Free Market Energy: Comments before the Georgia Public Service Commission

By Jim Clarkson -- September 15, 2015 No Comments

“Small rooftop solar is an upper-middle-class hobby paid for by general taxpayers and ratepayers. For small solar the payment can be set by Georgia Power’s hourly avoided cost, similar to the prices calculated for marginal sales under the Real-Time Pricing (RTP) family of rates.”

“By compensating distributed generation and solar according to marginal cost-based payments … this problem goes away. As with marginal cost-based sales nonparticipants are not affected.”

Notice of Inquiry and Workshop to      )

Examine Issues Related to the Value    )        Docket: 39732

of Renewable and Distributed Energy  )

Resources in Preparation for the 2016 )

Georgia Power Company Integrated      )

Resource Plan (IRP)                                     ) 

Renewable energy should receive no subsidies, no mandated purchases, no set-asides, and no special treatment whatsoever. Renewable energy’s value should be determined by letting the market decide.…

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AWED Energy & Environmental Newsletter: September 14, 2015

By -- September 14, 2015 2 Comments

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy and environmental policies. Our premise is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science (please consult for more information).

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every three weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and the environment. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.


Some of the more informative articles in this issue are:

How a NC Wind Project Undermines US National Security

An Open Letter To Amazon about the NC Desert Wind project

China drastically reducing wind and solar subsidies

UK PM Cameron: “Get Rid of the Green Crap

Video: Wind Turbines Can Cause Human Health Impacts

AWEA’s Eagle Mortality Defense: A Response

The story behind “Renewables” and “Sustainability”

“Renewable” Energy – Powerful Words Make Us Do Stupid Things

Global Warming Goes To Court

Ted Cruz on “Climate Change”

Report: Private Interest and Public Office

Settled Science is a Myth


Greed Energy Economics:

China drastically reducing wind and solar subsidies

GOP Presidential Hopefuls Call for Ending Energy Subsidies

UK PM Cameron: “Get Rid of the Green Crap

Talk Is Cheap but Renewable Energy Is Not

Study: Wind Energy has Diminishing Returns

Wind Energy Profits Gone with the Wind

Wind Farm Investment Plunges With Power Prices in Nordic Region

Transparency lacking in state energy moves

Uncle Sam’s Solar Racket — A Cesspool Of Waste And Corruption

NC Shouldn’t Renew ‘Renewable’ Handouts

NC’s RPS cost = $3,800 per NC family

NC’s Energy Policy is “Morally Repugnant”


Turbine Health Matters:

Video: Wind Turbines Can Cause Human Health Impacts

New Research: Less Sleep Causes Higher Chance of Sickness

Web MD: Ten Things to Hate About Sleep Loss

Healthline: The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on the Body

Harvard: Consequences of Insufficient Sleep

NIH: Consequences of Sleep Loss

NHS: Why Lack of Sleep is Bad for Your Health

More deaths from relocation than from Fukushima or tsunami


Turbine Wildlife Matters:

AWEA’s Eagle Mortality Defense: A Response

Raisin Supreme Court ruling seen as lifeline for endangered species

Is wind energy development, killing the green energy movement?

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F. A. Hayek on Resource Conservation

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 10, 2015 1 Comment

F. A. Hayek made many contributions to the social sciences in his lifetime. This post shares his thoughts about natural resources–really mineral resources–from his 1960 book, The Constitution of Liberty. His thinking is contained in the section, “Conservation of Natural Resources,” (pp. 367–71).

The question Hayek addresses is whether self-interested free-market decisions overuse important, even ‘depletable,’ resources, leaving less for posterity from an economic viewpoint. Hayek argues against what might be called conservationism, or conservation for its own sake where present-value analysis does not apply.


Hayek employed familiar reasoning to explain how privately owned resources had a capital or salable value, which was particularly relevant to mineral deposits for which, ceteris paribus, present production meant less future production. [1] In his words:

If the owner can get a higher return by selling to those who want to conserve than by exploiting the particular resource himself, he will do so.

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Obama’s Climate Alarmism Tour (contradictory data + tuned-out public = failure)

By James Rust -- September 8, 2015 3 Comments

“The final analysis is: Lots of jet fuel expended but not much accomplished in getting the public alarmed enough to make themselves energy poorer. The public is not listening for good reason. They have been hearing the same thing since 1988 (27 years) and the data does not support a present or future crisis.”

To be sure, if a politician is barking about global warming, he or she has little to say about the real issues that concern Americans, from economic progress to federal budget deficit reduction. But yelp they must; the science has been going away from climate alarmism, and the economy is getting no boost from government-enabled, inferior energies (quite the opposite).

In an effort to stir up support for an economy-shrinking treaty from the UN Conference of the Parties-21 (COP-21) meeting in Paris this December, President Obama went on a whirlwind one-week tour promoting the global warming scare with many speeches, photo-ops, and newspaper columns.…

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California Plays with Cap-and-Trade Monies (Steyerland redistributionism)

By -- September 2, 2015 4 Comments Continue Reading

AWEA’s Eagle Mortality Defense: A Response

By Jim Wiegand -- August 31, 2015 22 Comments Continue Reading

The Brave Judith Curry (Part II)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 25, 2015 10 Comments Continue Reading

AWED Energy & Environmental Newsletter: August 24, 2015

By -- August 24, 2015 2 Comments Continue Reading

The Fruitful Earth and CO2 Fertilization: A Biblical Defense (Part I: Essential Questions)

By -- August 19, 2015 2 Comments Continue Reading

Refrack Resourceship: Why the Carbon-based Energy Era Is Still Young

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 17, 2015 2 Comments Continue Reading