Bird Kills: The Evidence and Publicity Mounts (Sierra Club, Audubon must stop deceiving memberships)

By Jim Wiegand -- November 21, 2013 8 Comments

“Combined together, these clever [evasive] techniques mean that most carcasses are ‘missed.’ In fact, 90% or more of the slaughter can easily be hidden. This … is certainly not ‘scientific or ‘green.’ But it is certainly effective.”

The Wall Street Journal recently published several letters and articles on the environmental impacts of wind energy, adding to a growing body of reportage of wind power’s cruel, ironic byproduct.

Making the public aware of this extremely important issue is essential, because the wind industry has been using bogus research and other methods to hide its slaughter of millions of birds and bats that are supposedly protected by law, putting some species on a path to extinction.

Falsified Science

1. Delayed Search: At Altamont Pass in California, mortality studies have employed 30-90 day search intervals since 1998.

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Stagnating U.S. Wind (government addiction creates bubble symptoms)

By -- November 4, 2013 3 Comments

“AWEA’s CEO Tom Kiernan bellyached last week that his people were exhausted by the ‘boom-bust’ behavior sparked each time the industry faced possible withdrawal of the PTC. He showed no remorse that big wind was still economically impotent despite decades of public handouts meant to stimulate self-growth.”

The U.S. wind power market has staggered this year, adding less than seventy (70) megawatts of new wind in the first three quarters. This is down from 4,743 megawatts installed during the same period in 2012.

Only three states reported wind expansions:

· California – Pattern Renewables added 42.7 MW to its controversial Ocotillo Wind Energy Facility;

· Colorado – Tri-State expanded its Colorado Highlands Wind Farm by 23.8 MW; and

· Alaska – Just 2 MW added.

The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) wasted no time blaming the precipitous drop in installations on uncertainty surrounding the wind production tax credit (PTC), the federal incentive most often credited for market growth in the sector.…

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Windaction News Issue: October 23, 2013

By -- October 23, 2013 No Comments

News and information from
The WindAction Group

facts, analysis, exposure of industrial wind energy’s real impacts

Recent Articles

Great Lakes ice shouldn’t stop wind turbines but will increase costs, engineering professor says

(23 Oct) USA | Michigan – Already offshore wind production is three times the cost of onshore wind farms such as the Consumers Energy Lake Winds Energy Park now producing electricity in Mason County south of Ludington, according to MAREC Director Arn Boezaart. Factoring in the cost of engineering wind tower protection against the ice is… MORE

‘Wind Turbine Syndrome’ blamed for mysterious symptoms in Cape Cod town

(22 Oct) USA | Massachusetts – They filed an earlier nuisance complaint against the town in July 2012, but the judge granted the defendants’ motion to dismiss on Dec. 3, 2012.

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Windaction News Issue: September 11, 2013

By -- September 11, 2013 1 Comment’s periodic newsletter keeps readers updated on the latest news in the wind energy industry!

Industrial Wind Alert!

facts, analysis, exposure of wind energy’s real impacts

(To receive this newsletter by email, please Click here to subscribe)

Editor’s note – Renewable advocates worldwide point to Europe as proof of wind power’s success. This week’s issue includes several articles from Germany that expose a more painful reality that could change an election.


‘Significant’ fears over Atlantic Array wind farm – September 10
in BBC News – UK
Serious concerns have been raised in a report about a huge wind farm off the north Devon coast. A county council report says the project would have negative impacts on the landscape and might not have any economic benefits for north Devon. It would be among the UK’s biggest wind farms, with up to 240 turbines.
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Carbon Dioxide: The Green Greenhouse Gas of Life (and ‘miracle molecule’)

By -- August 13, 2013 13 Comments Continue Reading

Global Warming is Responsible for ….

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 16, 2013 5 Comments Continue Reading

U.S. Coal: Vast, Market Ready (Part I)

By Mary Hutzler -- July 9, 2013 4 Comments Continue Reading

The Mighty Bakken (Resourceship in action: II)

By Fred Lawrence -- June 14, 2013 3 Comments Continue Reading

Depletionism Reconsidered: A 2004 Article Revisited

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 6, 2013 No Comments Continue Reading

Windpower Propaganda: At A School Near You?

By Sherri Lange -- February 11, 2013 24 Comments Continue Reading