Energy and Environmental Review: October 24, 2022

By -- October 24, 2022 No Comments

Ed. note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a free fortnightly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete Newsletter for this post can be found here.

Renewables (General):
*** New York’s risky all-or-nothing energy policy
*** The Green Energy Profiteering Scam
*** Renewable energy is a failed path, scientist tells Utah legislators
*** Report: Europe’s Green experiment — A Costly Failure in Unilateral Climate Policy
Can New York Afford the “Clean Water, Clean Air and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act of 2022”?

Solar Energy:
*** Why solar is not the solution to the energy crisis
*** 300MW solar facility on Ohio denied by State
Solar Farms Toxic Waste…
Report: Requirements for 100% U.S.

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Energy and Environmental Review: October 10, 2022

By -- October 10, 2022 No Comments

Ed. note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a fortnightly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete MBN for this post can be found here.

Renewables (General):
*** The Wind and Solar Energy ‘Paradox’: A More Costly Way Forward
*** The Penetration Problem. Part I: Wind and Solar – The More You Do, The Harder It Gets
*** Clean Green Energy – Net Zero – Fairy Tales on Steroids
*** The Myth of Clean Energy
*** Energy experts sound alarm on Europe’s energy crisis as ‘clear and present warning’ for America
Short video: Renewable Energy Storage: No Wind, No Sun, Now What?
‘Green’ energy company cuts down primary forests in Canada
The Coming Green Electricity Nightmare

Wind Energy:
*** Critically Thinking about Industrial Wind Energy
*** Reality Bites Wind
*** Right Whales Endangered by Wrong Energy Policies!

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Energy and Environmental Review: May 9, 2022

By -- May 9, 2022 No Comments

Ed. note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a fortnightly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete MBN for this post can be found here.

Greed Energy Economics:
*** Wind Power’s ‘Colossal Market Failure’ Threatens Climate Fight
*** Putin ‘colluded’ with green movements
Short video: Renewable Energy — The Biggest Scam We All Fell For
Green Nightmares
Delaying tactics by wind industry will cost consumers hundreds of millions
Video: The Great Renewable Energy Con
Low-cost power pledge is blown away by the wily wind developers

Renewable Energy Health and Ecosystem Consequences:
Analyzing bird population declines due to renewable power sources in California
Offshore wind: The leading birdwatching group doesn’t object to wind farms that will kill birds

Wind Energy — Offshore:
*** Latest Offshore Wind Project Paid to Switch Off 25% of the Time
Conservation groups call for federal review of offshore wind impact on ecosystems
Right whale defenders question energy industry donations
Jacobs Launches Effort to Prevent Wind Turbines in Great Lakes

Wind Energy — Onshore:
*** Numbers Game: Smashing The Wind & Solar Power Storage Myth With Arithmetic
*** Wind Projects Rejections Across U.S.

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Energy and Environmental Review: March 28, 2022

By -- March 28, 2022 No Comments

Ed. note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a fortnightly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete MBN for this post can be found here.

Greed Energy Economics:
*** The New Greenwashing – False Advertising about Green Energy Jobs
*** Sow the Wind (Power), Reap the Whirlwind

Wind Energy — Offshore:
NJ to study environmental impacts of offshore wind projects
Environmental Organization Opposes Lake Erie Wind Project
Wind Turbine Generator Impacts to Marine Vessel Radar
Tsunamis may sink West Coast offshore wind
Indian tribe and conservationists fight California offshore wind turbines

Wind Energy — Other:
*** Wind project ordered to stop emitting night-time noise, pay neighbors damages
*** Energy reliability is everything
*** No Amount Of Wind And Solar Power Can Ever Provide Energy Independence
Renewable Failure
Iowa’s claimed wind energy percentage is wildly exaggerated
Judge says proposed VA wind project needs further review
More Confirmation of the Infeasibility of a Fully Wind/Solar/Storage Electricity System
Wind Turbines Of Madison County: MidAmerican Energy Prevails In Lawsuit
Leading Environmentalists Now Vigorously Oppose Turbines In German Forests
Local voices quashed in NY wind siting process
The wind projects angering renewable energy fans

Solar Energy:
*** Virginia community tightens solar project rules
Protect NY farmland from solar and wind development
Solar’s dirty secrets: How solar power hurts people and the planet
California’s solar market is now a battery market

Nuclear Energy:
*** Study: Radiation Hormesis: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
*** Indiana SMR bill signed into law
*** White House pivots to nuclear energy
What Happened To Nuclear Cruise Ships?

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Energy and Environmental Review: November 29, 2021

By -- November 29, 2021 No Comments Continue Reading

Energy and Environmental Review: October 18, 2021

By -- October 18, 2021 No Comments Continue Reading

Energy and Environmental Review: September 20, 2021

By -- September 20, 2021 No Comments Continue Reading

Remembering Fair Reporting on Climate (Houston Chronicle circa 2010)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 23, 2020 No Comments Continue Reading

Censorship for Climate Alarm: Dessler Joins Mann in Intellectual Cowardice

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- June 25, 2020 7 Comments Continue Reading

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: March 2, 2020

By -- March 2, 2020 No Comments Continue Reading