Taking the Moral High Ground on Fossil Fuels

By -- August 28, 2013 2 Comments

“The ideal source of energy is not some ‘sustainable’—i.e., endlessly repeatable—form, but the best, cheapest, ever-improving form human ingenuity can devise. . . . An oil industry is ideal in the same way the iPhone is an ideal for so many. It may not be the best forever, but it is the best for now and we should be grateful to have it.”

Yesterday, I discussed the idea that fossil fuels actually improve the planet for human life. This idea has major implications for how the fossil fuel industry represents itself to the public.

Because of the narrative that fossil fuels harm the planet, the industry has tended to fight for its existence defensively, with the argument that it is a necessary evil, to be tolerated because of the jobs it creates, or because of other economic benefits.…

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Fossil Fuels Improve the Planet

By -- August 27, 2013 No Comments

[Editor’s Note: For the next several days, Master Resource will publish a series of posts with excerpts from Alex Epstein’s book, Fossil Fuels Improve the Planet.]

“Humans have the untapped potential to radically improve life on earth by using technology, not to “save” the planet but to improve it for human purposes.”

The basic question underlying our energy policy debates is this: Should we be free to generate more and more energy using fossil fuels? Or should we restrict and progressively outlaw fossil fuels as “dirty energy”?

I believe that if we look at the big picture, the facts are clear. If we want a healthy, livable environment, then we must be free to use fossil fuels. Why? Because for the foreseeable future, fossil fuels provide the key to a great environment: abundant, affordable, reliable energy.…

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AWED Energy & Environmental Newsletter: August 26, 2013

By -- August 26, 2013 1 Comment

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy & environmental policies. Our basic position is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science. It’s all spelled out at WiseEnergy.org, which is a wealth of energy and environmental resources.

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every 3 weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and environmental matters. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.


Greed Energy Economics:

Wind Energy: Only When the Wind Blows and the Subsidies Flow

Wind Energy Curtailment

Wind and Solar are Parasitic Power Producers

It’s Not Gridlock That is Blocking a Carbon Tax, It’s Science and Economics

Radio Interview: Massachusetts’ Cape Wind — Beginning of the End

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Reasons to Sell Enron Wind (October 1998 memo to Ken Lay)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 22, 2013 3 Comments

“Wind is almost a pure subsidy play, which means that Enron will be at odds with the market and must continually intervene into the political processes to extend subsides and/or create new ones. This is an expensive process and may trade away what we are lobbying for elsewhere.”

In my last seven (of 16) years at Enron, my title was Director of Public Policy Analysis. In this role, I was Enron’s libertarian, balancing, I suppose, Enron’s Left environmentalist John Palmisano, author of the infamous Kyoto memo of December 1997.

Enron had multiple profit centers around the global warming issue, which made my internal case for rejecting climate alarmism/policy activism an uphill one. But I got my licks in, including with some ‘e-mail wars’ with Palmisano. I have written numerous posts at MasterResource on Enron’s rent-seeking business strategy and will further set the historical record straight with a forthcoming book in Enron-inspired trilogy.

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Energy Strategy: Begin with Density

By Jerry Graf -- August 21, 2013 6 Comments Continue Reading

Citizens versus Lobbyists: How to Win the Big Wind War (Part II)

By -- August 16, 2013 6 Comments Continue Reading

Citizens vs Lobbyists: The Big Wind War (Part I)

By -- August 15, 2013 5 Comments Continue Reading

Windaction News Issue: August 14, 2013

By -- August 14, 2013 No Comments Continue Reading

DOE Misdirection: 8/6/13 Press Release & Report on Wind Energy

By Glenn Schleede -- August 12, 2013 4 Comments Continue Reading

Real Politic: Carbon Tax Pessimism (Part II)

By Kenneth P. Green -- August 9, 2013 8 Comments Continue Reading