of Alex Epstein)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- April 13, 2016 6 Comments

Editor Note: This morning, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee will hear testimony about energy from a philosophical perspective. Alex Epstein is a panelist at the hearing, Examining the Role of Environmental Policies on Access to Energy and Economic Opportunity. Other speakers are Father Robert A. Sirico, President, Acton Institute; Major General (Ret.) Robert Scales, Senior Military Analyst; Michael Breen, President & CEO, Truman National Security Project; and Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson II, Director, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

His opening comments as submitted follow (subtitles have been added).


The energy industry is the industry that powers every other industry. To the extent energy is affordable, plentiful, and reliable, human beings thrive. To the extent energy is unaffordable, scarce, or unreliable, human beings suffer.

And yet in this election year, the candidates, especially the Republican candidates, have barely discussed energy.

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AWED Energy & Environmental Newsletter: March 7, 2016

By -- March 7, 2016 1 Comment Continue Reading

Audubon Goes over the Edge (Jan/Feb 2016 issue promotes anti-science alarmism)

By Robert Endlich -- February 4, 2016 12 Comments Continue Reading

Wherever Sited, Industrial Wind Is a Loser

By Mary Kay Barton -- January 19, 2016 10 Comments Continue Reading

Global Cooling: Do Not Forget (false alarm was tied to coal burning too)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 3, 2015 7 Comments Continue Reading

Terrorism, not Climate Change (please, Mr. President)

By Sterling Burnett -- November 19, 2015 2 Comments Continue Reading

Wind Power Destruction in New York State: ‘Clean’ Power Plan Problem

By Mary Kay Barton -- November 11, 2015 29 Comments Continue Reading