Windpower's PTC: Secondary to State Mandates

By Lisa Linowes and Bill Short -- November 28, 2011 9 Comments

Major wind projects are being cancelled or put on hold with waning public and private support. In recent weeks,

  • Wind developer Terra-Gen terminated plans to build its Horseshoe Wind Farm in Illinois;
  • NextERA suspended the permitting process for a 150-megawatt project in South Dakota; and
  • Iberdrola announced its Desert Wind Energy Project in North Carolina was delayed and might be scrapped altogether.

In each case, company officials blamed current market conditions and the inability to secure a long-term power contract with area utilities.

PTC In Review

The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) insists the industry is at risk of a slow-down if Congress does not act quickly to extend the Production Tax Credit (PTC), the federal incentive most often credited for market growth in the wind sector. The PTC expires at the end of 2012.…

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Rent-Seeker Glee: It Did Not Begin with Solyndra (remembering Enron's triumphant Kyoto Memo)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 14, 2011 8 Comments

“They about had an orgasm in Biden’s office when we mentioned Solyndra,” read a Feb. 27, 2010, email from [Ken] Levit to [Steve] Mitchell. A follow-up email from Mitchell to Levit later that day responded, “That’s awesome! Get us a [Department of Energy] loan.”

– Quoted in “Emails Reveal Biden Team’s Enthusiasm Over Solyndra Loans,” Fox News, November 9, 2011.

Kids in the taxpayer candy store. That describes the heady days when Solyndra executives and lobbyists gleefully found out that the politicians loved their speculative, defective product. It turns out that Solyndra was a photo-op for President Obama and his “dream ‘green’ team”–one that may well end up being their undoing. (Does Obama use the term ‘green jobs’ anymore?.)

Enron was the canary in the renewable-energy coal mine.…

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William N. Niskanen: Economist, Scholar, and Foe of Political Capitalism

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 4, 2011 1 Comment

The longtime chairman of the Cato Institute, William N. Niskanen, passed away last week at age 78. We shared the podium a few times on energy issues, and I admired his Enron project at Cato that resulted in two books, Corporate Aftershock: Lessons from the Collapse of Enron and Other Major Corporations (2003) and After Enron: Lessons for Public Policy (2005).

Like virtually everyone else who knew him, I remember Bill as a scholar and gentleman. He had one tone of voice and reliably imparted insightful logic. He was what I like to call a scholar’s scholar, role model for the rest of us.


William Arthur Niskanen Jr. (1933–2011), born in Bend, Oregon, graduated from Harvard University with a degree in economics in 1954. He earned his economics doctorate in 1962 from the University of Chicago.…

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"Rob Bradley at Enron" (for the record)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- October 20, 2011 4 Comments

“Sorry to bother you with this…. Rob is obviously not a fan of renewables or the global warming issue.  Unfortunately, he works for a company that is.”

– “Rob Bradley’s Writings.” Tom White [chairman & CEO of Enron Renewables Energy Corp. ] to Ken Lay [chairman & CEO of Enron Corp.], June 8, 1998.

The Confluence, a blog advertising itself as “Democrats Putting Principle Over Party,” recently criticized a new initiative of the Institute for Energy Research, Stop the Energy Freeze. After reciting some peak-oil arguments against IER’s case for expanding access and production of domestic oil and gas resources for new jobs and greater BTUs, the post Sunday: Spreading the mess to YouTube goes after yours truly.

I also bothered to look up who was behind this Stop the Energy Freeze campaign. 

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Perry's Energy Speech: Part I (Real Energy, Real Jobs–but what about the governor's windpower baggage?

By Vance Ginn -- October 17, 2011 11 Comments Continue Reading

"Edison to Enron: Energy Markets and Political Strategies" (Book 2 of trilogy on political capitalism published)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 30, 2011 1 Comment Continue Reading

Lindzen on Kerry Emanuel's Climate Alarmism, Non-Sequitur

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 27, 2011 12 Comments Continue Reading

Rick Perry's $7 Billion Problem (Texas wind transmission project 38% over budget–$270+ for every citizen in the state)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 26, 2011 16 Comments Continue Reading

American Wind Industry Association: Circling the Wagons

By Thomas Stacy II -- August 8, 2011 2 Comments Continue Reading

Environmentalists vs. Cap-and-Trade: Washington Yesterday, California Today

By Tom Tanton -- August 3, 2011 10 Comments Continue Reading