Fracking Becomes the Centerpiece

By William D. Balgord -- March 1, 2017 1 Comment

“Despite no demonstrated adverse effects of fracking, opponents of fossil fuels—in the spirit of “keep it in the ground”—continue their well-funded campaigns impugning the industry and anyone else who dares challenge them. It is incumbent on the mainstream media to pursue the truth wherever it leads and accurately inform readers about fracking.”

You’ve read about a process that’s bringing abundant natural gas and petroleum to market while reducing costs to US consumers. Expect more developments soon, as President Trump’s energy plans emerge.

Hydraulic fracturing of oil and gas wells, “fracking” for short, applies horizontal drilling techniques followed by pumping high-pressure liquid into petroleum-rich shale deposits, typically at depths more than a mile beneath the surface. The slurry, containing grains of sand, forces apart thin layers of shale (resembling a deck of playing cards) releasing hydrocarbons locked in the dense matrix. …

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‘America First Energy Plan’ (climate-change histrionics demoted)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- January 23, 2017 3 Comments

As observed by the anti-fossil-fuel Left, minutes after becoming President Trump, the White House’s climate webpage was deleted and a new page inserted. As it turned out, Obama’s White House (per John Holdren) did not have an energy page.

ThinkProgress (Center for American Prosperity) ominously reported the above substitution:

On January 20, Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States. Minutes later, the White House website switched hands — and previous pages detailing President Obama’s climate change plans went dark. The new website features, instead, a page dedicated to “An American First Energy Plan,” which details the new administration’s stance towards energy and (a lack of) climate policy.

The new White House home page under ‘ISSUES: Top Issues’ leads with “America First Energy Plan.”…

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The War on Pipelines: The Radical Left Goes Midstream

By Donn Dears -- December 19, 2016 2 Comments

“Blocking the construction of pipelines is endangering all Americans, because pipelines are the safest method for transporting oil, natural gas and other petroleum products, such as gasoline, and because both oil and natural gas are vital to the safety and economic health of all Americans.”

The political left is fighting hard to prevent the building of pipelines. Currently, the most noisy protest has been to prevent the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota. This pipeline is being built to transport oil from the Bakken shale oil fields to an Illinois refinery.

The Climate Disobedience Action Fund temporarily shut down five other pipelines in support of the group protesting the Dakota Access pipeline.

The name of this group, i.e., Climate Disobedience, actually defines the real purpose for all the attempts to shut down oil and natural gas pipelines.…

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Canada: More Pipeline Export Capacity Needed

By -- November 16, 2016 No Comments

“The Canadian federal government’s decision about Trans Mountain on December 19th will be an important milestone for the nation’s energy business. There are still numerous other policy decisions that must be addressed before Canada develops a full-scale oil and gas export expansion regime, but the first steps appear to have been taken last week.”

“Despite being the ‘environmental’ prime minister, Mr. Trudeau is recognizing that without more oil and gas export opportunities, his nation’s economy, which depends on a healthy energy economy, will suffer with many social and financial repercussions.”

Canada ranks third in the world in total oil resources due to its oil sands. The country, with 95% of its resources located in its oil sands deposits in Western Canada, trails Venezuela, with its huge heavy oil deposits, and Saudi Arabia, with only conventional oil resources, in the world’s oil resource rankings.…

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OPEC Dilemma (Cartel vs. Competition)

By Richard Sigman -- November 5, 2016 2 Comments Continue Reading

Wind Power: Our Least Sustainable Resource?

By Craig Rucker -- October 25, 2016 21 Comments Continue Reading

Powering Countries, Empowering People: A Case Study (Part 1 of 3)

By -- September 20, 2016 2 Comments Continue Reading

Green Energy Shock: Canadians Confront Climate Policy

By -- September 14, 2016 4 Comments Continue Reading

Green Party Energy: Front Door Cronyism, Back Door Poverty (convention concludes in Houston)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 8, 2016 3 Comments Continue Reading

GOP Energy Platform: Free Market Directions

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 20, 2016 4 Comments Continue Reading